Specify Configuration Information
the path where the SAS Deployment Wizard will write SAS configuration
files and logs and the level that you want to deploy. Then, click Next.
In Configuration
Directory, enter the path for SAS configuration files
and logs.
Linux environments, the SAS Installer generally overrides the default
configuration directory with the site’s preferred location
(for example, /opt/sas/config
). The
installer must have Write permission on this path.
In Configuration
Level, enter the level that you want to deploy (for example,
Lev1 = production).
Note: The last digit of the default
port number reflects the configuration level that you select in the
deployment wizard. For example, when you select Lev1,
the default port for the metadata server is 8561. If you select another
level, such as Lev2, the wizard changes the
default port to 8562.
Note: Although your SAS installation
directory and SAS configuration directories can share the same parent
directory, one directory should not reside inside another. Defining
the configuration directory under the SAS installation directory or
vice versa can lead to file permission issues because of the need
to manage installed files differently from site-specific configurations.
Local Machine Name
the local machine in various ways, and click Next.
In Fully-qualified
Local Host Name, enter the complete name of the local
The fully qualified
local host name typically takes the form of the local host name plus
the domain name server (for example, MyMachine.example.com).
If you do not know the domain
name server used at your site, check with your system administrator.
In Short
Local Host Name, enter a short host name.
The short local host
name is the abbreviated, more common method of referring to the host,
usually only a single word (for example, MyMachine).
Migration Information
the path to the migration package, and click Next.
Select Perform
Migration if you are migrating to SAS 9.4.
Note: Ignore this page unless you
are migrating.
Authentication Domain
the authentication domain SAS uses to authenticate logins to servers,
and click Next.
Windows Options (run as server management scripts
or Windows services)
Windows options available for the Windows operating system, and click Next.
In Server
Operation Type, select how to run your SAS servers. They
can be run using management scripts or they can be run as Windows
you select the management script option, then the user account that
runs the SAS Object Spawner must be the administrator or a member
of the Windows Administrators group. Or, it must have the following
Windows local user rights on the SAS Object Spawner machine:
Adjust memory quotas
for a process
Replace a process
level token
Select Create
Windows Shortcuts to create shortcuts to start and stop
your SAS servers.
These shortcuts function
whether the servers are running as Windows services or by using management
Integrated Windows Authentication
whether you are using Integrated Windows authentication (IWA) for
SAS client/server connections, and click Next.
Integrated Windows authentication (single sign-on) to configure SAS Workspace Servers running on Windows or Linux to use
IWA uses a single sign-on feature that allows a user’s
identity, obtained from authentication to the user’s desktop, to be securely passed from the
desktop to other processes such as the SAS Metadata Server and the SAS Workspace Server
running on either Windows or Linux. The mechanism used is typically Kerberos, but
on Windows, NTLM can be used.
Note: If you choose to use IWA,
you cannot also implement token-based authentication.
You also encounter this page when deploying SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Add-In for
Microsoft Office. If you have not chosen IWA for the SAS Workspace Server, then choosing
IWA for these clients has no effect.
A metadata server running on Windows has IWA turned on by default. For more information,
SSPI System Option in SAS Intelligence Platform: Application Server Administration Guide.
Token-based authentication
whether you are using token-based authentication for SAS client/server
connections, and click Next.
Select Use
SAS Token authentication to cause clients of the workspace server to request a token from the metadata server.
SAS client applications obtain a connection to the metadata server and request a SAS
token to connect to the workspace server. For the workspace server to be launched,
a launch credential will be defined
for the workspace server by the SAS Spawned Servers account.
If token authentication is not selected, SAS uses host authentication. Clients provide
either an IWA token or a user name and password to authenticate to the workspace server.
Note: If you choose to use token-based
authentication, you cannot also implement IWA.
SAS Metadata Server
connection information for the metadata server, and click Next.
Metadata Server Logical Name, enter the logical name
of the metadata server. The maximum number of characters in the name
is 60. Do not use special characters (for example, dashes, underscores,
hyphens, and so on). Use only characters appropriate for an operating
system subdirectory name. On Linux, avoid shell characters that might
cause unintended side effects.
By default, SAS prefixes
the logical server name with the application server name (SASMeta).
A logical server is a container for definitions of physical servers.
A logical server can have one server component for each SAS server
Metadata Server Name, enter the name of the metadata
server. The maximum number of characters in the name is 60. Do not
use special characters (for example, dashes, underscores, hyphens,
and so on). Use only characters appropriate for an operating system
subdirectory name. On Linux, avoid shell characters that might cause
unintended side effects.
By default, SAS prefixes
the logical server name with the application server name (SASMeta).
A server name is the definition for a physical server. Servers are
contained within a logical server (server component) that matches
its server type (for example, a metadata server definition is contained
in a logical metadata server).
In Host
Name, enter the name of the machine on which the metadata
server runs.
In Port,
enter the metadata server listening port. If you choose to not accept
the default value, refer to your completed Pre-Installation Checklist
for the value that you should enter.
SAS Metadata Server: Override Backup Location
a different location for the metadata server backup directory if necessary.
When you are finished, click Next.
If you want to change
the location of the metadata server backup directory, select Override
the default SAS Metadata Server backup directory.
When configuring a
metadata server cluster, you must specify a network file system path
accessible to all nodes in the cluster.
SAS Metadata Server: Repository Configuration
the name and location of the metadata and foundation repositories,
and click Next.
SAS Metadata
Server Configuration Directory is read-only. It identifies
the parent directory under which the metadata and foundation repositories
After deployment, you
should apply appropriate operating system security on this directory.
For more information, see
First-Priority Setup Tasks in SAS Intelligence Platform: Installation and Configuration Guide.
In Metadata
Repository Root Directory, enter the location of the
metadata repositories. This location must be specified as a path relative
to the metadata server configuration directory above. All metadata
repositories created during configuration are created as subdirectories
in this location. Do not use special characters (for example, dashes,
underscores, hyphens, and so on). Use only characters appropriate
for an operating system subdirectory name. On Linux, avoid shell characters
that might cause unintended side effects.
In Foundation
Repository Name, enter the name of the foundation repository
and the name of the subdirectory (relative to the Metadata Repository
Root Directory) in which the foundation repository is located. The
maximum number of characters in the name is 60. Do not use special
characters (for example, dashes, underscores, hyphens, and so on).
Use only characters appropriate for an operating system subdirectory
name. On Linux, avoid shell characters that might cause unintended
side effects.
SAS Metadata Server: Override Service Login Account
a different default service login user account for the metadata server.
When you are finished, click Next.
If you want to change the service
login user account for the metadata server, select
the service login account for the SAS Metadata Server.
