Example: Placing Images behind SVG Files

You can use the IBACK= or IFRAME= graphics options in the GOPTIONS statement to specify the graphics file that you want to be placed behind the SVG graphic. From the file that you specify with either of these options, SAS/GRAPH embeds a base64-encoded PNG image directly into the SVG file. For more information, see Images in SVG Documents in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.
/* Specify the background image with the IBACK=  */
/* option. Replace external-image-file with the  */
/* name of an image that resides on your system. */

goptions reset=all device=svg hsize=4.8in vsize=3.2in 
              imagestyle=fit iback="external-image-file";

/* Specify the title for the graphic file and */
/* define response axis characteristics.      */     
title h=2 "Types of Vehicles Produced Worldwide";
axis1 label=none major=none minor=none;

/* Generate the bar chart.  The NAME= option */
/* specifies the name of the SVG file.       */
proc gchart data=sashelp.cars;
   vbar type / raxis=axis1 outside=freq 
               noframe name="carType"; 
Example of a bar chart with a background image
For additional information, see Displaying an Image in a Graph Background.