About the Resource Workspace

The main features of the Resource workspace are accessed from the workspace bar. The workspace bar of the Resource workspace contains the following icons:
  • Refresh Icon updates the window with the latest information.
  • Expand Icon displays all the resources on this window.
  • Collapse Icon lists only information that pertains to the first resource name. Reports with multiple resource names are hidden.
  • Sort Icon sorts the content on this workspace by Resource Name or Resource Type. The Sort dialog box appears as shown in the following display.
    Sort Dialog Box
    Sort Dialog Box
    You can sort in ascending or descending order by Resource Name, Resource Type, Resource Count, Last Modified Date, orDomain Category. Use the right and left arrows to move a selected sort item to the Sort By column. The columns are sorted in ascending order by default. To change the sort order, click the Sort Direction field for the item that you want to sort. Then click the order that you want to sort by. Then click OK.
    You can change the sort order of the selected items by using the up and down arrows on the right side of the column.
  • Manage Columns Icon changes the information that is displayed on the window. The Manage Columns dialog box appears, as shown in the following display.
    Manage Columns Dialog Box
    Manage Columns Dialog Box
    The previous dialog box shows that the Resource workspace is displaying the Resource Name, Resource Type, Domain Category, Report Count, and Most Recent Creation Date by default.
    To remove any of these columns from the workspace, select it and then use the arrows to move that column to the Available columns list.
    Note: This change persists from one session to the next.
  • The following display shows the Open menu. Open Dialog Box.
    It displays these options for a selected resource:
    • Click Open to display the reports for that resource. The reports appear as a gallery using the default grid view.
      By default, ITRM Report Center limits the number of reports that can be displayed in a gallery to 3,000. When the number of reports exceeds 3,000, a message is displayed and the reports that exceed that limit are omitted from the display. The default value for the number of reports that can be displayed in a gallery is stored in the SecondaryReportCount parameter. The default value of this parameter (3,000) can be changed by a SAS administrator. However, regardless of the value specified for the SecondaryReportCount parameter, ITRM Report Center permits no more than 5,000 reports in a single gallery.
      To view or change the default report limits for the secondary filters, use the SAS Administrative ID. For more information, see the “Reset the Maximum Number of Reports to Be Returned from the Create Gallery Filters “ topic in Chapter 10, “Administrative Tasks” in the SAS IT Resource Management 3.6: Reporting Guide.
      Reports that pertain to a selected resource might exist in multiple root locations. If a user belongs to several root locations, all the reports (across all the root locations to which the user belongs) are displayed.
      Reports with partially matching nodes are merged when displayed. For example, suppose there are two sets of reports. One set of reports has only one variable. The other set has two variables. (One of these variables matches the variable of the first set of reports.) When displayed, the two resource hierarchies are merged into one hierarchy. That is, both sets of reports are displayed under the variable that was common to both sets of reports.
      Note: If the number of reports seems incorrect, refresh the cache for the root location. This can be done by a SAS administrator on the Administration workspace.
      In the following display, the DEVA resource was selected on the workspace that was displayed in the Overview of the Resource Workspace.
      Example of the List of Reports by Resource Action
      Example of the List of Reports by Resource
      Note: The name of the resource (in this example, “DEVA”) appears in the tray at the bottom of the workspace. It also appears at the top of the page above the workspace bar.
    • Click Add to open the item in the current layout.
      Add Opens the Highlighted Resource
      Note: This option appears only if an object is in the tile view in the tray at the bottom of the window.
    • Click Send to Tile Pane to add the selected resource to the location at the bottom of the page.
      For example, in the following display, the selected resource is rhlgn001.
      Example of the Send to Tile Pane Action
      Example of the Send to Tile Pane Action
      Using the Send to Tile Pane feature makes it easier to compare the resources. Clicking the tiles (one after another) causes them to display as a tile gallery in the same workspace, as shown in the following display. Alternatively, select Viewthen selectShow All Items to view the resources as a tile gallery.
      Comparison of Two Resource Lists in the Same Workspace
      Comparison of Two Resource Lists in the Same Workspace
      Note: In the previous display, the resource groups B77A and EMONITOR are compared. Any number of resource groups can be displayed as tiles at the same time in the workspace. However, legibility of the images might be impaired if more than nine resource groups are included in the view.
The following display shows the tray at the bottom of the Resource workspace.
Resource Workspace Tray
Resource Workspace Tray
It contains these objects:
  • View Object List icon
    Click the View Object List icon to display all the objects in the Resource workspace. This view shows the Domain Category column. (This icon toggles with the View Layout icon. Click the View Layout icon to eliminate the Domain Category column from the display.)
  • View Layout icon
    Click the View Layout icon to bring focus to opened tile galleries. (This icon toggles with the View Object List icon.)
  • View Button
    Click the View button to display these options:
    • Save Layout
      Select this item to open the Save Layout dialog box.
      Save Layout Dialog Box
      Save Layout Dialog Box
      This dialog box displays identifying information about the layout: name, date of creation, workspace, and items contained in the layout. You can change the Name of the layout. The Name field can contain any type and number of characters. Click Save to save the layout and return to the workspace view.
    • Open Layout
      Select this item to open the Open Layout dialog box.
      Open Layout Dialog Box
      Open Layout Dialog Box
      Click the Open Layout icon (Open Layout Icon) to display the selected layout.
      Click the Delete Layout icon (Delete Layout icon) to remove the selected layout.
      Click the down arrow next to the layout to show the details of that layout.
    • Show All Items
      Select this item to display all the tiles that are shown in the tray of the Resource workspace. The resources are displayed in the form of a gallery.
    • Close All
      Select this item to remove all tiles from the tray of the Resource workspace.
  • Maximize View icon
    Click the Maximize View icon to enlarge the view by removing the banner and the status bar. (This icon toggles to maximize and normalize the view.)
  • The name or ID of the user appears next to the User field.
Several features that are described for the Gallery workspace are also available for use in the Resource workspace. The following features are available for both workspaces:
Similarly, workspace navigation options that are described for the Resource workspace are also available for use in the Gallery workspace. These features are the Open, Add, Send to Tile Pane, and Workspace Tray that are described in the “About the Resource Workspace” topic in this chapter. For more information, see About the Resource Workspace.