What's New in SAS Profitability Management 2.1

Import and Export Models

You can export a model to an XML file and import a model from an XML file.

Model-Level Security

You can grant or restrict access to a model by user or by user group. See Secure a model.

Automation (Run in Batch Mode)

SAS Profitability Management automation allows you to run SAS Profitability Management in batch mode without opening the rich client. You can

See SAS Profitability Management Automation (Run in Batch Mode).

Relational Database Support (RDBMS) for Model Repositories

In addition to SAS data sets, Profitability Management now supports the following relational databases for its model data library:

Note: You can import the following tables into the model data library. These tables can be any type for which you can create a libref.

Input and Output Tables

Input and output tables can be any type for which you can create a libref.

Input tables

Output tables

For more information on supported libraries, see Identify Input and Output Directories to SAS Profitability Management, and the SAS Profitability Management installation instructions.

Multiple Report Hierarchies and Report Layouts

A report hierarchy defines the dimension hierarchy for drilling into a profit and loss report. A report layout specifies what levels from the report hierarchy will appear on the initial display, and It defines the calculation formula for the profit-and-loss report.

Starting with this release, a model can have multiple report hierarchies, and each report hierarchy can have one or more report layouts so that you can create different reports from the same data.

See Define a Report Hierarchy and Define a Report Layout.

Model Validation

When calculating a model, you can specify a relatively small number of transaction rows to calculate in order to discover errors in the model such as table schema errors or rule syntax errors. This allows you to validate a model without taking the time to calculate the entire model. See Calculate a Model.

Exception Reports for Calculation

During model calculation, you can request generation of the following exception reports:

See Exceptions Reports.

Drop-Down List for Report Format Selection

When you specify formatting in a report for a numeric field, you can now choose the format from a drop-down list of common formats rather than typing it in. Or, you can type the format if it is not offered on the drop-down list. See Define the Display Format for Numbers.

Metadata Folders

You can change the location of the metadata folder for a model's information maps and cube metadata.

SAS provides a suggested metadata folder of Products/SAS Profitability Management/Models. You can change the default metadata folder, or you can change it with every new model. See Metadata Folder and Folders Tab and Metadata Tab - Server Configuration.

Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA)

Integrated Windows Authentication allows you to use your Windows password to log onto the Profitability Management rich client. This gives you one less password to remember and means that your Profitability Management password changes along with your Windows password because it is the same.

See Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA).