Uses of Interface

Packages that use RepositoryInterface Provides a connection factory configuation for use with SAS Foundation Services. Interact with data repositories on behalf of client applications. Information Service metadata. Information Service WebDAV metadata. Information Service prompt model. Publish services. Maintain user identities and profiles. 

Uses of RepositoryInterface in

Methods in that return RepositoryInterface
protected  RepositoryInterface PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration.getCanonRepos()
 RepositoryInterface PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration.getRepository()
          Get the repository.
protected  RepositoryInterface PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration.getTargetRepos()

Constructors in with parameters of type RepositoryInterface
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(RepositoryInterface repository, java.lang.String repositoryID)
          Construct a connection factory configuration using a repository object and ID from the user service.
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(RepositoryInterface repository, java.lang.String repositoryID, java.lang.String privilegedUser)
          Construct a connection factory configuration using a repository object and ID from the user service.
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(RepositoryInterface repository, java.lang.String repositoryID, java.lang.String privilegedUser, UserServiceInterface userService)
          Construct a connection factory configuration using a repository object and ID from the user service.
PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(RepositoryInterface repository, java.lang.String repositoryID, java.lang.String privilegedUser, UserServiceInterface userService, boolean monitorEnabled)
          Deprecated. PlatformConnectionFactoryConfiguration(RepositoryInterface,String,String,UserServiceInterface)

Uses of RepositoryInterface in

Methods in that return RepositoryInterface
 RepositoryInterface InformationServiceInterface.connect(UserContextInterface user, RepositoryDef reposDef)
          Connect to the repository specified in the repository definition.
 RepositoryInterface InformationService.connect(UserContextInterface user, RepositoryDef reposDef)
          Connect to the repository specified in the repository definition.
 RepositoryInterface InformationServiceInterface.connectByName(UserContextInterface user, java.lang.String name)
          Connect to a preconfigured repository.
 RepositoryInterface InformationService.connectByName(UserContextInterface user, java.lang.String name)
          Connect to a preconfigured repository.
 RepositoryInterface ServerInterface.getFoundationRepository()
          Get a handle to the foundation repository for this server.
 RepositoryInterface OMIServer.getFoundationRepository()
 RepositoryInterface RepositoryEvent.getRepository()
          Get a handle to the repository that reported the event.
 RepositoryInterface ServerInterface.getRepository(java.lang.String name)
          Get a named repository managed by this server.
 RepositoryInterface OMIServer.getRepository(java.lang.String name)
 RepositoryInterface OMIChildServer.getRepository(java.lang.String name)

Methods in with parameters of type RepositoryInterface
 void OMIServer.createAccessControTemplate(RepositoryInterface repository, ACTEntry act)
          Create a new AccessControlTemplate in this repository.
 void MetadataServerInterface.createAccessControTemplate(RepositoryInterface repository, ACTEntry act)
          Create a new AccessControlTemplate in this repository.
 java.util.List OMIServer.getAccessControlTemplateList(RepositoryInterface repository, int flags)
          Get the list of AccessControlTemplates for this repository.
 java.util.List MetadataServerInterface.getAccessControlTemplateList(RepositoryInterface repository, int flags)
          Get the list of AccessControlTemplates for this repository.
 boolean OMIServerRepository.isChild(RepositoryInterface repos)
          Return a flag indicating if the repository provided is a child of the default repository.
 boolean OMIRepositoryInterface.isChild(RepositoryInterface repos)
          Return a flag indicating if the repository provided is a child of the default repository.
 boolean MetadataRepositoryInterface.isChild(RepositoryInterface repos)
          Return a flag indicating if the repository provided is a child of the default repository.
 boolean OMIServerRepository.isParent(RepositoryInterface repos)
          Return a flag indicating if the repository provided is a parent of the default repository.
 boolean OMIRepositoryInterface.isParent(RepositoryInterface repos)
          Return a flag indicating if the repository provided is a parent of the default repository.
 boolean MetadataRepositoryInterface.isParent(RepositoryInterface repos)
          Return a flag indicating if the repository provided is a parent of the default repository.
 MetadataInterface InformationServiceInterface.newMetadata(java.lang.String reposId, java.lang.String name, RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String type)
          Create a new metadata entity.
 MetadataInterface InformationService.newMetadata(java.lang.String reposId, java.lang.String name, RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String type)
          Create a new metadata entity.
 MetadataInterface InformationServiceInterface.newMetadata913(java.lang.String reposId, java.lang.String name, RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String type)
          Create a new metadata entity.
 MetadataInterface InformationService.newMetadata913(java.lang.String reposId, java.lang.String name, RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String type)
          Create a new metadata entity.
 MetadataInterface InformationServiceInterface.newMetadataInFolder(FolderInterface folder, RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Create a new Metadata entity.
 MetadataInterface InformationService.newMetadataInFolder(FolderInterface folder, RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Create a new Metadata entity.
 MetadataInterface Factory.processWithRepository(java.lang.Object o, RepositoryInterface ri)
          Process an object from a repository and turn it into a "smart object".
 void OMIServer.setAccessControlTemplateAttribs(RepositoryInterface repository, ACTEntry act)
          Set attributes on an AccessControlTemplate.
 void MetadataServerInterface.setAccessControlTemplateAttribs(RepositoryInterface repository, ACTEntry act)
          Set attributes on an AccessControlTemplate.

Constructors in with parameters of type RepositoryInterface
RepositoryEvent(RepositoryInterface repository, int event)
          Create a new RepositoryEvent.