The local system account is the default Windows service login user
account for the metadata server.
When configuring a
metadata server cluster on Windows, you must specify the external
user account that is used to start the server. This user account must
be the same account that you specify to start the other nodes. The
deployment wizard automatically grants the Log on as a
service Windows user right if the user account does not
already have it.
Deployment Accounts: Type of Accounts
which type of user accounts to use for initial deployment SAS identities,
and click Next.
Select Use
SAS internal accounts when appropriate for SAS to use
accounts known only to SAS.
SAS creates and authenticates
internal accounts in metadata rather than using an operating system
Note: On Windows, whenever the
deployment wizard prompts you for an external account, always enter
a domain-qualified user account (for example, myDomain\myAccount).
External Account: Installer
the operating system account (external account) used to initialize
the metadata server, and click Next.
In External
User ID, enter the user ID for the external account that
you are using to install and configure SAS.
Depending on the operating
system, this account should meet the following requirements:
Use a domain-qualified
account that is available in the long term (for future SAS maintenance)
and is a member of the Windows Administrators group.
Use the same account
on all machines on which you are deploying SAS. Do not use root
In External
Password, enter the password for the user ID.
Automatic Script Execution
only) Specify your preference for automatic script execution, and
click Next.
Select Run setuid.sh
with my ID and password for the deployment wizard to
attempt to run the script with the credentials that you provide.
You see this page on Linux for
SAS products that require that you run the setuid.sh script with sudo
privileges. If you select this option, you are asked on a subsequent
page for the sudo password (if you are deploying a metadata server,
you have already provided this information). As it installs your software,
the deployment wizard attempts to run the script with the credentials
that you provided.
you do not select this option, you have to run setuid.sh manually
during installation (and configuration if you have chosen to configure).
Note that setuid.sh must be run as root in order to complete successfully.
If you have any concerns about the deployment wizard running as root
or you do not know the sudo information for the machine that you are
installing on, you should not select this option.
Password for Current ID
the password for the current user ID, and click Next.
In Password for Current
ID, enter the password for the current user ID.
On Linux, this page appears if you have indicated on the previous page that you want
the SAS Deployment Wizard to run the setuid.sh script via sudo. If you have any concerns
about the SAS Deployment
Wizard running as root or you do not know the sudo information for the machine on
which you are installing, you should go back and change your previous selection.
In Confirm Password,
re-enter the password.
SAS Internal Account: Unrestricted Administrator
the metadata password for the first unrestricted administrator identity,
and click Next.
In New
Internal Password, enter a password for the internal
account (sasadm@saspw) that the wizard will create to serve as an
unrestricted administrator for configuring the metadata server.
Note: Remember and record this
password as you will need it in the future.
In Confirm
New Internal Password, re-enter the password. Click Next.
Select Set
passwords using the Unrestricted Administrator password if
you want to reuse this password for the internal metadata server accounts
and SAS Web Infrastructure Data Server accounts during this deployment.
Selecting this option when running the deployment wizard with the
Express prompting level reduces the number of configuration prompts.
SAS Internal Account: Trusted User
the metadata password for the Trusted User identity, and click Next.
Internal Password, enter a password for an internal account (sastrust@saspw) that the wizard will create
to enable SAS server and
spawner components to communicate securely with each other.
Note: Remember this password as
you will need it in the future.
In Confirm
New Internal Password, re-enter the password.
SAS BI Web Services: Authentication Method
the method by which users of SAS BI Web Services are authenticated,
and click Next.
In Authentication
Method, make one of the following selections and click Next:
SAS Authentication is
managed by the metadata server.
Web Authentication is
managed by the SAS Web Application Server using container-based authentication
or a third-party product.
Selecting Web
Authentication has these effects:
Has no effect on the BI web applications (such as SAS Web Report Studio, SAS Information
Delivery Portal, and so on). You have to configure web authentication for these BI
web applications.
Prevents you from setting up an anonymous web user (as this is incompatible with web
Anonymous Web Access
using SAS authentication, you can select this option to set up a SAS
identity for anonymous access to certain web services and web applications
that support this feature. When you are finished, click Next.
Select Enable
anonymous web access to set up a SAS identity for anonymous access to certain web services and web applications
that support this
SAS BI Web Services for Java and .NET, the SAS Stored Process Web Application, and
SAS Visual Analytics Guest
Access are the only components that support this feature.
SAS Internal Account: Anonymous Web User
the metadata password for the anonymous web access identity, and click Next.
In New
Internal Password, enter a password for the internal
SAS account that the wizard will create to be used to grant clients
access to applicable SAS Web Infrastructure Platform applications
such as SAS BI Web Services and the SAS Stored Process Web Application.
When SAS authentication is being used and the user has not preemptively specified
credentials, the client
is given access to these applications under the anonymous web access identity.
Note: Remember this password because
you will need it in the future.
In Confirm
New Internal Password, re-enter the password, and click Next.
SAS Visual Analytics: Allow Guest Access
whether to allow anonymous access to a subset of SAS Visual Analytics
resources and functionality, and click Next.
Select Guest
Access Permitted to allow guest access for participating
SAS Visual Analytics applications.
Guest access is an optional feature. All users who connect to a guest access URL are
authenticated as the same service account (the SAS Anonymous Web User), which functions
as the single surrogate identity for all connecting users. Guest access is not compatible
with web authentication.
If you are unsure about whether
to allow guest access in SAS Visual Analytics, you can create the
SAS Anonymous Web User, and then easily add guest access
after installation.
External Account: SAS Spawned Servers Account
the credentials used to launch the back-end SAS Stored Process Server
and SAS Pooled Workspace Server, and click Next.
Note: On Windows, enter a domain-qualified
user ID.
In External
Password, enter the password for the external user ID.
Note: Remember this password because
you will need it in the future.
Create Common Directories
the common directories that you want the deployment wizard to create.
On Windows, you can specify a data directory, and click Next.
Select the appropriate check box to create common directories for server and spawner
logs, user-specific files, data (SAS libraries for tables and cubes), and temporary
work tables and files.
When you select this
option, the deployment wizard creates the specified directory (
) under the
SAS configuration directory.
In Data
Directory, enter a location to contain SAS libraries
for tables and cubes.
This directory is required
when configuring SAS BI Dashboard.
Enable FIPS-certified Encryption Algorithms
whether you want to use AES encryption, and click Next.
Select the check box to use the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm to encrypt
communications to and from a SAS Metadata Server. A block cipher that encrypts 128-bit
blocks by using a 256-bit key, AES complies
with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS).
Server Encryption
the encryption level and algorithm that SAS clients and servers use
to connect to the SAS Metadata Server, and click Next.
