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Designing Your Migration |
Overview of Inventorying Your Current SAS Deployment |
A key to successfully migrating your SAS 9.1.3 content--data and configuration--is knowing exactly what SAS products you are running on each machine at your site. SAS provides a tool to help you do just that. The SAS Migration Utility sweeps a machine to locate SAS 9.1.3 content and performs a validation to ensure that the content can be reliably migrated. During this analyze phase, the migration utility also generates a migration analysis report. Using this report, you can determine those SAS products found on your SAS 9.1.3 system to be eligible for automatic migration with the SAS Deployment Wizard.
You can obtain The SAS Migration Utility in two ways: by downloading it separately from the SAS Support Web site or by locating the version that ships with your SAS 9.2 order. Later in this manual when you are instructed to build a migration package, make sure that you use the version of the migration utility that ships with your SAS 9.2 order. For more information, see Create the Migration Package.
Here are the steps for inventorying your SAS 9.1.3 deployment:
Complete a Migration Utility Checklist |
The SAS Migration Utility relies on a set of input values such as where you have installed SAS 9.1.3 and SAS Metadata Server connection information. We recommend that you compile a list of the necessary input values before you run the migration utility.
Note: If you have not installed SAS in
the same directory on each machine, then complete the following table for
every machine in your SAS 9.1.3 deployment.
Migration Utility Input | Default Value | Actual Value |
Absolute path to the SAS 9.1.3 configuration directory |
/users/sas/SAS/configuration-name/Levn |
Absolute path to the SAS Metadata Server |
C:\Program Files\SAS\SAS 9.1
/usr/local/SAS/SAS_9.1 |
Absolute path to the top-level directory where SAS 9.1.3 products are
C:\Program Files\SAS
Metadata server connection profile pathname1 |
C:\Documents and
Metadata server name | not applicable |
Metadata server port | 8561 |
Unrestricted user ID | sasadm |
Product-specific properties
(Review the sections under, Review Product-Specific SAS Migration Utility Properties.) |
not applicable |
Xythos or non-Xythos properties (if you are migrating a machine that
contains a WebDAV server)
not applicable |
1 You can use a connection profile, or provide the equivalent metadata server information about the migration utility command line or in a utility properties file. |
Note: The connection profile that you use should access the metadata
server using a full qualified host name or an IP address. Do not refer to
the metadata server as localhost or its IP
equivalent ( unless all of the machines in your SAS
deployment are able to connect to the server using that host name.
Prepare Your Metadata Repositories |
Before you migrate your metadata repositories, prepare for migration by performing the following steps:
Before you begin preparing your metadata repositories, back them up by using the %OMABAKUP macro without specifying the REORG option.
For more information, see "Best Practices for Using %OMABAKUP to Perform Backups" in the SAS 9.1.3 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide at http://support.sas.com/913administration.
In SAS Data Integration Studio, check in all objects from project repositories.
For more information, see the SAS 9.1.3 Data Integration Administration Guide at http://support.sas.com/documentation/onlinedoc/etls/.
Delete any unused directory objects such as libraries, stored processes, and deployed jobs.
Delete any servers or spawner definitions that are not being used.
Remove user directories for users that no longer exist.
If you imported user definitions from an enterprise source using the import macros, rerun these macros and reconcile new and deleted users.
Rename the SAS Administrators group, if you have one.
Run the %OMABAKUP macro again, and this time specify the REORG option.
For more information, see "Best Practices for Using %OMABAKUP to Perform Backups" in the SAS 9.1.3 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide at http://support.sas.com/913administration.
Delete any orphaned metadata objects such as the following:
The SAS Migration Utility analysis report on your metadata tier will help you to identify orphaned objects. So you might want to perform this step later, after reviewing the report.
Document any custom settings in your metadata, such as the following:
additional users and group profiles under your Foundation Services deployments
server start up commands
configuration settings for servers
Managing the Query Cache Library Folder |
Before migrating to SAS 9.2, you should remove data sets from the query cache library folder. Temporary data sets should be deleted, and any permanent data sets should be moved to a new folder and re-registered within SAS Management Console with the appropriate library. Temporary data sets slow down migration. SAS Web Report Studio 4.3 deletes all other libraries (such as other data sets inappropriately placed in this folder for temporary data) when it first executes with SAS 9.2.
