Section 1, Task 3: Create a Test PDB and Process, Reduce, and Report on Data
Action 1: Create your test PDB
Step a: Allocate

  1. Allocate

    1. Invoke the Create PDB wizard.

      From the main window of the IT Service Vision server interface, select

      Administration -> Create PDB - Wizard

    2. Specify the physical name of your test PDB.

      Type the physical name of your test PDB, without any reference to the server on which it will reside. We suggest storing your test PDB in:

      UNIX /tmp/pdb-name
      WNT C:\temp\pdb-name

      Where name is a unique name of your choosing (in the examples in this document, we will use a short name derived from the collector name).

      Select Next to Continue.

  2. Add or create table and variable definitions.

    1. Use the IT Service Vision user interface to add the tables and variables.

      Select Select Tables. IT Service Vision displays the Select Tables window.

    2. Select the table(s) based on your collector.

      From the collector list, select your collector.

      In the table list select your table(s).

      Click on OK to complete selection of the tables.

      To see a list the of selected tables, choose List Selected Tables. Exit to the previous screen by selecting Close.

      Select Next to continue.

  3. Select the start of week.

    Specify the start of the week for your test PDB. The default is Sunday.

    Select Next to continue.

  4. Specify if you want the new PDB to become the active PDB after it is created.

    For this setup example, select yes and then select Next to continue.

  5. Verify PDB Options.

    After you have selected all your PDB options, the wizard will now display a summary list to confirm your choices. Select Finish to continue.