Appearance of Grouped Data

Plots that Support Grouped Data

The GROUP= column option is used to plot data when a classification or grouping variable is available. Plots that support the GROUP= option include the following:

Using the Default Appearance for Grouped Data

By default, the GROUP= option automatically uses the style elements GraphData1 to GraphDataN for the presentation of each unique group value. Here is an example of a series plot that displays grouped data.
proc template;
  define statgraph group;
      entrytitle "Tech Stocks 2002-2004";
      entryfootnote halign=left "Source: SASHELP.STOCKS";
      layout overlay;
        seriesplot x=date y=close / group=stock name="series"
        discretelegend "series";
proc sgrender data=sashelp.stocks template=group;
  where date between "1jan02"d and "31dec04"d;
Using a Group Value
Attributes such as line color and pattern are used to display the group values. The colors and patterns used for each group value are determined by the ODS style. In the previous example, there are three unique values of variable STOCK in the SASHELP.STOCKS data set: IBM, Intel, and Microsoft. The line colors and line patterns from the GraphData1–GraphData3 style elements of the DEFAULT style are used for each of the three group values. The ContrastColor attribute specifies the line color, and the LineType attribute specifies the line pattern. See Graph Style Elements for GTL for information about the GTL style elements and attributes.
The colors and patterns are assigned to the values in the order in which they occur in the SASHELP.STOCKS data set. In this case, GraphData1 is assigned to IBM, GraphData2 is assigned to Intel, and GraphData3 is assigned to Microsoft. Other attributes such as fill color, fill pattern, and marker color that are used in other plot types are assigned in a similar manner. Here are some additional examples of the default grouped data appearance for other plot types.
Grouped BARCHART with Cluster Group Display
Grouped SCATTERPLOT with Cluster Group Display
Grouped BOXPLOT with Cluster Group Display
To specify different colors and patterns you can specify a different ODS style or you can create a custom style. For information about creating custom styles, see Using Custom Styles to Control the Appearance of Grouped Data. For many plots and charts, you can also use attribute maps to override certain style attributes for specific group values. For information about attribute maps, see Using Attribute Maps to Control the Appearance of Group Values.

Using Custom Styles to Control the Appearance of Grouped Data

Each style potentially can change the style attributes for GraphData1–GraphDataN. If you have certain preferences for grouped data items, you can create a modified style that will display your preferences. The following code creates a new style named STOCKS that is based on the supplied style STYLES.LISTING. This modification changes the properties for the GraphData1–GraphData3 style elements. All other style elements are inherited from LISTING.
proc template;
  define style stocks; 
    style GraphData1 /
    style GraphData2 /
    style GraphData3 /
In this style definition, the LINESTYLE is set to 1 (solid) for the first three data values. Style syntax requires that line styles be set with their numeric value, not their keyword counterparts in GTL such as SOLID, DASH, or DOT. See Values for Marker Symbols and Line Patterns for the complete set of line styles.
CONTRASTCOLOR is the attribute applied to grouped lines and markers. COLOR is the attribute applied to grouped filled areas, such as grouped bar charts or grouped ellipses. MARKERSYMBOL defines the same values that can be specified with the MARKERATTRS=( SYMBOL=keyword ) option in GTL. See Values for Marker Symbols and Line Patterns for the complete set of marker names.
After the STOCKS style is defined, it must be requested on the ODS destination statement. No modification of the compiled template is necessary:
ods html style=stocks;

proc sgrender data=sashelp.stocks
 where date between 
      "1jan02"d and "31dec04"d;
Using a Defined Style
One issue that you should be aware of is that the STOCKS style only customized the appearance of the first three group values. If there were more group values, other unaltered style elements will be used, starting with GraphData4. Most styles define (or inherit) GraphData1 to GraphData12 styles elements. If you need more elements, you can add as many as you desire, starting with one more than the highest existing element (for example, GraphData13) and numbering them sequentially thereafter.

