The Decomposition Algorithm

Example 14.10 Kidney Donor Exchange

This example looks at an application of integer programming to help create a kidney donor exchange. Suppose someone needs a kidney transplant and a family member is willing to donate one. If the donor and recipient are incompatible (because of blood types, tissue mismatch, and so on), the transplant cannot happen. Now suppose two donor-recipient pairs A and B are in this situation, but donor A is compatible with recipient B and donor B is compatible with recipient A. Then two transplants can take place in a two-way swap, shown graphically in Output 14.10.1.

Output 14.10.1: Kidney Donor Exchange Two-Way Swap

More generally, an $n$-way swap that involves $n$ donors and $n$ recipients can be performed (Willingham 2009). To model this problem, define a directed graph as follows. Each node is an incompatible donor-recipient pair. Link $(i,j)$ exists if the donor from node $i$ is compatible with the recipient from node $j$. Let $N$ define the set of nodes and $A$ define the set of arcs. The link weight, $w_{ij}$, is a measure of the quality of the match. By introducing dummy links whose weight is 0, you can also include altruistic donors who have no recipients, or recipients who have no donors. The idea is to find a maximum-weight node-disjoint union of directed cycles. You want the union to be node-disjoint so that no kidney is donated more than once, and you want cycles so that the donor from node $i$ gives up a kidney if and only if the recipient from node $i$ receives a kidney.

Without any other constraints, the problem could be solved as a linear assignment problem. But doing so would allow arbitrarily long cycles in the solution. Because of practical considerations (such as travel) and to mitigate risk, each cycle must have no more than $L$ links. The kidney exchange problem is to find a maximum-weight node-disjoint union of short directed cycles.

Define an index set $M = \{ 1,\dots ,|N|/2\} $ of candidate disjoint unions of short cycles (called matchings). Let $x_{ijm}$ be a binary variable, which, if set to $1$, indicates that arc $(i,j)$ is in a matching $m$. Let $y_{im}$ be a binary variable, which, if set to $1$, indicates that node $i$ is covered by matching $m$. In addition, let $s_ i$ be a binary slack variable, which, if set to $1$, indicates that node $i$ is not covered by any matching.

The kidney donor exchange can be formulated as a MILP as follows:

\begin{align*} & \text {maximize} &  \sum _{(i,j) \in A} \sum _{m \in M} w_{ij} x_{ijm}\\ & \text {subject to} &  \sum _{m \in M} y_{im} + s_ i &  = 1 & &  i \in N & &  \text {(packing)}\\ & &  \sum _{(i,j) \in A} x_{ijm} &  = y_{im} & &  i \in N, \  m \in M & &  \text {(donate)} \\ & &  \sum _{(i,j) \in A} x_{ijm} &  = y_{jm} & &  j \in N, \  m \in M & &  \text {(receive)} \\ & &  \sum _{(i,j) \in A} x_{ijm} &  \leq L & &  m \in M & &  \text {(cardinality)} \\ & &  x_{ijm} &  \in \left\{ 0,1\right\}  & &  (i,j) \in A, \  m \in M \\ & &  y_{im} &  \in \left\{ 0,1\right\}  & &  i \in N, \  m \in M \\ & &  s_{i} &  \in \left\{ 0,1\right\}  & &  i \in N \end{align*}

In this formulation, constraints (packing) ensure that each node is covered by at most one matching. Constraints (donate) and (receive) enforce the condition that if node $i$ is covered by matching $m$, then the matching $m$ must use exactly one arc that leaves node $i$ (donate) and one arc that enters node $i$ (receive). Conversely, if node $i$ is not covered by matching $m$, then no arcs that enter or leave node $i$ can be used by matching $m$. Constraints (cardinality) enforce the condition that the number of arcs in matching $m$ must not exceed $L$.

In this formulation, the matching identifier is arbitrary. Because it is not necessary to cover each incompatible donor-recipient pair (node), the packing constraints can be modeled by using set partitioning constraints and the slack variable $s$. Consider a decomposition by matching, where the packing constraints form the master problem and all other constraints form identical matching subproblems. As described in the section Special Case: Identical Blocks, this is a situation in which an aggregate formulation and Ryan-Foster branching can greatly improve performance by reducing symmetry.