In Server
Encryption Level, select Credentials to encrypt only login credentials. Select Everything to
encrypt all communication with the metadata server.
Selecting Everything can
affect your SAS performance.
Encryption Algorithm, you can specify an
encryption algorithm other than SAS Proprietary. The other algorithms are RC2, RC4, DES, Triple
DES, and AES.
Client-side Credentials Policy
the policy for client-side storage of credentials, and click Next.
Select Allow
users to save credentials in client-side connection profiles to
allow users to save their user IDs and passwords in client-side connection
profiles on the metadata server for desktop applications.
When set, SAS enables
OMA_SASSEC_LOCAL_PW_SAVE in omaconfig.xml.
Estimated System Size
your system configuration based on user number, system size, and workload
size. Then, click Next.
In Size Estimate,
select Large System, and click Next.
After you have finished
deploying SAS Visual Analytics, you can change JVM settings and any
other necessary parameters in the following file:
E-mail Server
e-mail server configuration information, and click Next.
In Host
Name, enter the host name for an SMTP e-mail server at your site. SAS uses this server
to send alerts for system-related issues to an administrator (for example, the SAS
Metadata Server detects a journaling issue).
The deployment wizard uses this e-mail server as the default for the
SAS Application Server to provide e-mail services to various SAS clients. For example, with SAS Data Integration
Studio, you can use a Publish to Email transformation to alert users about various
data changes. For the SAS BI Dashboard to send alerts by e-mail to dashboard users
and administrators, the port and host name must be configured for the e-mail server.
In Port,
enter the port that the SMTP e-mail server uses.
SAS Application Server: Server Context
the name of the SAS Application Server context, and click Next.
Application Server Context Name, accept the default (SASApp) or enter a different name of the SAS Application Server
context for that the wizard will create in metadata.
server context is a SAS IOM server concept that describes how SAS Application Servers manage client
requests. A SAS Application Server has an awareness (or context) of how it is being
used and makes decisions based on
that awareness. The server context name is prepended to all server names defined in
the server context.
Note: The server context name must
be unique and cannot contain spaces.
SAS Pooled Workspace Server
SAS Pooled Workspace Server information, and click Next.
In Logical
SAS Pooled Workspace Server Name, enter the name of the logical pooled workspace server to be stored in SAS metadata.
Pooled Workspace Server Name, enter the name of the pooled workspace server to be stored in SAS metadata.
In Host
Name, enter the name of the machine on which the pooled workspace server runs. The machine
name should match the name specified to the SAS Object Spawner.
Port, enter the port on which the
object spawner will listen for client requests to launch pooled workspace servers.
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server
information for the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server, and
click Next.
In Host
Name, enter the fully qualified host name of the SAS
Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server or accept the default value.
The default value is
the host name where the deployment wizard is currently running. In
most cases the default is correct. However, a machine can have more
than one network interface card (NIC) or host name alias. If so, to
determine whether the default is correct, see your Pre-Installation
In Port,
enter the TCP/IP port number on which SAS Web Infrastructure Platform
Data Server listens or accept the default value.
In Data
Server Administrator, enter the user ID for administering
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server.
In Data
Server Administrator Password, enter the password for
the user ID associated with the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data
Server administrator.
Note: Remember this password because
you will need it in the future.
In Confirm
Password, re-enter the password and click Next.
SAS Remote Services Application: JVM
the appropriate heap sizes for the SAS Remote Services application
using the JVM option format, and click Next.
In Initial
JVM Heap Size, enter the appropriate initial heap size
for the SAS Remote Services Application using the JVM option format.
Note: SAS 9.4 no longer requires
SAS Remote Services. However, some custom SAS applications still require
SAS Remote Services. The deployment wizard deploys SAS Remote Services,
but it is not automatically started by default.
In Max
JVM Heap Size, enter the appropriate maximum heap size
for the remote services application using the JVM option format.
In Additional
JVM Options, enter any additional Java options that you want the SAS Remote Services JVM to use.
For example, you might
want to add -Dmulticast_udp_ip_ttl=1
to restrict
multicast traffic to a single subnet based on your network topology.
SAS Web Server: Automated or Manual Configuration
whether you want the deployment wizard to configure the SAS Web Server
automatically, and click Next.
If you want to configure
the SAS Web Server manually, clear Configure SAS Web Server
Select this option for the deployment wizard to automatically build and configure
the SAS web applications and configure a sample
web application server for use with SAS 9.4. (To use this wizard feature, make sure that your web
application server is not running before proceeding.)
It is strongly recommended
that you choose to automatically configure the SAS Web Server. If
you need to make changes to the SAS Web Server after the automatic
configuration, there are tools to help you reconfigure it.
If you choose not to automatically configure your web application server, you are
still prompted for web application server information, and deployment
stages such as Configure Products, Deploy Web Applications, and Start Web Application
Servers will execute to create instructions for manual deployment. When configuration
is complete, follow manual instructions on how to configure your server and deploy
your web applications available at:
http://support.sas.com/resources/thirdpartysupport/v94/appservers/index.html. (Select the product name of your web application server.)
Note: Manually configuring your
SAS middle tier is an advanced procedure and requires using other
documents such as your Instructions.html file.
SAS Web Server: Configuration
SAS Web Server configuration options, and click Next.
The standard port for
HTTP traffic is 80. If you want to change this for SAS Web Server,
then specify a new port number in HTTP Port.
Note: On Linux
systems that you must start servers as root if you want servers to
listen on ports lower than 1024. We recommend that you install and
configure as a less-privileged user, and then start SAS Web Server
manually as root.
The standard port for
Transport Layer Security (TLS) traffic is 443. If you want to change
this for SAS Web Server, then specify a new port number in HTTPS
Port. (See earlier note.)
In Configured
Protocol, select the communication protocol for SAS Web
Server. There are two choices, HTTP (unsecured) and HTTPS (secured).
you select HTTPS, an X.509 certificate and RSA private key are required.
The deployment wizard prompts you for the paths to these items on
a later page. You can enter locations for these items or provide information
to create them. For more information,
SAS Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide.
In Administrator
Mail Address, enter an e-mail address for e-mail to be
sent to the SAS Web Server administrator.
SAS Web Server: Server Process for Handling Responses
the user name and group name for the HTTPD response processes, and
click Next.
In User Name,
enter the host system user name for the HTTPD response processes.
Do not use the numeric user ID.
On Linux, when the HTTPD listener
process is run as root, it forks a set of child processes that handle
the requests and respond to the client. For security reasons, these
child processes must run with a more limited user ID and group ID.
In Group Name,
enter the host system group name for the HTTPD response processes.
Do not use the numeric group ID.