By default, the query cache library file system folder resides in the SAS configuration directory in the wrstemp subdirectory (for example, SAS-configuration-directory\Levn\SASMain\Data\wrstemp).
If a path other than the default was specified, you can locate the query cache library folder by examining onWebReportStudioProperties.xml, located in the WEB-INF folder under the Web container for SAS Web Report Studio. You can verify this value in SAS Management Console by right-clicking the library, choosing Properties, and confirming the value displayed in the Options tab. (The Options tab also shows the file system folder path for the query cache library in the selected items display.)
You can identify temporary data sets in the query cache library folder as those files beginning with the characters cdt (for example, cdt_domain_na_0003_094417.sas7bdat).
You should move any other data sets in the query cache library folder to alternate locations and re-register them within SAS Management Console before migration. Otherwise, they will be deleted. These data sets should have their own folder independent of the query cache library file system folder. (We recommend a location that is parallel to the temporary folder with a unique name such as customer.)
SAS Migration Utility Requirements |
Here are the requirements for installing and running the SAS Migration Utility:
The migration utility must be run on every machine that is running SAS Intelligence Platform 9.1.3. (Run the migration utility on machines that contain the SAS 9.1.3 server tier or middle tier only. Do not run the migration utility on machines that contain SAS 9.1.3 clients only.)
For SAS multiple-machine deployments, we recommend that you copy the utility to shared network storage that is accessible from every SAS machine to avoid having to copy the migration utility separately on each machine. You can then log in to each machine and execute the utility from this shared network storage location.
On SAS multiple machine deployments, run the migration utility first on the machine hosting the SAS Metadata Server.
The user account with which you run the migration utility (the SAS installer account) must have Read access to all directories under the SAS 9.1.3 configuration directory for each machine.
On UNIX and z/OS, the SAS installer account requires permission to invoke the chown command on the directories and files being migrated. If the installer account does not have this permission, then you must manually run the permission scripts using the root account after the SAS Deployment Wizard finishes executing. These scripts reside under SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Temp.
On Windows, migrated files will be owned by the identity running the SAS Deployment Wizard regardless of their ownership on the SAS 9.1.3 system, but will retain the same effective permissions as on the SAS 9.1.3 system.
On SAS multiple-machine deployments, the migration utility must be able to write to (and read from) its output directory.
We recommend that the utility output directory be on shared network storage accessible to every SAS machine in the deployment. For an example, see the following figure:
Sample Migration Utility Directory Structure
If no shared storage is available, then you must copy the migration package to each successive machine to have the migration utility add the machine's content to the migration package. (The metadata server must be packaged first.) If you use File Transport Protocol (FTP) to copy the migration package, make sure that you specify the file transfer type to binary.
The migration utility requires that each SAS machine contain the appropriate version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), documented at http://support.sas.com/resources/thirdpartysupport/v913sp4/index.html. (You can also download the necessary JRE from this Web site.)
If you receive error messages about a failure to find the path to the Java executable, make sure that you have the proper JRE version installed.
Modify the PATH environment variable such that the directory containing the Java binary is the first JRE found. Verify your setting by executing the following command from the UNIX shell prompt: which java.
Download the SAS Migration Utility |
You don't have to wait for your SAS 9.2 order to arrive to begin using the SAS Migration Utility. Simply go to the SAS product download site to download the migration utility:
Ensure that you have met the requirements listed in the topic, SAS Migration Utility Requirements.
On a machine that has Internet access, point a Web browser to
the following URL:
Search for the SAS Migration Utility.
Note: SAS also supplies a migration utility template file (smu.properties.template)
that provides examples for how to use various properties. You can find the
template file at the same URL where you download the SAS Migration Utility:
After you have downloaded the migration utility, move the utility to a storage location that is accessible to your SAS 9.1.3 deployment (such as a shared network drive).