The following DATA step sets up the problem, first creating a random graph on $n$ nodes with link probability $p$ and Uniform(0,1) weight:

/* create random graph on n nodes with arc probability p
   and uniform(0,1) weight */
%let n = 100;
%let p = 0.02;
data ArcData;
   do i = 0 to &n - 1;
      do j = 0 to &n - 1;
         if i eq j then continue;
         else if ranuni(1) < &p then do;
            weight = ranuni(2);

The following PROC OPTMODEL statements read in the data, declare the optimization model, and use the decomposition algorithm to solve it:

%let max_length = 10;
proc optmodel;
   set <num,num> ARCS;
   num weight {ARCS};
   read data ArcData into ARCS=[i j] weight;
   print weight;
   set NODES = union {<i,j> in ARCS} {i,j};
   set MATCHINGS = 1..card(NODES)/2;

   /* UseNode[i,m] = 1 if node i is used in matching m, 0 otherwise */
   var UseNode {NODES, MATCHINGS} binary;

   /* UseArc[i,j,m] = 1 if arc (i,j) is used in matching m, 0 otherwise */
   var UseArc {ARCS, MATCHINGS} binary;

   /* maximize total weight of arcs used */
   max TotalWeight
      = sum {<i,j> in ARCS, m in MATCHINGS} weight[i,j] * UseArc[i,j,m];

   /* each node appears in at most one matching */
   /* rewrite as set partitioning (so decomp uses identical blocks)
      sum{} x <= 1 => sum{} x + s = 1, s >= 0 with no associated cost */
   var Slack {NODES} binary;
   con node_packing {i in NODES}:
      sum {m in MATCHINGS} UseNode[i,m] + Slack[i] = 1;

   /* at most one donee for each donor */
   con donate {i in NODES, m in MATCHINGS}:
      sum {<(i),j> in ARCS} UseArc[i,j,m] = UseNode[i,m];

   /* at most one donor for each donee */
   con receive {j in NODES, m in MATCHINGS}:
      sum {<i,(j)> in ARCS} UseArc[i,j,m] = UseNode[j,m];

   /* exclude long matchings */
   con cardinality {m in MATCHINGS}:
      sum {<i,j> in ARCS} UseArc[i,j,m] <= &max_length;

   /* decompose by matching (aggregate formulation) */
   for {i in NODES, m in MATCHINGS} donate[i,m].block = m;
   for {j in NODES, m in MATCHINGS} receive[j,m].block = m;
   for {m in MATCHINGS} cardinality[m].block = m;
   solve with milp / presolver=basic decomp=();

   /* save solution to a data set */
   create data Solution from
      [m i j]={m in MATCHINGS, <i,j> in ARCS: UseArc[i,j,m].sol > 0.5}

In this case, the PRESOLVER=BASIC option ensures that the model maintains its specified symmetry, enabling the algorithm to use the aggregate formulation and Ryan-Foster branching. The solution summary is displayed in Output 14.10.2.

Output 14.10.2: Solution Summary

The OPTMODEL Procedure

Solution Summary
Solver MILP
Algorithm Decomposition
Objective Function TotalWeight
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 26.020287142
Relative Gap 0
Absolute Gap 0
Primal Infeasibility 2.997602E-15
Bound Infeasibility 1.110223E-15
Integer Infeasibility 2.775558E-15
Best Bound 26.020287142
Nodes 25
Iterations 155
Presolve Time 0.17
Solution Time 24.51

The iteration log is displayed in Output 14.10.3.