SAS Web Server: Location of X509 Certificate and
RSA Private Key
If you already have
an X.509 certificate, enter their locations. When you are finished,
click Next.
In X509 Certificate,
enter the path to the valid X.509 certificate with the DNS name of
this machine as the Common Name (CN).
In RSA private key,
enter the path to the RSA private key that is not protected by a passphrase.
Web Application Server: Configure Internet Proxy
whether to configure an Internet proxy server and specify proxy information,
and click Next.
In Proxy
Host, enter the fully qualified host name for the proxy
If you are using SAS
Information Delivery Portal RSS feeds, then you have to provide proxy
server information.
In Proxy
Port, enter the port that your site uses to access the
In NonProxy
Hosts, enter the DNS names of all the machines that should
not be accessed through the proxy server. Separate each machine name
with a vertical line character (|). Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard
for an entire subnet. For example, *.subnet.com excludes all machines
with a DNS name that ends with .subnet.com.
Web Application Server: Multiple Servers
whether to configure multiple SAS Web Application Servers on which
to deploy SAS web applications, and click Next.
Select Configure
multiple servers to have the deployment wizard automatically
configure multiple managed servers for you. The deployment wizard
uses SAS best practices for choosing the server to deploy each application
In some situations,
it might be preferable to split the SAS web applications across multiple
managed servers. This is usually done for performance reasons.
If you choose to manually
configure your SAS Web Application Servers, you are provided with
recommended configuration settings in a generated instructions file
(Instructions.html) when the deployment wizard completes.
Web Application Server: Server Configuration
SAS Web Application Server information, and click Next.
In Server
Name, enter a logical name for your server. A suffix
is automatically added to the name to distinguish cluster members.
For example, if the
name SASServer1 is entered, the actual name is SASServer1_1. If the
multiplier provided on the next page is greater than one, additional
servers are created with unique suffixes. For example, if the multiplier
is 2, then servers named SASServer1_1 and SASServer1_2 are created.
In Additional
JVM Options, enter any additional Java options that you want the server JVM to use. These JVM
options are tagged onto the
end of the server's command line. Options that are hardcoded into the deployment wizard
default set can be overridden in this way.
Web Applications: Automatic Deployment
whether you want the wizard to automatically deploy SAS web applications
to the SAS Web Application Server, and click Next.
Select Deploy
web applications automatically for the deployment wizard
to automatically deploy SAS web applications to the SAS Web Application
If you do not choose to deploy web applications automatically, manual deployment instructions
are written to the Instructions.html file during the web application deployment stage.
Note: Manually deploying your SAS
web applications is an advanced procedure and requires using other
documents such as your Instructions.html file.
Regardless of whether you choose to automatically deploy your SAS web applications,
when building web applications, the wizard automatically explodes web application
archive files (EAR files).
Web Applications: White List of Sites Allowed to
Link to This SAS Installation
a comma-delimited list of additional known hosts and domains to trust,
and click Next.
In URLs White List,
enter a comma-delimited list of additional known hosts and domains
to trust in the following form:
The valid URLs whitelist
can include just a list of host names to trust. The valid URLs whitelist
can also include wildcards such as '*' for host name and
Note: The port number must be specified
if the whitelisted site uses port numbers other than the standard
80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS.
For example:
For security reasons, you must list any host name URLs for any site that could redirect
browsers to your solution. This might include corporate sites linking to your solution
for reporting purposes or single sign-on servers.
For example, if https://corporatePortal.company.com/ links
to your server, then enter https://corporatePortal.company.com/
one entry. This field enables you to add additional known hosts and
domains to a preset list automatically created by the SAS configuration
Select Enter advanced
options for URL white list handling to display an additional
page in which you can specify advanced options for the filter.
Web Applications: Advanced Options for Allowed URLs
White List
a comma-separated list of HTTP methods to exclude from filtering,
and click Next.
Select Enable
restrictions to use the URLs white list. Deselecting Enable
restrictions causes SAS to ignore all white list restrictions.
In Disable
restrictions for a comma-separated list of HTTP methods,
enter a comma-separated list of HTTP methods to exclude from filtering
(for example, GET,OPTIONS,TRACE
Overrides, enter a comma-separated list of specific URLs
to override if you are using wildcards in the URLs white list.
For example, suppose
that you have added http://example.*.com to your URLs white
list, but you want to block one URL from the domain. Therefore, you
would enter the following exception in URL Overrides: http://example.sales.com
IP Multicast Version
only) Specify the IP version to use for the IP multicast address,
and click Next.
Version, select the IP version appropriate for your system.
The deployment wizard detects that the machine has an IPv4 address and an
IPv6 address. If you select IPv6, you are confirming that all servers running SAS products
are connected to an IPv6-enabled network and have IPv6-enabled network interfaces.
IP Multicast
IP multicast information between SAS applications. Accept the IP multicast
settings or enter new settings. If you choose to use an authentication
token, you must enter token information. When you are finished, click Next
In IP Multicast
Address, enter a new multicast address.
A multicast group communications
protocol is used to communicate among middle-tier SAS applications
in a single SAS deployment (the set of applications connected to the
same metadata server). The combination of IP multicast address and
multicast UDP port should be different for each SAS deployment and
different from those used by other multicast applications at your
site. The default values are most appropriate for deployments in a
firewall-isolated data center environment.
In IP Multicast
UDP Port, enter a valid UDP port for use on all the machines
where a SAS middle-tier application is installed.
In IP Multicast
UDP TTL, enter a valid multicast TTL property (default
= 1, range = 0–255). This property affects the number of network
hops a multicast packet takes before being dropped. This TTL value
must be greater than or equal to the largest number of hops between
any two servers running SAS products.
Choose Use
an authentication token to connect to prevent access
to the multicast group from unauthorized listeners. The authentication
token can be any password-like string. You must provide the same authentication
token string to each tier in the same SAS deployment (each tier associated
with the same metadata server).
SAS Content Server: Repository Directory
SAS Content Server repository options, and click Next.
In Repository
Directory, enter the location on the disk for the SAS
Content Server indexes and repository configuration file. You can
click Browse to search for this location.
Select Start
initial node as clustered when this machine is (or might
be) part of a clustered deployment.
If you
enable this option, you must also establish a central backup vault
for the SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool. Starting in the second
maintenance release for SAS 9.4, a vault is no longer required for
clustered SAS Content Servers.
Deselect Start
initial node as clustered when you are not deploying the SAS middle tier on a machine cluster. (This setting
enables journaling and the necessary cluster
synchronization processes.)
If you redeploy the middle tier on a machine cluster in the future, you can manually
set the Java system property
and restart the initial application server node. For
more information, see
Adding a Horizontal Cluster Member in SAS Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide.
