SGPANEL Procedure


Identifies the data set that contains the plot variables. The statement also gives you the option to specify a description, and control automatic legends and automatic attributes.
Requirement: An input data set is required.


PROC SGPANEL <DATA= input-data-set>
< DATTRMAP= "attribute-map-data-set " >
< DESCRIPTION=“text-string” >
< PAD= dimension <units> | (pad-options)>
< SGANNO= "annotation-data-set " >

Summary of Optional Arguments

specifies whether plots are drawn with unique attributes in the graph.
specifies the SAS data set that contains the variables to process.
specifies the SG attribute map data set that you want to use with the SGSCATTER procedure.
specifies a description for the output image.
disables automatic legends from being generated.
specifies the amount of extra space that is reserved inside the border of an annotated graph.
specifies the SG annotation data set that you want to use.

Optional Arguments

specifies whether plots are drawn with unique attributes in the graph. By default, the SGPANEL procedure automatically assigns unique attributes in many situations, depending on the types of plots that you specify. If the plots do not have unique attributes by default, then the CYCLEATTRS option assigns unique attributes to each plot in the graph. The NOCYCLEATTRS option prevents the procedure from assigning unique attributes.
For example, if you specify the CYCLEATTRS option and you create a graph with a SERIES statement and a SCATTER statement, then the two plots have different colors.
If you specify the NOCYCLEATTRS option, then plots have the same attributes unless you specify appearance options such as the LINEATTRS= option.
specifies the SAS data set that contains the variables to process. By default, the procedure uses the most recently created SAS data set.
DATTRMAP= attribute-map-data-set
specifies the SG attribute map data set that you want to use with the SGSCATTER procedure. You specify this option only if you are using an attribute map to control visual attributes of the graph. For more information, see Using SG Attribute Maps to Control Visual Attributes.
DESCRIPTION= “text-string
specifies a description for the output image. The description identifies the image in the following locations:
  • the Results window
  • the alternate text for the image in HTML output
  • the table of contents that is created by the CONTENTS option in an ODS statement
The default description is “The SGPANEL Procedure”.
Note:The name of the output image is specified by the IMAGENAME= option in the ODS GRAPHICS statement.
Tip:You can disable the alternate text in HTML output by specifying an empty string. That is, DESCRIPTION="".
disables automatic legends from being generated. By default, legends are created automatically for some plots, depending on their content. This option has no effect if you specify a KEYLEGEND statement.
PAD= dimension<units> | (pad-options)
specifies the amount of extra space that is reserved inside the border of an annotated graph.
You specify this option only if you are using the SG annotation feature to annotate your graph. For more information, see Annotating ODS Graphics.
This option creates margins around the graph for company logos, annotated notes, and so on. You can also specify the unit of measurement. The default unit is pixels. For a list of measurement units that are supported, see Units of Measurement.
Use pad options to create non-uniform padding. Edges that are not assigned padding are padded with the default amount.
pad-options can be one or more of the following:
LEFT= dimension<units>
specifies the amount of extra space to add to the left edge.
RIGHT= dimension<units>
specifies the amount of extra space to add to the right edge.
TOP= dimension<units>
specifies the amount of extra space to add to the top edge.
BOTTOM= dimension<units>
specifies the amount of extra space to add to the bottom edge.
SGANNO= annotation-data-set
specifies the SG annotation data set that you want to use. You specify this option only if you are using the SG annotation feature to annotate your graph. For more information, see Annotating ODS Graphics.