Section 1, Task 3: Create a Test PDB and Process, Reduce, and Report on Data
Action 2: Add or create table and variable definitions
Step b: Select the tables

Select the appropriate tables for your SunNet Manager data based on the schema file used to collect the data. If you are using schema files supplied by IT Service Vision, you can select your tables by matching the description displayed in the Select Tables list. See SunNet Manager and Enterprise Manager Appendix 1: Mapping SunNet Manager Metrics to IT Service Vision Tables and Variables for instructions for this matching.

If you decided to use one of your own schema files instead of an IT Service Vision supplied schema file, the table names do not appear in the Select Tables list. You need to create your own IT Service Vision table definitions from your schema file. Instructions for defining IT Service Vision tables from schema files appear in SunNet Manager and Enterprise Manager Appendix 2: Defining Tables from Your Own Schema Files. The table definition process adds the tables directly to your PDB (so you do not select the tables from the Select Tables list).