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Database: Data Server
whether to use a third-party database for the SAS Web Infrastructure
Platform database, and click Next.
Clear Use
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server to use a
different database to store SAS Web Infrastructure Platform data.
In SAS 9.4, the following
third-party database management systems are supported: DB2, MySQL,
Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server.
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform: Database Type
the alternate database that you want to use for the SAS Web Infrastructure
Platform Database, and click Next.
In Database
Type, select one of the following supported databases:
DB2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server.
Note: The database used by SAS
Environment Manager, the SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool,
and certain SAS solutions, such as SAS Visual Analytics, will be PostgreSQL
regardless of the database that you choose for the SAS Web Infrastructure
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Database: Database
Connection Properties
connection information for the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data
Server database, and click Next.
Select Automatically
create tables and load data to have the SAS Deployment Wizard automatically create tables and load the selected
pre-existing database with initial
In Host
Name, enter the host name where the database server is
In Port,
enter the port number to which the database server is listening.
Select Use
Catalog to indicate that the database catalog needs to
be specified to uniquely locate a table in the database.
Select Use
catalog if you are using MySQL or SQL Server.
Select Use
schema pattern to indicate that the database schema needs
to be specified to uniquely locate a table in the database.
Select Use
schema pattern if you are using Oracle or DB2.
containing JDBC driver JAR files, identify the appropriate
JDBC driver JAR files and your selected RDBMS and version. Inappropriate or additional
JAR files cause configuration failures, so copy the minimum required JDBC driver JAR
files to this directory.
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Database: JDBC Properties
you selected a database server other than the SAS Web Infrastructure
Platform Data Server, then the following fields are editable. If you
are using the SAS Web Infrastructure database server, the database
name and user ID are Read-Only. When you are finished, click Next.
In Database
Name, enter the name of the database that contains the
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Database tables.
In User
ID, enter the user ID for accessing the database used
with your SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Database tables. This user
ID must have the ability to insert, update, and delete records.
In Password,
enter a valid password for the user ID associated with the SAS Web
Infrastructure Platform Database Server account. The deployment wizard
uses this password to create the database server account.
Note: Remember this password because
you will need it in the future.
In Confirm
Password, re-enter the password.
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Database: Metadata
the metadata information for the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data
Server database, and click Next
The field on this page
changes depending on the database type that you chose earlier.
In Catalog,
enter the name of the database catalog to use to uniquely locate a
table in the database.
In Schema Pattern,
enter the name of the schema pattern to use to uniquely locate a table
in the database.
SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Database: JDBC Driver
whether to enable dynamic validation of the JDBC driver’s connection
to the database, and click Next.
Select Validate
the JDBC driver's connection to database to enable dynamic validation of the JDBC driver’s connection to the database.
SAS Environment Manager: Administration Database
administrator credentials for the SAS Environment Manager database,
and click Next.
In User
ID, specify the user ID for accessing the database used
with your SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Database tables. This user
ID must have the ability to insert, update, and delete records.
default, the SAS Environment Manager uses the Administration database
on the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Data Server. If you are using
the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform Database Server, the user ID is
In Password,
enter a valid password for the user ID.
Note: Remember this password because
you will need it in the future.
In Confirm
Password, re-enter the password.
SAS Internal Account: SAS Environment Manager Service
the metadata password for the SAS Environment Manager service, and
click Next.
Environment Manager Service Account Password, enter a
password for the SAS Environment Manager service account (sasevs@saspw).
The password must contain
at least six characters. Make sure that you enter the same password
that was specified in any previous SAS Environment Manager configuration
Note: Remember this password because
you will need it in the future.
This service account
is required for the SAS Environment Manager and its agent to communicate
while monitoring the processes in your SAS deployment. This internal
SAS account has unrestricted administrative access rights to the metadata
For more information,
see SAS Environment Manager: User’s Guide.
In Confirm
Password, re-enter the password.
Choose SAS Environment Manager: Keystore
whether to use the built-in or customized keystore, and click Next.
By default, the SAS
Environment Manager uses the trusted CA list supplied by SAS.
If you want to use
a different keystore, in the SSL Keystore list,
select Use a customer-supplied JKS format keystore.
SAS Environment Manager: Keystore Configuration
a keystore path, filename, and password, and click Next.
In Keystore
Path and Filename, enter a valid path and filename of
the keystore that you are using when communicating with the SAS Environment
In Keystore
Password, enter a password for the keystore.
In Confirm
Password, re-enter the password.
SAS Environment Manager: Database Configuration
SAS Environment Manager database credentials. EVManager is a default
Postgres database supplied by SAS that is used to store collected
server metrics. When you are finished, click Next.
In Database
User, enter a user ID used for accessing the EVManager
In Database
User Password, enter a valid password for the user ID
associated with the database server account.
Note: Remember this password because
you will need it in the future.
In Confirm
Password, re-enter the password.
In Database
Encryption Passphrase, enter a valid passphrase key used
for encrypting and decrypting the SAS Environment Manager database
user password.
The key must be at
least eight characters long and can contain letters and numbers only.
Note: Remember this passphrase
because you will need it in the future.
In Confirm
Database Encryption Passphrase, re-enter the passphrase
key. Click Next.
SAS Environment Manager Agent Communication
SAS Environment Manager agent information, and click Next.
Select Establish
secure communication to enable secure communication using
Transport Layer Security (TLS) between the SAS Environment Manager
and its agents.
Choose SAS Environment Manager Agent: Keystore
whether to use the built-in or customized keystore, and click Next.
By default, the SAS
Environment Manager Agent uses the trusted CA list supplied by SAS.
If you want to use
a different keystore, in the SAS Environment Manager SSL
Keystore list, select Use a customer-supplied
JKS format keystore.
SAS Environment Manager Agent
a keystore path, filename, and password, and click Next.
In Keystore
Alias, enter a valid alias for your keystore.
Note: SAS Environment Manager requires
that the keystore alias and its password be identical.
In Keystore
Path and Filename, enter a valid path and filename of
the keystore that you are using when communicating with the SAS Environment
In Keystore
Password, enter a password for the keystore.
In Confirm
Password, re-enter the password.
SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit Database Credentials
database connection information, and click Next.
In User
ID, enter the user ID for accessing the database used
with SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit.
In Password,
enter the password for the user ID.
Note: Remember this password because
you will need it in the future.
In Confirm
Password, re-enter the password.
SAS Visual Analytics High-Performance Configuration
properties to create a libref to reference the directory that contains
uploaded and extracted SAS data sets, and click Next.
In Uploaded
SAS Dataset Libref Name, enter the libref name to reference
the directory that contains uploaded and extracted SAS data sets.