Using Attribute Maps to Control the Appearance of Group Values

Discrete Attribute Maps

A discrete attribute map enables you to consistently assign attributes to specific values of a numeric or character column in a data set. The assignment of the attributes is based on formatted data values and is independent of the position of the data in the data set. It is typically used to visually highlight group values on a plot using marker symbols, fill colors, line patterns, and so on. To create and use a discrete attribute map, you must do the following:
  • Use a DISCRETEATTRMAP block with one or more VALUE statements to define your attribute map.
  • Use a DISCRETEATTRVAR statement to create an attribute variable that associates your attribute map with a data column in your plot data set.
  • Set the group option in your plot statement to the name of the attribute variable that you created in your DISCRETEATTRVAR statement. The group option includes GROUP=, COLORGROUP=, MARKERCOLORGROUP=, and so on, depending on the plot statement. See SAS Graph Template Language: Reference for specific information about the group options and whether they accept discrete attribute variables.
The DISCRETEATTRMAP block includes one or more VALUE statements that associate a single value to a set of graphic attribute options, such as LINEATTRS, MARKERATTRS, TEXTATTRS, or FILLATTRS. Any column values that are not accounted for in the VALUE statements are assigned the default visual properties that would normally be assigned if an attribute map was not used. The DISCRETEATTRMAP statement also includes a NAME= option that enables you to specify a unique name for the map. The block must appear in the global definition area of the template between the BEGINGRAPH statement and the first LAYOUT statement. It cannot be nested within any other statement. An ENDDISCRETEATTRMAP statement must be used to end the block.
The DISCRETEATTRVAR statement creates a named association between a DISCRETEATTRMAP and a column in your plot data set. To create the attribute variable, do the following:
  • Add a DISCRETEATTRVAR statement to the global definition area of your template between the BEGINGRAPH statement and the first layout statement.
  • In the DISCRETEATTRVAR statement:
    • Set the ATTRVAR= option to a unique name for the attribute-map-to-data-set-column association.
    • Set the ATTRMAP= option to the value of the NAME= option that you used in your DISCRETEATTRMAP statement.
    • Set the VAR= option to the name of the numeric or character column in your plot data set, an expression, or the name of a dynamic variable.
After you create the discrete attribute map and the attribute variable, in your plot statement, set the GROUP= option or other roles that can accept a discrete attribute variable to the value of the ATTRVAR= option that you used in your DISCRETEATTRVAR statement.
Note: Do not use the attribute variable in an expression. Doing so might produce unexpected results.
Note: The values and graphical attributes defined in a discrete attribute map cannot be displayed by a CONTINUOUSLEGEND statement.
Here is an example that creates and applies a discrete attribute map to the values in column STOCK of the plot data set. It also creates a discrete legend.
/* Create a stock data set for the year 2002 */
proc sort data=sashelp.stocks out=stocks;
   by stock date;
   where date between '01JAN02'd and '30DEC02'd;

/* Create a template for IBM, Microsoft, and Intel stocks */
proc template;
define statgraph stocks;
  entrytitle "Trends for IBM, Intel, and Microsoft";
  discreteattrmap name="stockname" / ignorecase=true;
    value "IBM" /
       markerattrs=GraphData1(color=red  symbol=circlefilled)
       lineattrs=GraphData1(color=red pattern=solid);
    value "Intel" /
       markerattrs=GraphData2(color=green symbol=trianglefilled)
       lineattrs=GraphData2(color=green pattern=shortdash); 
    value "Microsoft" /
       markerattrs=GraphData3(color=blue symbol=squarefilled)
       lineattrs=GraphData3(color=blue pattern=dot);    
  discreteattrvar attrvar=stockmarkers var=stock
  layout overlay;
     seriesplot x=date y=close /
    discretelegend "trends" / title="Stock Trends";


