Language Reference

Base SAS Functions Accessible from SAS/IML

The following Base SAS functions are either not available from IML, or behave differently from the Base SAS function of the same name.

Function Comment
CALL CATSreturn variable must be preinitialized
MADconflicts with built-in function of the same name
MEDIANconflicts with IMLMLIB function of the same name
MODbase function performs "fuzzing;" IML does not
CALL PRXNEXTreturn variables must be preinitialized
CALL PRXPOSNreturn variables must be preinitialized
CALL PRXSUBSTRreturn variables must be preinitialized
CALL RXCHANGEreturn variables must be preinitialized
CALL RXMATCHreturn variables must be preinitialized
CALL RXSUBSTRreturn variables must be preinitialized
CALL SCANreturn variables must be preinitialized
VVALUEnot applicable: interrogates DATA step variables
VVALUEXnot applicable: interrogates DATA step variables
VNEXTnot applicable: interrogates DATA step variables

There are some Base SAS functions that are not supported by SAS/IML. For example, the DATA step permits N-literals (strings that end with 'N') to be interpreted as the name of a variable, but IML does not.

The following Base SAS functions can be called from SAS/IML. The functions are documented in the SAS Language Reference: Dictionary. In some cases, SAS/IML does not accept all variations in the syntax. For example, SAS/IML does not accept the OF keyword as a way to generate an argument list in the RANGE function.

The functions displayed in italics are documented elsewhere in this user's guide. These functions operate on matrices as well as on scalar values, as do many of the mathematical and statistical functions.

Bitwise Logical Operation Functions

Character and Formatting Functions

Character String Matching Functions and Subroutines

Date and Time Functions

Descriptive Statistics Functions and Subroutines

Double-Byte Character String Functions

External Files Functions

File I/O Functions

Financial Functions

Macro Functions and Subroutines

Mathematical Functions and Subroutines

Probability Functions

Quantile Functions

Random Number Functions and Subroutines

State and Zip Code Functions

Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions

Truncation Functions

Web Tools

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