What's New in the SAS 9.3 Providers for OLE DB


The SAS Providers for OLE DB have the following changes and enhancements:
  • retrieve SAS data set type, label, encoding, and code page from schema tables rowset
  • clarify use of the DBBINDING.dwFlags member
  • cancel MDX queries

Retrieve SAS Data Set Type, Label, Encoding, and Code Page from the Schema Rowset

For the SAS/SHARE provider and Local provider, the SAS data set type, label, encoding, and Windows code page can be retrieved from the schema rowset. The information for these fields is the same information that is provided by the CONTENTS procedure.

Clarify Use of the DBBINDING.dwFlags Member

For customers that program to the OLE DB interface, a clarification has been made to the documentation for the DBBINDING.dwFlags member. Previous releases of the providers used a version of the Microsoft Active Template Library for Microsoft Visual Studio 6. This version of the library did not validate the value of this member. Beginning with the 9.3 release, the providers use the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 version of the library. This version of the library does validate the dwFlags member. For the SAS providers, the value must be zero. A value of zero indicates that the provider returns text, as opposed to HTML or a COM object. SAS providers only support returning text. For more information, see Binding to Rowset Columns.

Cancel MDX Queries

When the OLAP provider is used to perform an MDX query, the request can be cancelled with the Cancel method. This support is limited to MDX queries that are made asynchronously and with the Execute method.

Support Internet Protocol v6 Addresses

The IOM provider and the OLAP provider support using IPv6 addresses in a connection string. An example of using an IPv6 address and an example of using an IPv4 address are added in Internet Protocol Version 4 and Version 6 Addresses.