/* Plot the stock trends  */
ods html style=stocks;
proc sgrender data=stocks template=stocks;
This example applies different line and marker attributes to the IBM, Intel, and Microsoft stock plot lines. In the example code, notice that the NAME="stockname" option in the DISCRETEATTRMAP statement provides a name for the discrete attribute map. Also notice that the ATTRVAR=stockmarkers option in the DISCRETEATTRVAR statement provides a name for the attribute-map-to-data-set-column association. The ATTRMAP="stockname" and the VAR=stock options in the DISCRETEATTRVAR statement associate the attribute map stockname with the data set column STOCK respectively to create an attribute variable. In the SERIESPLOT statement, the GROUP=stockmarkers option applies the attribute map to the specified group values. This satisfies all of the requirements for using a discrete attribute map.
The following figure shows the resulting output.
An Attribute Map Used in a Plot of Stock Trends
In this example, the color scheme in the plot remains in effect regardless of the data or the order of the data in the data set. For example, if you run this example without any data for IBM, the Intel and Microsoft plot lines will still be green and blue.

Range Attribute Maps

A range attribute map enables you to map one or more colors to a range of values of a specific numeric column in a plot data set. It is typically used to visually highlight ranges using single colors or a color ramp.
Note: A RANGEATTRMAP can be used with a numeric column only.
To create and use a discrete attribute map, you must do the following:
  • Use a RANGEATTRMAP block with one or more RANGE statements to define your range attribute map. Use the RANGE statement RANGECOLOR= or RANGECOLORMODEL= option to specify a color or color ramp for each range.
  • Use a RANGEATTRVAR statement to create an attribute variable that associates your range attribute map with a numeric data column in your plot data set.
  • Set the MARKERCOLORGRADIENT= or COLORRESPONSE= option in your plot statement to the name of the attribute variable that you created in your RANGEATTRVAR statement.
The RANGEATTRMAP block includes one or more RANGE statements that associate a range of values with a single color or a color ramp. The syntax of the RANGE statement is as follows:
RANGE low-value< < >< < >high-value / options
The optional exclusion operator (<) can be placed after the low-value value or before the high-value value to exclude that value from the range endpoint. The low-value and high-value values can be an unformatted numeric value or a range keyword. For low-value, keyword MIN, NEGMAX, or NEGMAXABS can be used instead of numeric value. For high-value, keyword MAX or MAXABS can be used. For information about the range keywords, see SAS Graph Template Language: Reference.
Note: If two ranges share a common endpoint, such as 10–20 and 20–30, and no exclusion operator ( < ) is used, the common endpoint belongs to the lower range, which is 10–20 in this case.
The RANGEATTRMAP statement also includes a NAME= option that enables you to specify a unique name for the range attribute map. The RANGEATTRMAP block must appear in the global definition area of the template between the BEGINGRAPH statement and the first LAYOUT statement. It cannot be nested within any other statement. An ENDRANGEATTRMAP statement is required to end the block. The block must contain at least one RANGE statement.
The RANGEATTRVAR statement creates a named association between a range attribute map and a numeric column in your plot data set. To create the range attribute variable, do the following in your RANGEATTRVAR statement:
  • Add a RANGEATTRVAR statement to the global definition area of your template between the BEGINGRAPH statement and the first layout statement.
  • In the RANGEATTRVAR statement:
    • Set the ATTRVAR= option to a unique name for range attribute map to data set column association.
    • Set the ATTRMAP= option to the value of the NAME= option that you used in your RANGEATTRMAP statement.
    • Set the VAR= option to the name of the numeric column in your plot data set with which the range attribute map is to be associated.
After your create the range attribute map and the range attribute variable, in your plot statement, set the value of the option that maps the column values to colors to the name that you specified with the ATTRMAP= option in your RANGEATTRVAR statement.
Note: The values and graphical attributes defined in a range attribute map cannot be displayed by a DISCRETELEGEND statement.
Here is an example of a template that creates and applies a range attribute map to the WEIGHT column of a SCATTERPLOT statement data set in order to color the markers in the resulting plot by weight range. It also creates a continuous legend.
proc template;
define statgraph attrrange; 
      /* Create the range attribute map. */ 
      rangeattrmap name="scale";
         range 0-70 / 
            rangecolormodel=(black); /* 0 to 70 inclusive */
         range 70<-107 / 
            rangecolormodel=(blue); /* 70 exclusive to 107 inclusive */
         range 107<-125 / 
            rangecolormodel=(green); /* 107 exclusive to 125 inclusive */ 
         range 125<-200 / 
            rangecolormodel=(red); /* 125 exclusive to 200 inclusive */ 

