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Product-Specific SAS Migration Utility Properties

Xythos Properties

The following tables describe unique properties for Xythos that the SAS Migration Utility uses when creating a migration analysis report, or later in the process when the utility builds a migration package. To use these properties, add them to your migration utility properties file. For more information, see Run the Migration Utility Using a Properties File.

Note:   If you are using a WebDAV server other than Xythos, then specify the SMU.DAV.* properties. For more information, see the SMU.DAV.* properties in "Run the Migration Utility Using a Properties File".  [cautionend]

For the latest SAS Migration Utility properties list, see

This topic contains the following Xythos migration utility properties:

The following table describes the SMU.WFS.XythosHome property:

SMU.WFS.XythosHome Property
Property SMU.WFS.XythosHome
Example SMU.WFS.XythosHome=C:\\Program Files\\SAS\\xythos\\2.2


When to Use Use when you need to migrate Xythos content. SMU.WFS.XythosHome specifies the absolute path where the Xythos Web File Server is installed. Specifying this property causes the migration utility to extract WebDAV content using a mechanism that is specific to Xythos, which is more efficient than using standard WebDAV extraction.

The following table describes the SMU.xythoshost property:

SMU.xythoshost Property
Property SMU.xythoshost
When to Use SMU.xythoshost identifies the machine on which the Xythos server is running. Use when migrating items in a Xythos DAV server to the SAS Content Server.

The following table describes the SMU.xythosport property:

SMU.xythosport Property
Property SMU.xythosport
Example SMU.xythosport=8301
When to Use SMU.xythosport identifies the port on which the Xythos server is listening. If your site uses a different port than the default (8300), then use SMU.xythosport.

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