The maximum number of characters for a libref name is eight.
SAS Visual Analytics Data Provider
the data provider to be used with SAS Visual Analytics, and click Next.
In SAS Visual Analytics
High-Performance Data Provider, select Non-distributed
LASR, and click Next.
Visual Analytics High-Performance Data Provider, select
the data provider to be used with SAS Visual Analytics.
The supported values
are co-located Hadoop; Hadoop, Greenplum, or Teradata with the SAS
Embedded Process; and MapR Hadoop that is mounted on a shared NFS
If you are planning to use
SAS Visual Analytics with co-located Hadoop now or in the near future,
Hadoop (co-located HDFS). If you are
not planning to use SAS Visual Analytics with co-located Hadoop, then
Hadoop (with SAS Embedded Process).
This configuration
page appears only when your SAS order also contains a license for
the distributed SAS LASR Analytic Server. If your SAS order also contains
a license for the non-distributed SAS LASR Analytic Server, you can
select Non-distributed LASR.
SAS Visual Analytics High-Performance Configuration
configuration information for the SAS High-Performance Analytics environment,
and click Next.
High-Performance Analytics Environment Host, enter the
fully qualified machine name in the cluster to which the SAS clients
High-Performance Analytics Environment Port, enter the
port number in the environment through which the SAS clients connect.
(By default, the port is 10010.)
In Signature
files location, specify the absolute path where the SAS
LASR Analytic Server writes signature files.
If you are using SAS LASR Analytic Server in distributed mode, specify a path located
on the SAS High-Performance Analytics environment
root node. If you are using a non-distributed SAS LASR Analytic Server, specify a path located
on the local machine.
It is important to
carefully manage access to the signature files directory. User IDs
under which certain activities are performed (for example, starting
a server or loading data) must have Write access to the signature
files directory. Access to a signature files directory can provide
access to loaded data, so that the signature files directory should
be protected against unauthorized access. For more information, see
“Signature Files” in the
Visual Analytics: Administration Guide.
In Location
of the TKGrid or TKGrid_REP Installation on the SAS High-Performance
Analytics Environment, specify the absolute path to the TKGrid directory or the TKGrid_REP directory on
the root node host (for example, /opt/TKGrid
Specify the TKGrid_REP
directory when you are feeding your SAS High-Performance Analytics
environment with parallel loads from a remote (not co-located) data
Be sure not to leave any whitespace
characters at the end of the path because whitespace characters can
cause problems when you attempt to submit SAS LASR Analytic Server
jobs later.
High-Performance Computing Management Console URL, enter
the URL used to access SAS High-Performance Computing Management Console.
(By default, the URL is http://local_host_name:10020.)
In Location
for the SAS linguistic distributed binaries, specify
the directory on disk that stores the SAS linguistic binary files.
These binary files are required to perform text analysis on the SAS
LASR Analytic Server with SAS Visual Analytics and to run PROC HPTMINE
and PROC HPTMSCORE with SAS Text Miner.
SAS Visual Analytics Data Provider: Hadoop
Hadoop configuration information, and click Next.
NameNode Host, specify the machine in the
HDFS cluster that is the Hadoop NameNode.
In Hadoop
NameNode Port, enter a port number for the HDFS NameNode service, which runs only on the NameNode
in the HDFS cluster. This value
maps to the Hadoop property com.sas.lasr.hadoop.service.namenode.port
In Hadoop
NameNode Authentication Domain, enter the domain to use
for identifying logins that access the Hadoop NameNode machine.
The authentication domain is a metadata construct that pairs each login with the servers
for which that login is valid. The authentication domain provides
logical groupings for resources and logins in a metadata repository. This ensures
that resources use the same authentication process.
For example, when an
application needs to locate credentials that enable a particular user
to access a particular server, the application searches the metadata
for logins that are associated with the authentication domain in which
the particular server is registered.
In Library
Name, enter the library name for the Hadoop library.
In Libref,
enter the libref for the Hadoop library.
In Hadoop
Path, enter the path to the database for the Hadoop data
SAS Visual Analytics Data Provider: Greenplum
the requested Greenplum information to create a remote parallel connection
with the SAS High-Performance Analytics environment, and click Next.
In Greenplum Database
Host, enter the name of the Greenplum Data Computing
Appliance. Host name, fully qualified host name, or an IP address
are valid values.
In Greenplum Database
Port, enter the port for the database.
In Greenplum Database
Authentication Domain, enter the domain associated with
metadata identities that can access the Greenplum Data Computing Appliance.
The authentication domain is a metadata construct that pairs each login with the servers
for which that login is valid. The authentication domain provides
logical groupings for resources and logins in a metadata repository to ensure that
resources use the same authentication process.
For example, when an
application needs to locate credentials that enable a particular user
to access a particular server, the application searches the metadata
for logins that are associated with the authentication domain in which
the target server is registered.
In Library Name,
enter the library name for the Greenplum library.
In Libref,
enter the SAS libref that points to the Greenplum library.
In Greenplum Database,
enter the database name of the Greenplum database.
SAS Visual Analytics Data Provider: Greenplum (Schema)
the requested Greenplum information to create a remote parallel connection
with the SAS High-Performance Analytics environment, and click Next.
In Greenplum Database
Schema, enter the database schema name for the Greenplum
database, and click Next.
SAS Visual Analytics Data Provider: Teradata
the requested Teradata information to create a remote parallel connection
with the SAS High-Performance Analytics environment, and click Next.
In Teradata Data Server
Host, enter the name of the Teradata Managed Server Cabinet.
Host name, fully qualified host name, or an IP address are valid values.
In Teradata Data Server
Authentication Domain, enter the domain associated with
metadata identities that can access the Teradata Managed Server Cabinet.
The authentication domain is a metadata construct that pairs each login with the servers
for which that login is valid. The authentication domain provides
logical groupings for resources and logins in a metadata repository to ensure that
resources use the same authentication process.
For example, when an
application needs to locate credentials that enable a particular user
to access a particular server, the application searches the metadata
for logins that are associated with the authentication domain in which
the target server is registered.
In Library Name,
enter the library name for the Teradata library.
In Libref,
enter the SAS libref that points to the Teradata library.
In Teradata Database,
enter the database name of the Teradata Data Server.
SAS Visual Analytics Public Data Library: Hadoop
public data library configuration information for Hadoop, and click Next.
In Library
Name, enter the library name for the public Hadoop library.
In Hadoop
Path, enter the path to the database for the public Hadoop
data server.
In Libref,
enter the SAS libref that points to the public Hadoop library.
SAS Visual Analytics Public Data Library: Greenplum
public data library configuration information for Greenplum, and click Next.