      /* Create the range attribute variable. */
      rangeattrvar attrvar=weightrange var=weight attrmap="scale";

      /* Create the graph. */
      entrytitle "Weight Class"; 
      layout overlay /
         xaxisopts=(griddisplay=on gridattrs=(color=lightgray pattern=dot))
         yaxisopts=(griddisplay=on gridattrs=(color=lightgray pattern=dot));
         scatterplot x=weight y=height / markercolorgradient=weightrange 
            markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=10) name='wgtclass';

         /* Add a continuous legend. */
         continuouslegend 'wgtclass'; 

/* Render the graph. */
ods graphics / width=4in height=3in;
proc sgrender data=sashelp.class template=attrrange;
The following figure shows the resulting output.
A Range Attribute Map Used in a Plot of Weight and Height
In the example code, notice that the NAME=”scale” option in the RANGEATTRMAP statement provides a name for the range attribute map. Also notice that the ATTRVAR=weightrange option in the RANGEATTRVAR statement provides a name for the attribute-map-to-data-set-column association. The ATTRMAP=”scale” and the VAR=weight options in the RANGEATTRVAR statement associate the attribute map scale with the data set column WEIGHT respectively. In the SCATTERPLOT statement, the MARKERCOLORGRADIENT=weightrange option applies the range attribute map to the WEIGHT column variable values and colors the plot markers according to the ranges that are specified in the range attribute map. To add a legend that displays the marker colors for the weight ranges, you can include a CONTINUOUSLEGEND statement. For information about continuous legends, see Features of Continuous Legends.

Changing the Group Data Display

With many plots, you can use the GROUPDISPLAY= option to change the way in which group values are displayed. The following table summarizes the values that you can use with this option and the plot statements that are applicable for each.
GROUPDISPLAY Option Values and the Applicable Plots for Each
Applicable Plot Statements
Stacks each group value on a single bar at the category value on the axis.
Displays the group values side-by-side in a cluster that is centered on the category value on the axis.
Note: For NEEDLEPLOT, SCATTERPLOT, SERIESPLOT, and STEPPLOT, the X axis must be categorical.
Overlays the group values at the category value on the axis.
For bar charts, by default, group values are stacked on each category bar as shown in the following figure.
Stack Group Display in a Bar Chart
When GROUPDISPLAY=CLUSTER, the group values are shown as a cluster of bars, one bar for each group value in the category value, centered over the category value as shown in the following figure.
Cluster Group Display in a Bar Chart
Here is the code that generated the previous plot.
/* Create a variable for the desired year. */
%let year=2002;

/* Create a data set of the first six months of the year. */
data stocks;
   set sashelp.stocks;
   where year(date) eq &year and month(date) le 6; 

/* Format the numeric months into 3-character month names. */
proc format;
   value month3char
      1="Jan" 2="Feb" 3="Mar" 4="Apr" 5="May" 6="Jun";

/* Create the template. */
proc template;                                                                  
   define statgraph stocksgraph;                                                       
	   dynamic year;
         entrytitle "Stock Volume By Month for First Six Months of " year;
         layout overlay /
            yaxisopts=(griddisplay=on display=(line ticks tickvalues))
            xaxisopts=(display=(line ticks tickvalues));
            barchart x=month y=volume /
            discretelegend "total";

