Language Reference

External Files Functions

DROPNOTEdeletes a note marker from a SAS data set or an external file and returns a value
EXISTverifies the existence of a SAS data library member
FAPPENDappends the current record to the end of an external file and returns a value
FCLOSEcloses an external file, directory, or directory member, and returns a value
FCOLreturns the current column position in the File Data Buffer (FDB)
FDELETEdeletes an external file or an empty directory
FEXISTverifies the existence of an external file associated with a fileref and returns a value
FGETcopies data from the File Data Buffer (FDB) into a variable and returns a value
FILEEXISTverifies the existence of an external file by its physical name and returns a value
FILENAMEassigns or deassigns a fileref for an external file, directory, or output device and returns a value
FILEREFverifies that a fileref has been assigned for the current SAS session and returns a value
FINFOreturns the value of a file information item
FNOTEidentifies the last record that was read and returns a value that FPOINT can use
FOPENopens an external file and returns a file identifier value
FOPTNAMEreturns the name of an item of information about a file
FOPTNUMreturns the number of information items that are available for an external file
FPOINTpositions the read pointer on the next record to be read and returns a value
FPOSsets the position of the column pointer in the File Data Buffer (FDB) and returns a value
FPUTmoves data to the File Data Buffer (FDB) of an external file, starting at the FDB's current column position, and returns a value
FREADreads a record from an external file into the File Data Buffer (FDB) and returns a value
FREWINDpositions the file pointer to the start of the file and returns a value
FRLENreturns the size of the last record read, or, if the file is opened for output, returns the current record size
FSEPsets the token delimiters for the FGET function and returns a value
FWRITEwrites a record to an external file and returns a value
MOPENopens a file by directory identifier and member name, and returns the file identifier or a 0
PATHNAMEreturns the physical name of a SAS data library or of an external file, or returns a blank
SYSMSGreturns the text of error messages or warning messages from the last data set or external file function execution
SYSRCreturns a system error number

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