PLOT Procedure

Example 11: Adjusting Labels on a Plot with the PLACEMENT= Option

PLOT statement options::
label variable in plot request
Other features:

RUN group processing

Data set: CENSUS
This example illustrates the default placement of labels and how to adjust the placement of labels on a crowded plot. The labels are values of variables in the data set.(footnote1)
This example also shows RUN group processing in PROC PLOT.


options formchar="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
data census;
   input Density CrimeRate State $ 14-27 PostalCode $ 29-30;
263.3 4575.3 Ohio           OH
62.1 7017.1  Washington     WA

...more data lines...

111.6 4665.6 Tennessee      TN
120.4 4649.9 North Carolina NC
proc plot data=census;
   plot density*crimerate=state $ state /
   haxis=by 1000
   vaxis=by 250
    plot density*crimerate=state $ state /
              haxis=by 1000
              vaxis=by 250
           placement=((v=2 1 : l=2 1)
                 ((l=2 2 1 : v=0 1 0) * (s=right left : h=2 -2))
                 (s=center right left * l=2 1 * v=0 1 -1 2 *
                  h=0 1 to 5 by alt));
   title 'A Plot of Population Density and Crime Rates';

Program Description

Set the FORMCHAR option.Setting FORMCHAR to this exact string renders better HTML output when it is viewed outside of the SAS environment where SAS Monospace fonts are not available.
options formchar="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
Create the CENSUS data set. CENSUS contains the variables CrimeRate and Density for selected states. CrimeRate is the number of crimes per 100,000 people. Density is the population density per square mile in the 1980 census. A DATA step, CENSUS, creates this data set.
data census;
   input Density CrimeRate State $ 14-27 PostalCode $ 29-30;
263.3 4575.3 Ohio           OH
62.1 7017.1  Washington     WA

...more data lines...

111.6 4665.6 Tennessee      TN
120.4 4649.9 North Carolina NC
Create the plot with a label for each data point.The plot request plots Density on the vertical axis, CrimeRate on the horizontal axis, and uses the first letter of the value of State as the plotting symbol. This makes it easier to match the symbol with its label. The label variable specification ($ state) in the PLOT statement labels each point with the corresponding state name.
proc plot data=census;
   plot density*crimerate=state $ state /
Specify plot options. BOX draws a box around the plot. LIST= lists the labels that have penalties greater than or equal to 1. HAXIS= and VAXIS= specify increments only. PROC PLOT uses the data to determine the range for the axes.
   haxis=by 1000
   vaxis=by 250
Request a second plot. Because PROC PLOT is interactive, the procedure is still running at this point in the program. It is not necessary to restart the procedure to submit another plot request. LIST=1 produces no output because there are no penalties of 1 or greater.
    plot density*crimerate=state $ state /
              haxis=by 1000
              vaxis=by 250
Specify placement options. PLACEMENT= gives PROC PLOT more placement states to use to place the labels. PLACEMENT= contains three expressions. The first expression specifies the preferred positions for the label. The first expression resolves to placement states centered above the plotting symbol, with the label on one or two lines. The second and third expressions resolve to placement states that enable PROC PLOT to place the label in multiple positions around the plotting symbol.
           placement=((v=2 1 : l=2 1)
                 ((l=2 2 1 : v=0 1 0) * (s=right left : h=2 -2))
                 (s=center right left * l=2 1 * v=0 1 -1 2 *
                  h=0 1 to 5 by alt));
Specify the title.
   title 'A Plot of Population Density and Crime Rates';


The labels Tennessee, South Carolina, Arkansas, Minnesota, and South Dakota have penalties. The default placement states do not provide enough possibilities for PROC PLOT to avoid penalties given the proximity of the points. Four label characters are hidden.
Plot with Penalties
A Plot of Population Density and Crime Rates, with List of Point Locations, Penalties, and Placement States
No collisions occur in the plot.
Plot with Labels Placed to Avoid Collisions
A Plot of Population Density and Crime Rates
FOOTNOTE 1:Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census and the 1987 Uniform Crime Reports, FBI.[return]