/* Generate the bar chart using the bar template. */
ods graphics on / reset outputfmt=static;
ods html style=stocks;
proc sgrender data=stocks template=stocksgraph;
   dynamic year=&year;
   format month month3char.; 
The width of each cluster is directly based on the number of category values on the axis. By default, the cluster width is 85% of the midpoint spacing. You can use the CLUSTERWIDTH= option to adjust the cluster width.
Within each cluster, by default, each bar occupies 100% of its available space. When a cluster contains the maximum number of bars, no gap exits between the adjacent bars in the cluster. You can use the BARWIDTH= option to add space between the bars in the cluster.
For the remaining plot types (see GROUPDISPLAY Option Values and the Applicable Plots for Each), the behavior of the GROUPDISPLAY=CLUSTER option is similar to that of bar charts. That is, the group values are clustered at the category value on the axis. You can also use the CLUSTERWIDTH= option to vary the width of the clusters. For these plots, the clusters include the following:
  • plot markers for series plots and scatter plots
  • step transitions and plot markers for step plots
  • boxes for box plots
This is useful if you want to overlay a grouped SERIESPLOT onto a grouped clustered BARCHART, for example.
When GROUPDISPLAY=OVERLAY is used, each group value for a category is positioned at the category value on the axis. If one or more values appear in the same position, the symbol for the last value overlays the symbol for the previous value. Here is an example of series plots that show the group cluster and overlay displays together for comparison on discrete category axes.
Cluster and Overlay Displays for Series Plots
Notice in the cluster display that the three-symbol cluster for each category is centered on the category value, while in the overlay display, all of the symbols are aligned on the category value. Also notice that in the overlay display some of the symbols overwrite others that appear in the same location. In the case of a scatter plot, the plot symbols behave in the same manner.

Including Missing Group Values

By default, missing group values are excluded from the plot. If you want to include a group for the missing values, use the INCLUDEMISSINGGROUP=TRUE option in your plot statement. If you include a discrete legend, the missing group is also added to the legend. For numeric values, the label for the missing group in the legend is a dot or the character that is specified by the SAS MISSING option. For character values, the label for the missing group is a blank. You can use a FORMAT statement to assign a more meaningful label to the missing group category. Here is an example.
proc template;
 define statgraph survey;
   entrytitle "Customer Survey Results";
   layout overlay / xaxisopts=(label="Store Location")
        yaxisopts=(label="Satisfaction Rating");
     barchart x=store y=rating / name="barchart" stat=mean
	   group=purchase_method groupdisplay=cluster barwidth=0.9 
     discretelegend "barchart" / title="Purchase Method";
The INCLUDEMISSINGGROUP=TRUE option creates a separate group in the plot for any missing values of the PURCHASE_METHOD variable. If there are no missing values for PURCHASE_METHOD in the data, the group is not created. Here is an example of how to use a FORMAT statement to create a label for the missing group and how to apply the format in the PROC SGRENDER statement.
/* Create a format for the missing order-type values */
proc format;
   value $ordertypefmt " "="Not Specified";

/* Generate the chart */
proc sgrender data=surveydata template=survey;
format purchase_method  $ordertypefmt.;
ods graphics off;

Changing the Group Data Order

When unique group values are gathered, they are internally recorded in the order in which they appear in the data. They are not subsequently sorted. As a result, the group values appear in the plot in the order in which they occur in the data. Here is an example.
ods html style=stocks;

proc sgrender data= sashelp.stocks template=group;
 where date between
       "1jan02"d and "31dec04"d;
Group Values Are Used in Data Order
In this example, the groups are ordered in the order in which they appear in the SASHELP.STOCKS data set. Assume that you want to arrange the groups in ascending order. One way to do this is to use the SORT procedure to create a sorted data set to use with your plot. Here is an example.
proc sort data=sashelp.stocks out=stocks;
   by descending stock;

ods html style=stocks;

