Language Reference

Mathematical Functions and Subroutines

CALL ALLPERMgenerates all permutations of the values of several variables.
ABSreturns the absolute value
AIRYreturns the Airy function
BETAreturns the value of the beta function.
COALESCEreturns the first non-missing value from a list of numeric arguments
COALESCECreturns the first non-missing value from a list of character arguments
COMBreturns the number of combinations of n items taken r at a time
COMPFUZZreturns the result of a fuzzy comparison of numeric values
CONSTANTreturns some machine and mathematical constants
CNONCTreturns the noncentrality parameter from a chi-squared distribution
DAIRYreturns the derivative of the Airy function
DEVIANCEreturns the deviance from a specified distribution
DIGAMMAreturns the DIGAMMA function
ERFreturns the normal error function
ERFCreturns the complementary normal error function
EXPreturns the exponential function
FACTreturns the factorial of an integer
FNONCTreturns the noncentrality parameter of an F distribution
GAMMAreturns the gamma function
IBESSELreturns a modified Bessel function
JBESSELreturns a Bessel function
LOGBETAreturns the logarithm of the beta function
LGAMMAreturns the natural logarithm of the gamma function
LOGreturns the natural (base e) logarithm
LOG2returns the logarithm base 2
LOG10returns the logarithm base 10
CALL LOGISTICreturns the logistic value of each argument
MODreturns the remainder value
CALL RANPERKrandomly permutes the values of the arguments, and returns a permutation of k out of n values
CALL RANPERMrandomly permutes the values of the arguments
PERMreturns the number of permutations of n items taken r at a time
SIGNreturns the sign of a value
CALL SOFTMAXreturns the softmax value for each argument
SQRTreturns the square root of a value
TNONCTreturns the value of the noncentrality parameter from the student's t distribution
TRIGAMMAreturns the value of the TRIGAMMA function

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