Why Are Reports Missing from ITRM Report Center?

To determine why reports are missing from ITRM Report Center, consider the following potential resolutions.

Are the ITRM Report Center Filters Defined Correctly?

  1. Sign out of ITRM Report Center and then sign in again.
  2. In the Gallery workspace, invoke the new Gallery wizard to create a new gallery that shows at least one report that should have been generated by the report job.
    1. On page 2 of the wizard, select one domain category, one subcategory, one job schedule frequency, and one keyword (if applicable) that matches one of the reports in your report job.
    2. On page 3 of the wizard, note how many reports are found. If one or more reports are found, click Next. On step 4 of the wizard, note how many reports are found.
      If no reports are found, go to the previous step and increase the number of occurrences to 999 and repeat. (For information about how to change the number of occurrences, see Step 3 of the “Create a Gallery” topic in Chapter 3, “The Gallery Workspace,” in the SAS IT Resource Management 3.5: Report Center Guide.)
  3. If the number of reports displayed in a gallery is less than the quantity expected, do the following steps:
    1. Determine whether the SAS Content Server cache needs to be refreshed. For information about this topic, see How to Refresh the Cache for ITRM Report Center Reports.
    2. Verify that the ITRM Report Center user who is viewing the gallery is a member of the groups that are authorized to access the SAS Content Server folder locations where the reports in that gallery are stored.
    3. Review the SecondaryReportCount value that is set in the SAS Management Console. (That value controls the maximum number of reports that are displayed for a gallery.) For information, see Reset the Maximum Number of Reports to Be Returned from the Create Gallery Filters .
If you are still not able to find any reports that should be generated from your report job, perform the following steps:
  1. Try to determine whether ITRM Report Center can find any reports or whether the problem is limited to a subset of reports.
  2. For more troubleshooting suggestions, see Are the Reports Stored in the SAS Content Server?.

Are the Reports Stored in the SAS Content Server?

  1. If you are a SAS Administrator, click Open SCS Viewer Console on the Administration workspace to traverse the SAS Content Server folder structure to search for at least one report that should be generated by the report job.
    SCS Administration Console Contents
    SCS Admin Console Contents
  2. Traverse the folder structure until you reach the folder that contains the actual report.
  3. If the report is not in the SAS Content Server, check the report job log to make sure that the reports generated without errors. Investigate and eliminate the cause of the errors and rerun the report job. For more troubleshooting suggestions, see Why Report Jobs Are Not Generating Reports. You might have to rerun the report job with debugging turned on. Save the report job log and contact SAS Technical Support.
  4. If the report is in the SAS Content Server, perform the following steps:
    1. Refresh the cache only under the specific root location where the report is stored. (Use the Open SCS Viewer Console to determine the location of the root folder.)For information about how to do this, see How to Refresh the Cache for ITRM Report Center Reports.
    2. Check whether there are errors in the ITRM Report Center log. (The log is located at <YourSASConfigFolder>\Lev1\Web\Logs\SASServer10_1\ITRMReportCenter3.5.log.) If there are errors in the ITRM Report Center log, save a copy of the log and contact SAS Technical Support. For information about how to do so, see Technical Support.

Does the Cache Need to Be Refreshed?

ITRM Report Center maintains an internal index, or cache, of the reports that are stored in the SAS Content Server. The reports that are associated with ITRM Report Center are only those that are generated by SAS IT Resource Management report jobs and exception jobs. When SAS IT Resource Management report jobs and exception jobs run successfully, the cache is updated correctly. However, in some cases, such as network connection failures, you might not be able to see new reports. Similarly, you might see a 404 error message that refers to reports that were deleted because the cache was not updated correctly.
Example of an HTTP Status of 404
Example of an HTTP Status of 404
To force an update of the cache, see How to Refresh the Cache for ITRM Report Center Reports.

Did the Report Jobs Run Correctly?

Check the report job log to make sure that the reports were generated without errors. Investigate and eliminate the cause of the errors and rerun the report job. For more troubleshooting suggestions, see Why Report Jobs Are Not Generating Reports.