In Library
Name, enter the library name for the public Greenplum
In Libref,
enter the SAS libref that points to the public Greenplum library.
In Greenplum
Database, enter the database for the public Greenplum
data server.
In Greenplum
Database Schema, enter the database schema for the public
Greenplum data server.
SAS Visual Analytics Public Data Library: Teradata
public data library configuration information for Teradata, and click Next.
In Library
Name, enter the library name for the public Teradata
In Libref,
enter the SAS libref that points to the public Teradata library.
In Teradata
Database, enter the database for the public Teradata
data server.
SAS Visual Analytics Data Provider: Hadoop Ports
the various ports used for Hadoop, and click Next.
In File
System Default Port, enter the port used to access the
NameNode default file system.
In MapReduce
Job Tracker Port, enter the port used to access the MapReduce
server JobTracker process. This value maps to the Hadoop property mapred.job.tracker
In Primary
NameNode HTTP Port, enter the port on which the NameNode
primary web user interface listens. This value maps to the Hadoop
property dfs.namenode.http-address
In Secondary
NameNode HTTP Port, enter the port on which the NameNode
backup web user interface listens. This value maps to the Hadoop property dfs.secondary.http-address
In Job
Tracker HTTP Port, enter the port on which the JobTracker
web user interface listens. This value maps to the Hadoop property mapred.job.tracker.http.address
SAS Visual Analytics Public Data Provider
a library definition for a public, non-distributed SAS LASR Analytic
Server data provider, and click Next.
In Data
Reload Library Name, enter the name for the Reload library.
In Data
Reload Libref, enter the libref for the Reload library.
Visual Analytics Reload Path, enter the absolute path
to the Reload library.
SAS LASR Analytic Server Monitor Configuration Information
SAS LASR Analytic Server Monitor configuration information, and click Next.
LASR Analytic Server Monitor Host, enter the SAS LASR
Analytic Server Monitor host name.
LASR Analytic Server Monitor RMI Registry Port, enter
the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) port that the SAS LASR Analytic
Server Monitor listens on for activity.
SAS Visual Analytics Public Data Library Information
the port for the SAS High-Performance Analytics environment to which
the SAS clients connect, and click Next.
Visual Analytics Public Data Library Port, enter the
port number for the SAS High-Performance Analytics environment to
which the SAS clients connect.
SAS Visual Analytics AutoLoad Location
the path to the SAS Visual Analytics AutoLoad location, and click Next.
Visual Analytics AutoLoad Location, enter the absolute
path of the host directory in which users place tables for loading
to memory.
SAS Visual Analytics: SAS LASR Analytic Server Library
the SAS LASR Analytic Server library name and libref, and click Next.
You can modify both of these properties after installation by using
SAS Management Console.
In Library
Name, enter the library name for the SAS LASR Analytic
Server library.
In Libref,
enter the libref for the SAS LASR Analytic Server library.
SAS Visual Analytics: Public LASR Libraries
the public LASR library name and libref, and click Next.
You can modify both of these properties after installation by using
SAS Management Console.
In Public
LASR Library Name, enter the name for the library that
is pre-populated for users when they import data files and create
data queries. (This public LASR library provides ease of use rather
than data security.)
In Public
LASR Libref, enter the libref for the public LASR library.
SAS Visual Analytics Services Database Credentials
JDBC connection information for the SAS Visual Analytics Services
database, and click Next.
In User
ID, enter the user account that SAS uses to create a JDBC connection to the SAS Visual
Analytics Services database. (The default is vatadm.)
In Password,
enter a password for the user account (vatadm).
Note: Remember this password because
you will need it in the future.
In Confirm
Password, re-enter the password.
SAS Visual Analytics Transport Service: Whitelist
Mobile Devices
whether to enforce a whitelist for SAS Mobile BI, and click Next.
Select Enforce
whitelist for mobile devices to use a whitelist to control
access to SAS Mobile BI.
A deployment enforces
either the blacklist or the whitelist. If the whitelist is not selected
to be enforced, the blacklist is enforced by default. If the whitelist
is enforced, only devices that are on the whitelist can use SAS Mobile
BI. If the blacklist is enforced, any device that is not on the blacklist
can use SAS Mobile BI. Although only one list is enforced, you can
make changes to both lists.
SAS Visual Analytics: Protocol for OpenStreetMap
the protocol for how SAS Visual Analytics Explorer communicates with
the OpenStreetMap server hosted by SAS, and click Next.
OpenStreetMap Server Communication Protocol, select a protocol to use for standard
web browser communication.
Your options are HTTP
Protocol (default) and HTTPS Protocol (secure).
Using HTTPS can result in performance degradation because of additional communication
and encryption.
SAS Visual Analytics Sample Reports
whether to include nearly 13 GB (or more) of data and reports to help
you get started, and click Next.
Select Include
Visual Analytics Sample Reports to install sample SAS
Visual Analytics reports with your configuration.
Quick links to these
reports are available on the SAS Visual Analytics home page. The sample
data is loaded when the associated server (Public LASR Analytic Server)
more information, see Sample Objects in SAS Visual Analytics: Administration Guide.
SAS Visual Analytics: Configure ArcGIS Server
whether to configure an Esri ArcGIS server, and click Next.
Select Configure
ArcGIS Server to configure an ArcGIS server. If this
option is not selected, then the wizard skips ArcGIS server configuration.
For more information,
see Esri Server in SAS Visual Analytics: Administration Guide.
SAS Visual Analytics: ArcGIS Server Details
the URL of the ArcGIS REST Services directory, and click Next.
REST Services Directory, enter the URL used to connect
to the ArcGIS REST Services directory.
Use the format protocol://hostname:port/instance/services/folder
SAS Visual Analytics: Access to Geo Map Server URLs
the check box to provide outbound access from SAS Visual Analytics
applications to necessary geo map server URLs by adding them to the
cross domain proxy servlet whitelist, and click Next.
Select Add
the necessary geo map URLs to the whitelist to add OpenStreetMap
servers (hosted by SAS) and your specified ArcGIS server (optional)
to the cross domain proxy servlet whitelist.
If you do not select
the check box, geo map functionality might be incomplete.
After installation
is completed, you can review and modify the whitelist in the Configuration
Manager in SAS Management Console (on the SAS Application
Infrastructure node via the sas.web.cdps.knownHosts property).
SAS Visual Analytics Hyperlink Service: Context
the context root, and click Next.
In Context
Root for SAS Visual Analytics Hyperlink Service, enter
the context root that ties the user to the EAR file that is specified
in the Display Name field.
The form of the URL
for SAS Visual Analytics Service Hyperlink Service is http://machine:port/SASVisualAnalytics.