Output 14.10.3: Log

NOTE: There were 194 observations read from the data set WORK.ARCDATA.                
NOTE: Problem generation will use 4 threads.                                          
NOTE: The problem has 14065 variables (0 free, 0 fixed).                              
NOTE: The problem has 14065 binary and 0 integer variables.                           
NOTE: The problem has 9457 linear constraints (48 LE, 9409 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).        
NOTE: The problem has 42001 linear constraint coefficients.                           
NOTE: The problem has 0 nonlinear constraints (0 LE, 0 EQ, 0 GE, 0 range).            
NOTE: The MILP presolver value BASIC is applied.                                      
NOTE: The MILP presolver removed 4786 variables and 3298 constraints.                 
NOTE: The MILP presolver removed 14290 constraint coefficients.                       
NOTE: The MILP presolver modified 0 constraint coefficients.                          
NOTE: The presolved problem has 9279 variables, 6159 constraints, and 27711           
      constraint coefficients.                                                        
NOTE: The MILP solver is called.                                                      
NOTE: The Decomposition algorithm is used.                                            
NOTE: The Decomposition algorithm is executing in single-machine mode.                
NOTE: The DECOMP method value USER is applied.                                        
NOTE: All blocks are identical.                                                       
NOTE: The Decomposition algorithm is using an aggregate formulation and Ryan-Foster   
NOTE: The problem has a decomposable structure with 48 blocks. The largest block      
      covers 2.06% of the constraints in the problem.                                 
NOTE: The decomposition subproblems cover 9216 (99.32%) variables and 6096 (98.98%)   
NOTE: The deterministic parallel mode is enabled.                                     
NOTE: The Decomposition algorithm is using up to 4 threads.                           
      Iter         Best       Master         Best       LP       IP   CPU  Real       
                  Bound    Objective      Integer      Gap      Gap  Time  Time       
NOTE: Starting phase 1.                                                               
         1       0.0000       0.0000            .    0.00%        .     0     0       
NOTE: Starting phase 2.                                                               
         .     390.3703      10.9852      10.9852   97.19%   97.19%     0     0       
         2     390.2342      10.9852      10.9852   97.18%   97.18%     0     0       
         3     380.7461      10.9852      10.9852   97.11%   97.11%     0     0       
         4     353.1404      10.9852      10.9852   96.89%   96.89%     0     0       
         5     344.6969      16.9959      16.9959   95.07%   95.07%     0     0       
         7     337.0188      17.7608      16.9959   94.73%   94.96%     0     0       
         9     317.4067      19.1811      16.9959   93.96%   94.65%     0     0       
         .     317.4067      21.1135      21.1135   93.35%   93.35%     0     0       
        10     317.4067      21.1135      21.1135   93.35%   93.35%     0     0       
        11     258.8116      21.4365      21.1135   91.72%   91.84%     0     0       
        13     188.1070      23.4494      21.1135   87.53%   88.78%     0     0       
        16     154.3908      24.6477      21.1135   84.04%   86.32%     0     0       
        17     132.1716      24.7011      21.1135   81.31%   84.03%     0     0       
        18     126.9697      24.8435      21.1135   80.43%   83.37%     0     1       
        19      84.6317      24.9162      21.1135   70.56%   75.05%     1     1       
         .      84.6317      24.9510      21.1778   70.52%   74.98%     1     1       
        20      84.6317      24.9510      21.1778   70.52%   74.98%     1     1       
        28      71.2689      26.4398      21.1778   62.90%   70.28%     1     1       
         .      71.2689      26.6775      22.2734   62.57%   68.75%     2     2       
        30      46.3628      26.6775      22.2734   42.46%   51.96%     2     2       
        32      43.4466      26.7648      22.2734   38.40%   48.73%     2     2       
        33      34.2503      26.7648      22.2734   21.86%   34.97%     2     2       
        36      33.1439      26.7804      22.2734   19.20%   32.80%     3     3       
        37      29.0201      26.7804      22.2734    7.72%   23.25%     3     3       
        38      26.7804      26.7804      22.2734    0.00%   16.83%     3     3       
         .      26.7804      26.7804      22.3657    0.00%   16.48%     3     3       
        38      26.7804      26.7804      22.3657    0.00%   16.48%     3     3       
NOTE: Starting branch and bound.                                                      
         Node  Active   Sols         Best         Best      Gap     CPU    Real       
                                  Integer        Bound             Time    Time       
            0       1      9      22.3657      26.7804   16.48%       3       3       
            5       7     10      24.6832      26.4468    6.67%      11      11       
           10      12     11      24.6832      26.3728    6.41%      13      13       
           14       8     12      25.9769      26.2093    0.89%      16      16       
           15       9     13      25.9955      26.2093    0.82%      16      17       
           19       5     15      26.0203      26.1602    0.53%      19      20       
           20       4     15      26.0203      26.0993    0.30%      19      20       
           24       0     15      26.0203      26.0203    0.00%      22      23       
NOTE: The Decomposition algorithm used 1 threads.                                     
NOTE: The Decomposition algorithm time is 23.04 seconds.                              
NOTE: Optimal.                                                                        
NOTE: Objective = 26.020287142.                                                       
NOTE: The data set WORK.SOLUTION has 42 observations and 4 variables.                 

The solution is a set of arcs that define a union of short directed cycles (matchings). The following call to PROC OPTNET extracts the corresponding cycles from the list of arcs and outputs them to the data set Cycles:

proc optnet
   direction  = directed
   data_links = Solution;
      from    = i
      to      = j;
      mode    = all_cycles
      out     = Cycles;

For more information about PROC OPTNET, see SAS/OR User's Guide: Network Optimization Algorithms. Alternatively, you can extract the cycles by using the SOLVE WITH NETWORK statement in PROC OPTMODEL (see Chapter 8: The Network Solver). The optimal donor exchanges from the output data set Cycles are displayed in Output 14.10.4.

Output 14.10.4: Optimal Donor Exchanges

order node
1 5
2 19
3 56
4 12
5 33
6 70
7 63
8 43
9 15
10 5

order node
1 13
2 74
3 65
4 41
5 59
6 50
7 49
8 98
9 13

order node
1 16
2 91
3 17
4 57
5 87
6 72
7 64
8 22
9 88
10 16

order node
1 8
2 32
3 79
4 71
5 69
6 26
7 9
8 18
9 95
10 35
11 8

order node
1 52
2 77
3 94
4 81
5 52

order node
1 24
2 92
3 24