VAR Statement

  • VAR variables;

The VAR statement names the variables to be analyzed.

A variable in the VAR statement should not appear in any of the BY , CLUSTER , DOMAIN , POSTSTRATA , REPWEIGHTS , STRATA , and WEIGHT statements.

If you want a categorical analysis for a numeric variable, you must also name that variable in the CLASS statement. For categorical variables, PROC SURVEYMEANS estimates the proportion in each category or level, instead of the overall mean. Character variables are always analyzed as categorical variables. For more information, see the section CLASS Statement.

When you specify a variable in a RATIO statement but not in a VAR statement, PROC SURVEYMEANS includes this variable as an analysis variable.

If you do not specify a VAR statement, but you have a RATIO statement, then PROC SURVEYMEANS analyzes only the variables in the RATIO statement.

If you do not specify a VAR statement nor a RATIO statement, then PROC SURVEYMEANS analyzes all variables in the DATA= input data set, except those named in the BY , CLUSTER , DOMAIN , POSTSTRATA , REPWEIGHTS , STRATA , and WEIGHT statements.