There is a unique SAS Migration Utility for each supported operating system family. If your SAS 9.1.3 deployment is a multi-platform deployment, you will have to download the appropriate migration utility for the operating systems on which you have deployed SAS 9.1.3: Windows, UNIX, and z/OS.
Note: This version of the SAS Migration Utility is provided for users who
have not yet received their SAS 9.2 software, and are interested in assessing
the scope of migration for their installed 9.1.3 products. When you receive
your SAS 9.2 software, you should use the version of the SAS Migration Utility
that is included with the order to perform the migration, guaranteeing compatibility
with the versions of the products ordered.
On UNIX and z/OS, remember to assign execute permissions before running the downloaded file.
For more information, refer to your UNIX or z/OS documentation.
Develop a Common SAS Migration Utility Properties File |
As the SAS Migration Utility is run from an operating system prompt or command line, typing a set of invocation options can be error prone. If you deployed SAS 9.1.3 in a similar manner across multiple machines, you can benefit from creating a common migration utility properties file and reduce the amount of input you must type on the migration utility command line.
Note: SAS supplies a migration utility template file (smu.properties.template)
that provides examples for how to use various properties. You can find the
template file at the same URL where you download the SAS Migration Utility: http://www.sas.com/apps/demosdownloads/setupintro.jsp. SAS
also ships the template with the SAS Software Depot in the smu subdirectory underneath utilities.
For more information, see Run the Migration Utility Using a Properties File.
Follow these steps to create a common migration utility properties file:
Complete a migration utility checklist listed in the topic, Complete a Migration Utility Checklist.
Add any necessary product-specific migration utility properties. (See the topic, Review Product-Specific SAS Migration Utility Properties.)
Make sure that you have Write access to a migration utility executable directory that is network-shared and accessible from each machine on which you are running SAS.
Referring to your completed migration utility checklist and to the following table, use a text editor to add the required migration utility properties to your properties file.
Save your properties file in the migration utility executable directory.
Required Migration Utility Property | Example |
SMU.config.dir |
SMU.config.dir=/users/sas/SAS/biserver/Lev1 SMU.config.dir=/usr/lpp/SAS/cpd/CPDSAS_DD/Config311/Lev1 |
SMU.SASROOT=C:\\Program Files\\SAS\\SAS
SMU.SASROOT=/usr/local/SAS/SAS_9.1 SMU.SASROOT=/usr/lpp/SAS/cpd/CPDSAS_DD/Config311/Lev1/SASMain |
SMU.SASHOME=C:\\Program Files\\SAS
SMU.SASHOME=/usr/local/SAS SMU.SASHOME=/usr/lpp/SAS/cpd/CPDSAS_DD/Config311 |
SMU.profile |
SMU.profile=/smu/profiles/myprofile.swa |
SMU.Output.Dir |
SMU.Output.Dir=smu/913_deployment SMU.Output.Dir=/u/cpdsask/SMU/SMU_Package |
1 Paths containing spaces in properties files do not require double quotes. |
Review Product-Specific SAS Migration Utility Properties |
Some SAS 9.1.3 products have unique properties that the SAS Migration Utility uses when creating a migration analysis report, or later in the process when the utility builds a migration package. For more information, see Product-Specific SAS Migration Utility Properties.
Create a Migration Analysis Report |
The SAS Migration Utility has two execution modes: an analyze mode and a package mode. Before creating a migration package that the SAS Deployment Wizard uses to perform the actual migration, we recommend that you run the migration utility in analyze mode in order to create a migration analysis report. This report is useful in helping you to determine exactly which SAS products are deployed on each machine in your SAS 9.1.3 system.
Sample Migration Analysis report
Review the migration utility requirements. (See SAS Migration Utility Requirements.)
Make sure that you have backed up your SAS 9.1.3 metadata repository.
For more information, see Back Up the SAS 9.1.3 System.
If you haven't already, complete a migration utility checklist. (See Complete a Migration Utility Checklist).
Verify that the SAS 9.1.3 Metadata Server is running.
