
Sample 41754: Working with ARRAYs in PROC FCMP

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In order to pass a group of variables in an ARRAY from a DATA Step to PROC FCMP to use when creating your function, you will have to create a TEMPORARY ARRAY in the DATA Step to pass the variable values. There is not a way to pass the group of variables in the ARRAY from the DATA Step to PROC FCMP without creating the TEMPORARY ARRAY. Passing TEMPORARY ARRAYS from a DATA step to PROC FCMP is the only time ARRAYS can be passed in BASE SAS.

Additional Documentation

For more information on PROC FCMP click on the link below to go to a 2007 SAS Global Forum paper about the procedure.

User-Written DATA Step Functions

Click on the link below to go to the SAS 9.2 documentation about PROC FCMP

SAS 9.2 PROC FCMP Documentation

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