proc sgrender data= stocks template=group;
 where date between
       "1jan02"d and "31dec04"d;
Group Values Are Used in Descending Order
Changing the order of the data changes the order in which the group values appear on the plot. It also changes their association with the GraphData1–GraphDataN style elements, which might change their appearance. This is apparent in the previous example.
Another way to arrange your data is to use the GROUPORDER= option. For many plots, you can instead use the GROUPORDER= option to change the order of the groups in your plot without having to create a sorted data set or change the order of the data in the original data set.
Note: The GROUPORDER= option is ignored if the GROUP= option is not used.
The GROUPORDER= option determines the association of the GraphData1–GraphDataN style attributes with the groups, the default order of groups in the legend, and the order of the groups within each category when GROUPDISPLAY=CLUSTER. You can set GROUPORDER= to one of the values that is shown in the following table.
Displays the group values in the order in which they appear in the plot data (default)
Displays the group values in ascending order
Displays the group values in descending order
Using the GROUPORDER=ASCENDING or GROUPORDER=DESCENDING option performs a linguistic sort on the group items and has the same effect as sorting the input data. However, the data is not changed.

Making the Appearance of Grouped Data Independent of Data Order

When the input data source is modified, sorted, or filtered, the order of the group values and their associations with GraphData1–GraphDataN might change. If you do not care which line pattern, marker symbols, or colors are associated with particular group values, this might not be a problem. However, there might be cases in which you want the appearance of your plots to be consistent. For example, if you create several plots grouped by GENDER, you might want a consistent set of visual properties for Females and Males across all of the plots, regardless of the input data order.
Here is an example that shows you how to make plots that are consistent regardless of the data order. This example plots the closing stock price for IBM, Microsoft, and Intel. In this example, we want the plot to always use the attributes shown in the following table for each plot.
Line Pattern
Line and Marker Color
filled circle
filled square
filled triangle
dark red
To enforce this type of consistency, we can use a discrete attribute map to map the desired attributes to the stock values. Here is the code for this example.
/* Define the graph template. */
proc template;
define statgraph groupindex;
      /* Create an attribute map for this graph. */
      discreteattrmap name="stockname" / ignorecase=true;
         value "IBM" /
            markerattrs=GraphData1(color=blue  symbol=circlefilled)
            lineattrs=GraphData1(color=blue pattern=solid);
         value "Intel" /
            markerattrs=GraphData2(color=orange symbol=squarefilled)
            lineattrs=GraphData2(color=orange pattern=solid); 
         value "Microsoft" /
            markerattrs=GraphData3(color=darkred symbol=trianglefilled)
            lineattrs=GraphData3(color=darkred pattern=solid);    

      /* Create the attribute map variable. */
      discreteattrvar attrvar=stockmarkers var=stock

      /* Define the graph. */
      entrytitle "Tech Stocks 2002-2004";
      entryfootnote halign=left "Source: SASHELP.STOCKS";
      layout overlay ;  
         seriesplot x=date y=close / group=stockmarkers 
            name="series" lineattrs=(thickness=2) display=(markers);	  
         discretelegend "series"; 
/* Render the graph. */
proc sgrender data= sashelp.stocks template=groupindex;
 where date between "1jan02"d and "31dec04"D;  
The following figure shows the output of this program.
Graph Using the ID Column
To verify that the plot attributes are consistent regardless of the data order, we can create a temporary data set from the SASHELP.STOCKS data set and sort it by date and stock name as shown in the following code.
/* Sort the SASHELP.STOCKS data by date and stock name. */
proc sort data=sashelp.stocks out=work.stocks;
   by date descending stock;
Next, we can generate the graph again using the sorted data set.
/* Render the graph. */
proc sgrender data= stocks template=groupindex;
 where date between "1jan02"d and "31dec04"D;  
The following figure shows the output.
Graph with the Data in Descending Order
Notice that the colors, line patterns, and markers remain the same for each stock even though the data order has changed. For more information about using discrete attribute maps, see Using Attribute Maps to Control the Appearance of Group Values.