Log on to the SAS 9.1.3 machine (the target machine) that you want to inventory.
Note: On SAS multiple-machine deployments,
run the migration utility first on the machine hosting the SAS
Metadata Server. You can run the migration utility on the remaining tiers
in any order. Do not run the migration utility on machines that contain SAS
clients only.
If the version of the migration utility that you are using has changed from one that you have used previously, then be sure to delete the migration utility's output directory. (For example, in the past, you might have downloaded and run an earlier version of the migration utility to create an analysis report. If so, delete the output created by the older migration utility.)
Change to the SAS Migration Utility executable directory.
Use the common migration utility properties file and the common connection profile you have developed, unless the target machine requires any special modifications (for example, SAS is installed on a machine-specific path).
For more information, see Develop a Common SAS Migration Utility Properties File.
Add any necessary product-specific migration utility properties to your properties file. (See Review Product-Specific SAS Migration Utility Properties.)
Invoke the migration utility to run in analyze mode, using the following command from an operating system prompt or command line. If you are running the migration utility on the WebDAV tier, be sure to use the -davtier option or SMU.isdavtier property:
smu -s -a -analyze -properties absolute-path\file -replace
./smu.sh -- -analyze -properties absolute-path/file -replace
For more information about migration utility commands, see SAS Migration Utility Reference.
Note: If you are including WebDAV content in your migration package,
it does not matter where the WebDAV store is located in your SAS 9.1.3 environment.
The migration utility copies WebDAV content to the configured WebDAV location
in your 9.2 environment. In a default SAS 9.2 configuration, that WebDAV location
is the SAS Content Server.
The migration utility writes the inventory report (AnalysisReport.xml) to the AnalysisReport subdirectory underneath the output directory you specified in the migration utility properties file.
To verify that the inventory report successfully completed, open the migration utility log file and scroll to the very end of the log. (The migrate.log file resides in the top-level directory of your migration utility output directory.)
If you see output similar to the following, then the migration utility finished executing the report:
2009-02-22 12:05:07,232 [INFO ] Product analyses completed: 50
2009-02-22 12:05:07,232 [INFO ] Product packaging completed: 17
If you don't see output lines similar to these, then the migration utility was unable to complete. A common cause can be lack of available disk space.
If you have a multi-tier SAS 9.1.3 deployment, you will need to create a migration analysis report for each machine. There are specific options depending on the tier, (for example, -davtier). For more information, see SAS Migration Utility Reference.
Note: You cannot run the migration utility on more than one machine
simultaneously, because the migration schema might be updated by more than
one process at the same time.
View and Analyze Your Migration Analysis Report |
With your migration analysis report in hand, you and your SAS representative can determine what, if any, further maintenance must be applied to your SAS 9.1.3 products in order for your system to be eligible for automatic migration with the SAS Deployment Wizard.
Sample Migration Analysis report
To view your migration analysis report, point a Web browser to the AnalysisReport.xml file in the AnalysisReport subdirectory underneath the output directory you specified when you last ran the SAS Migration Utility.
Using the report, answer these questions:
Has the SAS Migration Utility identified any SAS products that are not eligible for automatic migration to SAS 9.2?
Are my SAS products deployed on the machines where I expected them?
Is there content stored outside the configuration directory that I have to deal with after I migrate? (For more information, see About Migrating Content Stored Outside the SAS Configuration Directory.)
For more explanation on analysis report messages, go to http://support.sas.com/migration/utilitynotes.
View and Analyze the Migration Log |
In addition to studying your migration analysis report, the log file produced by the SAS Migration Utility can also detect possible problems with your content. The migration utility creates a log in the output directory for each machine on which it is run (for example, C:\migration_package\web_tier\migrate.log).
A Note About SAS Tables Stored Under the SAS Configuration Directory |
Even though the SAS automated migration tools migrate SAS tables that reside under the SAS 9.1.3 configuration directory and in a SASEnvironment or Data folder, the best practice is to store your SAS tables outside the SAS configuration directory. Migrating large amounts of data encountered under the configuration directory slows migration utility performance.
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