PROC GLM assigns a name to each table it creates. You can use these names to reference the table when using the Output Delivery System (ODS) to select tables and create output data sets. These names are listed in Table 46.13. For more information about ODS, see Chapter 20: Using the Output Delivery System.
Table 46.13: ODS Tables Produced by PROC GLM
ODS Table Name |
Description |
Statement / Option |
Aliasing |
Type 1,2,3,4 aliasing structure |
AltErrContrasts |
ANOVA table for contrasts with alternative error |
AltErrTests |
ANOVA table for tests with alternative error |
TEST / E= |
Bartlett |
Bartlett’s homogeneity of variance test |
CLDiffs |
Multiple comparisons of pairwise differences |
CLDiffsInfo |
Information for multiple comparisons of pairwise differences |
CLMeans |
Multiple comparisons of means with confidence/comparison |
CLMeansInfo |
Information for multiple comparison of means with confidence/comparison interval |
CanAnalysis |
Canonical analysis |
CanCoef |
Canonical coefficients |
CanStructure |
Canonical structure |
CharStruct |
Characteristic roots and vectors |
ClassLevels |
Classification variable levels |
CLASS statement |
ContrastCoef |
L matrix for contrast or estimate |
Contrasts |
ANOVA table for contrasts |
CONTRAST statement |
DependentInfo |
Simultaneously analyzed dependent variables |
default when there are multiple dependent variables with different patterns of missing values |
Diff |
PDiff matrix of least squares means |
Epsilons |
Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt epsilons |
REPEATED statement |
ErrorSSCP |
Error SSCP matrix |
EstFunc |
Type 1,2,3,4 estimable functions |
Estimates |
Estimate statement results |
ESTIMATE statement |
ExpectedMeanSquares |
Expected mean squares |
RANDOM statement |
FitStatistics |
R-Square, Coeff Var, Root MSE, and dependent mean |
default |
GAliasing |
General form of aliasing |
GEstFunc |
General form of estimable |
HOVFTest |
Homogeneity of variance |
HypothesisSSCP |
Hypothesis SSCP matrix |
InvXPX |
inv( |
LSMeanCL |
Confidence interval for LS-means |
LSMeanCoef |
Coefficients of least squares means |
LSMeanDiffCL |
Confidence interval for LS-mean differences |
LSMeans |
Least squares means |
LSMEANS statement |
LSMLines |
Least squares means comparison lines |
MANOVATransform |
Multivariate transformation |
MCLines |
Multiple comparisons LINES output |
or SNK
) and not (CLDIFF
or CLM
)) |
MCLinesInfo |
Information for multiple comparison LINES output |
or SNK
) and not (CLDIFF
or CLM
)) |
MCLinesRange |
Ranges for multiple range MC tests |
or SNK
) and not (CLDIFF
or CLM
)) |
MatrixRepresentation |
X matrix element |
as needed for other options |
Means |
Group means |
MEANS statement |
ModelANOVA |
ANOVA for model terms |
default |
MultStat |
Multivariate tests |
MANOVA statement |
NObs |
Number of observations |
default |
OverallANOVA |
Overall ANOVA |
default |
OverallEffectSize |
Effect size measures for overall ANOVA |
ParameterEstimates |
Estimated linear model |
PartialCorr |
Partial correlation matrix |
PredictedInfo |
Predicted values info |
PredictedValues |
Predicted values |
QForm |
Quadratic form for expected mean squares |
RandomModelANOVA |
Random-effect tests |
RepeatedLevelInfo |
Correspondence between dependents and repeated measures levels |
REPEATED statement |
RepeatedTransform |
Repeated measures transformation matrix |
SimDetails |
Details of difference quantile simulation |
SimResults |
Evaluation of difference quantile simulation |
SlicedANOVA |
Sliced-effect ANOVA table |
Sphericity |
Sphericity tests |
Tests |
Tolerances |
Welch |
Welch’s ANOVA |
With the PDIFF or TDIFF option in the LSMEANS statement, the p/t-values for differences are displayed in columns of the LSMeans table for PDIFF /TDIFF =CONTROL or PDIFF /TDIFF =ANOM, and for PDIFF /TDIFF =ALL when there are only two LS-means. Otherwise (for PDIFF /TDIFF =ALL when there are more than two LS-means), the p/t-values for differences are displayed in a separate table called Diff.