Exploring Data in Three Dimensions |
In this section you create a contour plot. A contour plot assumes that the Z variable is functionally related to the X and Y variables. That is, the Z variable can be modeled as a response variable of X and Y.
A typical use of a contour plot is to visualize the response for a
regression model of two continuous variables. If you model a response
variable by using an analysis chosen from the Analysis Model Fitting menu, you can add the predicted values of the model
to the data table. Then you can create a contour plot of the predicted
values as a function of the two regressor variables.
Contour plots are most useful when the X and Y variables are nearly uncorrelated. The contour plot fits a piecewise-linear surface to the data, modeling Z as a response function of X and Y. The contours are level curves of the response function. By default, the minimum and maximum values of the Z variable are used to compute the contour levels.
The three variables in a contour plot must be interval variables.
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