Although the machine and port are configured elsewhere and typically
apply to the web container as a whole, the SASVisualAnalytics portion
is the context root, and you can change
it (within the constraints of URL rules).
SAS Visual Analytics Designer: Context Root
the context root, and click Next.
In Context
Root for SAS Visual Analytics Designer, enter the context
root that ties the user to the EAR file that is specified in the Display
Name field.
The form of the URL
for SAS Visual Analytics Designer is http://machine:port/SASVisualAnalyticsDesigner. Although
the machine and port are configured elsewhere and they typically apply
to the web container as a whole, the SASVisualAnalyticsDesigner portion
is the context root, and you can change
it (within the constraints of URL rules).
SAS Visual Analytics Hub: Context Root
the context root, and click Next.
In Context
Root for SAS Visual Analytics Hub, enter the context
root that ties the user to the EAR file that is specified in the Display
Name field.
The form of the URL
for SAS Visual Analytics Hub is http://machine:port/SASVisualAnalyticsHub. Although
the machine and port are configured elsewhere and they typically apply
to the web container as a whole, the SASVisualAnalyticsHub portion
is the context root, and you can change
it (within the constraints of URL rules).
SAS Visual Analytics Report Viewer: Context Root
the context root, and click Next.
In Context
Root for SAS Visual Analytics Report Viewer, enter the
context root that ties the user to the EAR file that is specified
in the Display Name field.
The form of the URL
for SAS Visual Analytics Report Viewer is http://machine:port/SASVisualAnalyticsReportViewer. Although
the machine and port are configured elsewhere and they typically apply
to the web container as a whole, the SASVisualAnalyticsReportViewer portion
is the context root, and you can change
it (within the constraints of URL rules).
SAS Visual Analytics Admin: Context Root
the context root, and click Next.
In Context
Root for SAS Visual Analytics Admin, enter the context
root that ties the user to the EAR file that is specified in the Display
Name field.
The form of the URL
for SAS Visual Analytics Administrator is http://machine:port/SASVisualAnalyticsAdministrator. Although
the machine and port are configured elsewhere and they typically apply
to the web container as a whole, the SASVisualAnalyticsAdministrator portion
is the context root, and you can change
it (within the constraints of URL rules).
SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder: Context Root
the context root, and click Next.
In Context
Root for SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder, enter the
context root that ties the user to the EAR file that is specified
in the Display Name field.
The form of the URL
for SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder is http://machine:port/SASVisualAnalyticsGraphBuilder. Although
the machine and port are configured elsewhere and they typically apply
to the web container as a whole, the SASVisualAnalyticsGraphBuilder portion
is the context root, and you can change
it (within the constraints of URL rules).
SAS Visual Analytics Explorer: Context Root
the context root, and click Next.
In Context
Root for SAS Visual Analytics Explorer, enter the context
root that ties the user to the EAR file that is specified in the Display
Name field.
The form of the URL
for SAS Visual Analytics Explorer is http://machine:port/SASVisualAnalyticsExplorer.
Although the machine and port are configured elsewhere and they typically
apply to the web container as a whole, the SASVisualAnalyticsExplorer portion
is the context root, and you can change
it (within the constraints of URL rules).
SAS Visual Data Builder: Context Root
the context root, and click Next.
In Context
Root for SAS Visual Analytics Data Builder, enter the
context root that ties the user to the EAR file that is specified
in the Display Name field.
The form of the URL
for SAS Visual Analytics Data Builder is http://machine:port/SASVisualAnalyticsDataBuilder.
Although the machine and port are configured elsewhere and typically
apply to the web container as a whole, the SASVisualAnalyticsDataBuilder portion
is the context root, and you can change
it (within the constraints of URL rules).
SAS Visual Data Builder Database Credentials
JDBC connection information for the SAS Visual Data Builder database,
and click Next.
In User
ID, enter the user account that SAS uses to create a JDBC connection to the SAS Visual
Data Builder database. (The default is vdbadm.)
In Password,
enter a password for the user account (vdbadm).
Note: Remember this password as
you will need it in the future.
In Confirm
Password, re-enter the password.
SAS Information Retrieval Studio
this page and the next page, confirm the ports used for SAS Information
Retrieval Studio, and click Next.
Review the SAS Information
Retrieval Studio ports.
Search Interface to SAS Content Feeder Configuration
feeder information for Search Interface to SAS Content, and click Next.
In Index
Loader Interval In Minutes, enter the interval to provide
SAS content to the server for search indexing.
SAS Internal Account: Search Interface to SAS Content
a metadata password for the internal user account that permits access
to SAS content that is provided to SAS Information Retrieval Studio
for indexing. Click Next.
Name contains the SAS Content User display name that
is stored in SAS metadata.
Name contains
the SAS Content User account name that is stored in SAS metadata.
User ID contains the SAS Content User user ID (sassearch@saspw)
that is stored in SAS metadata.
In New
Internal Password, enter a password for the SAS Content
User. SAS stores this password in SAS metadata. The password must
contain at least six characters.
Note: Remember this password as
you will need it in the future.
In Confirm
New Internal Password, re-enter the password.
SAS Deployment Backup and Recovery Tool: Enable
Central Vault
whether to use a central backup vault for the SAS Deployment Backup
and Recovery Tool, and click Next.
Select Enable
central vault storage of backup files, to enable central
storage of backup files by specifying a network-accessible vault directory.
If your
SAS deployment is not current with the second maintenance release
for SAS 9.4, then a central vault location is required if your middle-tier
environment includes a clustered SAS Content Server.
The default value for
the shared centralized vault location is kept blank. The feature of
storing backup at a centralized location is disabled as default.
To enable this feature,
in the two pages that follow, provide a directory shared across all
the tiers. The default retention period for a backup is 30 days. If
the configuration that you are performing requires a backup at a centralized
shared location and you want to change retention period, select this
(On Windows only.)
Finally, provide a valid operating system (external) user account
and password to be used to execute commands using the SAS Deployment
Agent. This user account must:
be an external account that has
access to and sufficient privileges for each host machine to be included
in the backup.
be known to the host machine that
contains the central vault.
have Read and Write access to the
following directories:
the central vault directory
SAS Studio Mid-Tier: Context Root
the context root, and click Next.
In Context
Root for SAS Studio Mid-Tier, enter the context root
that ties the user to the EAR file that is specified in the Display
Name field.
The form of the URL
for SAS Studio Mid-Tier is http://machine:port/SASStudio.
Although the machine and port are configured elsewhere and typically
apply to the web container as a whole, the SASStudio portion
is the context root, and you can change it (within the constraints
of URL rules).