Uses of RepositoryInterface in

Fields in declared as RepositoryInterface
protected  RepositoryInterface VirtualFolder._repository
protected  RepositoryInterface Metadata._repository

Methods in that return RepositoryInterface
 RepositoryInterface VirtualMetadata.getRepository()
 RepositoryInterface VirtualFolder.getRepository()
 RepositoryInterface MetadataInterface.getRepository()
          Get the handle to the repository for this object.
 RepositoryInterface Metadata.getRepository()
          Get the handle to the repository for this object.
 RepositoryInterface FilteredRepositoryInterface.getRepository()
 RepositoryInterface FilteredRepository.getRepository()

Methods in with parameters of type RepositoryInterface
static MetadataInterface Metadata.fromByteArray(RepositoryInterface ri, byte[] data)
 java.util.List RootFolderInterface.getSASFolders(RepositoryInterface ri)
 void VirtualMetadata.setRepository(RepositoryInterface repository)
 void VirtualFolder.setRepository(RepositoryInterface repository)
 void MetadataInterface.setRepository(RepositoryInterface repository)
          Set the repository that this item exists in.
 void Metadata.setRepository(RepositoryInterface repository)
          Set the repository that this item exists in.
 void Folder.setRepository(RepositoryInterface ri)

Constructors in with parameters of type RepositoryInterface
Application(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String name, FolderInterface parent)
FilteredRepository(RepositoryInterface repository)
Folder(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String name, FolderInterface parent)
          Construct a new Folder metadata object using the Repository name and parent folder.
OMRHost(RepositoryInterface repository, java.lang.String name)
OMRSPDSServer(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String name, FolderInterface parent)
OMRSPDSServer(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String name, FolderInterface parent, java.lang.Class theClass)

Uses of RepositoryInterface in

Fields in declared as RepositoryInterface
protected  RepositoryInterface DAVEntity._repos

Methods in that return RepositoryInterface
 RepositoryInterface DAVEntityInterface.getRepository()
          Get the repository associated with this entity
 RepositoryInterface DAVEntity.getRepository()
          Get the repository associated with this entity

Methods in with parameters of type RepositoryInterface
static DAVEntityInterface DAVFactory.newDAVEntity(java.lang.String objectType, java.lang.String reposId, RepositoryInterface repos)
          Create an instance of a sublass of DAVEntity.
 void DAVEntity.setRepository(RepositoryInterface repos)
          Set the repository associated with this entity.

Constructors in with parameters of type RepositoryInterface
DAVApplitem(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVApplItem for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
DAVBinarypackage(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVBinarypackage for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
DAVEntity(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVEntity for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
DAVEvent(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVEvent for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
DAVFolder(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVFolder for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
DAVItem(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVItem for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
DAVPackage(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVPackage for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
DAVPackageevent(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVPackageevent for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
DAVPerson(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVPerson for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
DAVPersonalrepository(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVPersonalrepository for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
DAVProfile(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVProfile for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
DAVRemarks(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVRemarks object with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
DAVStoredprocessalert(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVStoredprocessalert for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos

Uses of RepositoryInterface in

Constructors in with parameters of type RepositoryInterface
OMRPromptDefinition(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String name, FolderInterface parent)
          Constructor for OMRPromptDefinition.
OMRPromptGroup(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String name, FolderInterface parent)
          Constructor for OMRPromptGroup.

Uses of RepositoryInterface in

Methods in with parameters of type RepositoryInterface
static FolderInterface DirectoryHierarchy.getSystemFolder(RepositoryInterface repository)
          Queries the repository for the folder which is capable of parenting the publishing directory hierarchy.
static boolean DirectoryHierarchy.isValidDirectoryHierarchy(RepositoryInterface repository, boolean isCreateDirectoriesAsNeeded)
          Verifies that a valid publishing framework directory hieararchy exists within the specified repository, optionally creating one if possible.
static boolean DirectoryHierarchy.isValidDirectoryHierarchy(RepositoryInterface repository, boolean isCreateDirectoriesAsNeeded, java.util.Map directoryMap)
          Verifies that a valid publishing framework directory hierarchy exists within the specified repository, optionally creating one if possible.

Constructors in with parameters of type RepositoryInterface
DirectoryHierarchy(RepositoryInterface repository, boolean isCreateDirectoriesAsNeeded)
          Constructs an instance of a publishing framework directory hierarchy for the specified information repository.

Uses of RepositoryInterface in

Methods in that return RepositoryInterface
 RepositoryInterface UserContextInterface.getAuthRepository()
          Deprecated. Use getAuthServer instead.
 RepositoryInterface UserContext.getAuthRepository()
 RepositoryInterface UserContextInterface.getRepository(java.lang.String name)
          Get a repository based on the name.
 RepositoryInterface UserContext.getRepository(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the repository for the specified name.

Methods in with parameters of type RepositoryInterface
 void ProfileInterface.create(MetadataInterface root, UserContextInterface user, RepositoryInterface repos, ProfileDomain pd)
          Create a new profile object in the metadata store.
 void Profile.create(MetadataInterface root, UserContextInterface user, RepositoryInterface repos, ProfileDomain pd)
          Create a new profile object in the metadata store.
 void ProfileInterface.load(MetadataInterface root, UserContextInterface user, RepositoryInterface repos, ProfileDomain pd)
          Load user profile information from a repository.
 void Profile.load(MetadataInterface root, UserContextInterface user, RepositoryInterface repos, ProfileDomain pd)
          Load user profile information from a repository.
 void ProfileInterface.setLoadParameters(MetadataInterface root, UserContextInterface user, RepositoryInterface repos, ProfileDomain pd)
          Set the parameters necessary to load the profile from a backing store.
 void Profile.setLoadParameters(MetadataInterface root, UserContextInterface user, RepositoryInterface repos, ProfileDomain pd)
          Set the parameters necessary to load the profile from a backing store.

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