INSET Statement
INSET <keyword-list> </ options> ;

The box or table of summary information produced on plots made with the CDFPLOT, IPPPLOT, LPREDPLOT, or PREDPPLOT statement is called an inset. You can use the INSET statement to customize both the information that is printed in the inset box and the appearance of the inset box. To supply the information that is displayed in the inset box, you specify keywords corresponding to the information you want shown. For example, the following statements produce a predicted probability plot with the number of trials, the number of events, the name of the distribution, and the estimated optimum natural threshold in the inset.

proc probit data=epidemic;
   model r/n = dose;
   predpplot ;
   inset nobs ntrials nevents dist optc;

By default, inset entries are identified with appropriate labels. However, you can provide a customized label by specifying the keyword for that entry followed by the equal sign (=) and the label in quotes. For example, the following INSET statement produces an inset containing the number of observations and the name of the distribution, labeled "Sample Size" and "Distribution" in the inset.

inset nobs='Sample Size' dist='Distribution';

If you specify a keyword that does not apply to the plot you are creating, then the keyword is ignored.

The options control the appearance of the box.

If you specify more than one INSET statement, only the first one is used.

Keywords Used in the INSET Statement

Table 74.8 and Table 74.9 list keywords available in the INSET statement to display summary statistics, distribution parameters, and distribution fitting information.

Table 74.8 Summary Statistics


Number of observations


Number of trials


Number of events


User-input threshold


Estimated natural threshold


Number of levels of the response variable

Table 74.9 General Information


Confidence coefficient for all confidence intervals


Name of the distribution

Options Used in the INSET Statement

Table 74.10 and Table 74.11 list the options available in the INSET statement.

Table 74.10 Color and Pattern Options


Specifies color for filling box


Specifies color for filling box header


Specifies color for frame


Specifies color for text in header


Specifies color for text

Table 74.11 General Appearance Options


Specifies software font for text


Specifies height of text

HEADER=’quoted string’

Specifies text for header or box title


Omits frame around box

POS= value



Determines the position of the inset. The value can be a compass point (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) or a pair of coordinates (x, y) enclosed in parentheses. The coordinates can be specified in axis percentage units or axis data units.


Specifies the reference point for an inset that is positioned by a pair of coordinates with the POS= option. You use the REFPOINT= option in conjunction with the POS= coordinates. The REFPOINT= option specifies which corner of the inset frame you have specified with coordinates (x, y), and it can take the value of BR (bottom right), BL (bottom left), TR (top right), or TL (top left). The default is REFPOINT=BL. If the inset position is specified as a compass point, then the REFPOINT= option is ignored.