Working with Galleries and Albums in the Gallery Workspace

The following topics describe how to view, filter, and sort reports in the Gallery workspace. To work with the reports that are created by IT Resource Management, they must first be organized into a gallery or album. To open a gallery or album in the Gallery workspace, select that item from those that are available in My Galleries and Albums or Shared Galleries and Albums.

View Reports

The following display shows the workspace bar that is available when you are working in the Gallery workspace.
Gallery Workspace Bar
Gallery Workspace Bar
The Gallery workspace provides four gallery views that enable you to view and sort the reports in different ways. Click the Grid button in the workspace bar to display the types of views that are available. Here is the list of views: List of View Types. The four types of gallery views are displayed in the following list:
  • The grid view displays the reports and their associated metadata in a tabular format. The columns in the table include additional information about the reports, such as the title, BY variables, and creation date.
    • Type shows an icon that defines the type of object that is being displayed. If the type of object is a performance report, the Performance Report (Performance Report icon) icon is shown.
      If the type of object is an exception report, the Exception Report (Exception Report icon icon is shown.
    • Report Title specifies the title of the report.
    • By Variables specifies resource BY variables that are in the report.
    • Content Date specifies the date BY variables that are in the report, such as Date, StartOfWeek, and StartOfMonth.
    • Generation Date specifies the date and time that the report was created.
      Note: The Generation Date that is displayed in the grid view shows the date that is based on the local time zone of the client. This date might differ from the date on which the report job was run if it was run in a different time zone from the client’s time zone.
    You can select a column to sort reports based on that column or to adjust the width of the column in the table. You can quickly scan these report titles for similarities and double-click an individual report to view a large image of it in a separate browser window. This view is the default view.
    Note: Timestamps in the tabular view of ITRM Report Center contain different times than those in the actual reports if they are viewed in a different time zone from where the report jobs were run.
    A Gallery in the Grid View
    A Gallery in the Grid View
    Double-click a report in the grid to open a large version of it in a separate browser window.
  • The tile view displays thumbnail images. This view displays up to four thumbnails of reports at one time. Each tile includes the report title, the BY variables, and a small image of the report. You can double-click an individual report to view a large image of it in a separate browser window.
    ActiveX is supported only on Internet Explorer. Extensions or plug-ins are necessary when working with ActiveX content while using Chrome or Firefox browsers.
    A Gallery in the Tile View
    A Gallery in the Thumbnail View
    You can use the vertical scroll bar to navigate through the entire set of reports in the gallery.
  • The flow view displays a horizontal stack of reports at one time. Each report image includes the report title, the BY variables, and a small image of the report.
    This view displays the reports as moveable pages so that you can navigate through a sequence of reports that are stacked together. You can double-click an individual report to view a large image of it in a separate browser window.
    A Gallery of Reports in the Flow View
    A Gallery in the Flow View
    You can navigate between reports by clicking each page as if it were a page in a book. Here are the ways that you can navigate through the reports in the flow view:
    • Click a report on the right to move that report into the center.
    • Click a report on the left to move that report into the center.
    • Double-click the report in the center to see a larger view of the report in a separate browser window.
    • Use the horizontal scroll bar to page through reports.
  • The Preview option displays a shortened list of the reports that are shown in the grid view and a Preview pane below. As shown in the following display, you can click a report in the grid area to see a thumbnail image in the preview area. Double-click a report in the grid area or the preview area to see a larger view of the report in a separate browser window.
    Previewing Reports
    List of Reports Displayed with the Preview

Filter Reports

You can use filters to subset the view of reports in a gallery by one or more criteria. This process reduces the number of reports that are shown in the gallery and album. Therefore, you can limit the display to the specific reports that meet your filter criteria.
The filter variables in the Filters pane are criteria that restrict the SAS IT Resource Management reports that are displayed when viewing a gallery in the Gallery workspace. When you select a filter variable within a group, you see only the reports that include the variable that you selected. However, if you do not select a variable within a given filter group, then the displayed reports can include any of the variables that are related to the filter group.
For example, a filter group named Machine might include four variables that correspond to four machines in your organization: DEVA, GOLDFINGER4, P0A2, and PERFORMANCE6. If you select the variable DEVA, then only the gallery reports for the DEVA machine appear.
If you select multiple filter variables in a single filter group, then the Gallery pane displays only the reports that meet any of those selected criteria. If you select a filter variable in two different filter groups, then the Gallery pane displays only the reports that meet both criteria for the two distinct filter groups.
To filter the reports that you view in a gallery or an album, perform the following steps:
  1. Open a gallery or album in the Gallery workspace. To do so, select the gallery that you want to work with and click Open on the workspace bar.
  2. Click the arrow that is next to the Filter icon (Filter icon) on the workspace bar. The filter menu for the gallery appears:
    Filter Menu for a Sample Gallery
    Filter Menu for a Gallery
    Note: The list of filters includes the filters that you selected for this gallery. The list includes “Occurrences” if it was specified when the gallery was created.
    The following display shows the filter menu for an album. (The filter list for albums does not include “Occurrences”.)
    Filter Menu for a Sample Album
    Filter Menu for a Sample Album
  3. Click the arrow next to the type of filter that you want to specify. The list of available values for a filter varies based on the BY variables that are in the reports in the open gallery. Thus, the filters that are available for selection might change each time a new gallery is selected for filtering.
  4. Check the box next to the variable that you want to use to subset the reports in the gallery for viewing. For example, in the following display, all types of reports (performance reports and exception reports) are included in the subset if they contain the keyword “Top”.
    Example of a Filter
    Example of a Filter
Note: Applying filters to a gallery or album does not modify the contents of the gallery or album. It only subsets the reports for viewing. Therefore, the applied filters last only for the current instance of the gallery or album. The next time you access the gallery or album, you will see all of its reports and you will be able to apply another set of filter criteria if necessary.

Sort Reports

The column headings of the preview and grid views enable you to sort the reports by column. The default order is alphanumeric ascending order by report title, BY variables, and report generation date.
When you click a column heading in the preview and grid views, an up arrow (ascending) or down arrow (descending) icon appears. These arrows indicate whether the information in the columns is sorted by ascending or descending order. For example, when the down arrow (Down Arrow) is displayed in the column heading, then the information in that column is sorted by descending order. You can click the arrow in a column heading to change the sort order for that column.
The sort order that you designate is not preserved the next time you access the gallery. The sort order that you designate in each of the grid and preview gallery views is preserved when viewing a gallery if you navigate to other views and return to them.
Note: If a report does not have a value in one of the possible sort fields, then that report appears first in a list that is sorted in ascending order.