Constructing ANOM Charts for Means

The following notation is used in this section:

th response in the th group

number of groups

sample size of th group

total sample size

expected value of a response in the th group

standard deviation of a response

average response in the th group

weighted average of group means

sample variance of the responses in the th group

mean square error (MSE)

degrees of freedom associated with the mean square error

significance level

critical value for analysis of means when the sample sizes are equal

critical value for analysis of means when the sample sizes are not equal

Plotted Points

Each point on an ANOM chart indicates the value of a group mean ().

Central Line

By default, the central line on an ANOM chart for means represents the weighted average of the group means, which is computed as


You can specify a value for with the MEAN= option in the XCHART statement or with the variable _MEAN_ in a LIMITS= data set.

Decision Limits

In the analysis of means for continuous data, it is assumed that the responses in the th group are at least approximately normally distributed with a constant variance:


When the group sizes are constant (), then and the decision limits are computed as follows:


Here the mean square error (MSE) is computed as follows:


For details concerning the function , see Nelson (1982a, 1993).

When the group sizes are not constant (the unbalanced case), and the decision limits for the th group are computed as follows:


Here the mean square error (MSE) is computed as follows:


This requires that be positive. A chart is not produced if but MSE is equal to zero (unless you specify the ZEROSTD option). For details concerning the function , see Nelson (1991).

You can specify parameters for the limits as follows:

  • Specify with the ALPHA= option or with the variable _ALPHA_ in a LIMITS= data set. By default, = 0.05.

  • Specify a constant nominal sample size for the decision limits in the balanced case with the LIMITN= option or with the variable _LIMITN_ in a LIMITS= data set. By default, is the observed sample size in the balanced case.

  • Specify with the LIMITK= option or with the variable _LIMITK_ in a LIMITS= data set. By default, is the number of groups.

  • Specify with the MEAN= option or with the variable _MEAN_ in a LIMITS= data set. By default, is the weighted average of the responses.

  • Specify with the MSE= option or with the variable _MSE_ in a LIMITS= data set. By default, is computed as indicated above.

  • Specify with the DFE= option or with the variable _DFE_ in a LIMITS= data set. By default, is determined as indicated above.