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Designing Your Migration

Choose to Use SAS Internal Accounts

One of the enhancements in SAS 9.2 is that you need fewer operating system accounts (external accounts) to deploy SAS 9.2. You no longer have to maintain external headless accounts for the SAS Administrator (sasadm) and the SAS Trusted User (sastrust).

Instead, SAS gives you the option of using internal accounts for these two users. If you decide to use internal accounts, during the SAS Deployment Wizard phase of your migration, be sure to select the option Use SAS internal accounts when appropriate on the Deployment Accounts wizard page. (This wizard option is described here: Deployment Accounts: Type of Accounts.)

[Deployment Accounts wizard page]

For more information, see Internal User Accounts in the SAS Intelligence Platform: Installation and Configuration Guide.

Also, two external accounts are no longer used in SAS 9.2:

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