Section 1, Task 3: Create a Test PDB and Process, Reduce, and Report on Data
Action 2: Add or create table and variable definitions
Step b: Select the tables

HP MeasureWare Data Source Integration


Data Source Integration (DSI) allows you to use the HP MeasureWare facilities to work with metrics from non standard data sources. Being part of MeasureWare also enables us to export this data from MeasureWare into IT Service Vision.


Due to the nature of DSI data, we cannot provide supplied table/variable definitions. The information required to build the table and variable definitions has to be obtained from the DSI Log which is created as part of the DSI process and is documented in the HP MeasureWare documentation. The following description assumes that you have already set up DSI and are logging data and will be described in more detail later.

  1. Use the sdlutil command to decompile the Class Specification File syntax into an ASCII file.
  2. Use the %CPDDUTL macro with this ASCII file as input, to GENERATE SOURCE statements for the tables and variables.
  3. Review the generated table and variable definitions.
  4. Use the %CPDDUTL macro to process theses definitions and add these tables to the dictionary.
  5. Return to the normal processing path.


  1. Before processing the data in the DSI log, we have to create table and variable definitions which have to be placed in the PDB. In setting up your DSI log, you would have had to create a Class Specification File which defines the Class and Metrics that you are collecting. It is the information in this file that we use for creating the data dictionary. The %CPDDUTL macro will expect the Class Specification File to have been created using the –decomp switch on the sldutil command, if the file is not in the expected format then the macro will not process the statements. It is recommended that you always re-create the Class Specification file before processing it to snsure that it is an accurate reflection of the information in the DSI Log.

    sdlutil logname –decomp classname > textfile


    sdlutil c:\mwalog\mylog –decomp myapp > c:\spec\myapp.txt

  2. Use the text file created above as input to %CPDDUTL;

    Generate Source

  3. Review the table and variable dictionary statements that were generated by the %CPDDUTL macro. Some of the items you may want to check are :-

  1. Process the reviewed dictionary statements using the %CPDDUTL macro.


  2. Once action 4 is completed successfully, your PDB should contain empty tables that relate to your DSI log classes. You can now continue as per any other UNIX collector.