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The GPLOT Procedure

Example 5: Connecting Plot Data Points

Procedure features:

PLOT statement option:






Other features:

GOPTIONS statement option:


SYMBOL statement

Sample library member: GPLDTPT1

[Connecting Plot Data Points]

In this example, the PLOT statement uses a plot request of the type y-variable*x-variable to plot the variable HIGH against the variable YEAR to show the annual highs of the Dow Jones Industrial Average over several decades.

This example uses a SYMBOL statement to specify a plot symbol and connect data points with a straight line. In addition, the example shows how PLOT statement options can add reference lines and modify the axes (AXIS statements are not used).

 Note about code
goptions reset=all border;
 Note about code
data stocks;
   input year high low @@;

1956  521.05  462.35 1957  520.77  419.79
1958  583.65  436.89 1959  679.36  574.46
1960  685.47  568.05 1961  734.91  610.25
1962  726.01  535.76 1963  767.21  646.79
1964  891.71  768.08 1965  969.26  840.59
1966  995.15  744.32 1967  943.08  786.41
1968  985.21  825.13 1969  968.85  769.93
1970  842.00  631.16 1971  950.82  797.97
1972 1036.27  889.15 1973 1051.70  788.31
1974  891.66  577.60 1975  881.81  632.04
1976 1014.79  858.71 1977  999.75  800.85
1978  907.74  742.12 1979  897.61  796.67
1980 1000.17  759.13 1981 1024.05  824.01
1982 1070.55  776.92 1983 1287.20 1027.04
1984 1286.64 1086.57 1985 1553.10 1184.96
1986 1955.57 1502.29 1987 2722.42 1738.74
1988 2183.50 1879.14 1989 2791.41 2144.64
1990 2999.75 2365.10 1991 3168.83 2470.30
1992 3413.21 3136.58 1993 3794.33 3241.95
1994 3978.36 3593.35 1995 5216.47 3832.08
 Note about code
title1 "Dow Jones Yearly Highs";
footnote1 j=l "Source: 1997 World Almanac"
          j=r " GPLDTPT1 ";
 Note about code
symbol1 interpol=join
 Note about code
proc gplot data=stocks;
   plot high*year / haxis=1955 to 1995 by 5
                    vaxis=0 to 6000 by 1000
 Note about code
                    vref=1000 3000 5000

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