Pre-installation Checklists for Third-Party Products

Overview of Pre-installation Checklists for Third-Party Products

As you install third-party products, print and fill out the appropriate third-party software checklists.
Note: You must have the necessary third-party software installed on the current machine, or the utility that you use to deploy SAS, the SAS Deployment Wizard, will not let you complete your SAS deployment.
This section contains checklists for the following third-party products:


Microsoft Windows PowerShell is a .NET-based configuration management framework that is required to deploy the SAS middle tier on Windows. The SAS Deployment Wizard uses PowerShell to run configuration scripts that modify path information. During installation, the deployment wizard prompts you to specify the PowerShell installation location.
For more information about PowerShell version requirements and a download link, go to
Default Values
Actual Values
PowerShell location
Product version


Python is an open-source, high-level general purpose programming language required for SAS Information Retrieval Studio on the Visual Analytics middle tier. During installation, the deployment wizard prompts you to specify the Python installation location.
For more information about Python version requirements and a download link, go to
Default Values
Actual Values
Python location
Product version


JUnit is an open-source software testing framework for Java, and the de facto standard for writing unit and regression tests. Some of the validation tests shipped with SAS products run under the SAS Deployment Tester framework and require JUnit. During SAS installation, the SAS Deployment Wizard prompts you to specify the location of the JUnit JAR file.
For more information about JUnit version requirements and a download link, go to
Default Values
Actual Values
JUnit jar file location
\Program Files\Junit
Product version

Java Access Bridge

The Java Access Bridge (JAB) is a prerequisite for JAWS, the Windows accessibility solution. JAB is shipped with SAS 9.4. For more information, see

Platform Suite for SAS

If you will use products from Platform Computing Incorporated either for scheduling or for grid computing, you must install several of the products from the Platform Suite for SAS offering. Platform Suite for SAS includes three products:
  • Platform Process Manager
    provides scheduling capabilities. Process Manager submits jobs to Platform LSF and manages dependencies between jobs. (When you install Platform Process Manager, Platform LSF is also installed.)
  • Platform LSF (Load Sharing Facility)
    manages resource requirements and provides for load balancing.
  • Platform Grid Management Service
    includes a monitoring daemon that enables administrators to monitor the load on machines running Platform LSF.
    If you are using the Platform Suite for SAS for grid computing, you must install Platform LSF and the Platform Grid Management Service. If you want to schedule jobs to run on the grid, you must also install Platform Process Manager.
For more information about where to install each of these products, see SAS Grid Topology in Grid Computing in SAS.
Platform Suite for SAS is distributed with SAS in the depot third_party directory, where you will find the installation programs and instructions.
You can also find the Platform Suite for SAS installation instructions on the SAS Scalability and Performance focus area on the web at
Platform Suite for SAS
Default Values
Actual Values
Platform Process Manager port
1966 (inbound)
Product version
Platform LSF ports
6878, 6881, 6882, 7869, 7870, 7871, 7872 (inbound)
Product version
Platform Grid Management Service port
1976 (inbound)
Product version
Last updated: August 1, 2017