Foundation |
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Interface Summary | |
AbstractPropertyInterface | |
AccessControlEntryInterface | |
AccessControlTemplateInterface | This is the interface for an AccessControlTemplate object. |
AnalyticTableInterface | |
AssociationPropertyInterface | |
AttachmentInterface | Represents an attachment for a comment |
AttributePropertyInterface | |
AuthorizationBaseInterface | AuthorizationBase provides authorization methods common to protected Object and ACT definition usage. |
AuthorizationExplainedInfoInterface | Interface methods that return attributes from an instance of AuthorizationExplainedInfo. |
AuthorizationInfoInterface | Interface methods that set or get attributes from an instance of AuthorizationInfo. |
AuthorizationInheritanceInfoInterface | Interface methods to get attributes from an instance of AuthorizationInheritanceInfoInterface. |
AuthorizationUtilInterface | Remaining Interface methods for managing authorizations on protected objects. |
ChannelInterface | This interface represents a repository neutral accessor class for an IT Channel entity in a metadata repository. |
ClassifierInterface | |
ColumnContainerInterface | Both indexes and keys represent a somewhat similar data structure in a sense that they both are column container so it make sense to generalize the functionality around the column handling in a base interface and specialize this functionality in the respective Index and keys interfaces. |
ColumnInterface | |
COMConnectionInterface | |
CommentFilterInterface | Provides a mechanism to filter comments. |
CommentInterface | A comment |
ConfigurationXMLTextStoreInterface | |
ConfiguredComponentInterface | |
ConnectionInterface | |
ConnectServerInterface | |
ConnectSpawnerInterface | |
ContentInterface | Manipulation of the actual content of a Content smart object |
ContentSubscriberGroupInterface | This is a generic interface for objects coming out of the repositories that represent groups of content subscribers. |
ContentSubscriberInterface | Package subscriber interface. |
DatabaseCatalogInterface | |
DatabaseSchemaInterface | |
DataStepBatchServerInterface | |
DataTableInterface | |
DataTableRoleInterface | |
DirectoryInterface | This interface represents a repository neutral accessor class for a Directory object in a metadata repository. |
DocumentInterface | This is a simple interface for representing documents that are coming from a metadata repository. |
EmailInterface | |
EmbeddedObjectInterface | |
EventInterface | Event data is persisted as an XML document. |
EventSubscriberGroupInterface | This is a generic interface for objects coming out of the repositories that represent groups of event subscribers. |
EventSubscriberInterface | |
ExtensionInterface | |
ExternalTableInterface | |
FileInterface | |
FilteredFolderInterface | This is a generic interface for interacting with a Folder object. |
FilteredRepositoryInterface | This class represents basically the same thing as a FilteredFolder, except that it's the repository level. |
FolderAdminInterface | The interface used for administrative functions with the SAS Folders tree. |
FolderInterface | This is a generic interface for interacting with a Folder object. |
ForeignKeyInterface | Represents foreign key associated with the relational table |
FtpServerInterface | |
GridMonitoringServerInterface | |
GridServerInterface | |
GroupInterface | This is a generic interface for objects coming out of the repositories that represent groups. |
HostInterface | |
HttpServerInterface | This is a generic interface for interacting with a repository entry that represents an HTTP server of some sort. |
IdentityGroupInterface | |
IdentityInterface | |
IdentityMembershipInterface | Interface methods to return the membership info for an identity |
IndexInterface | Represents Index associated with Physical Table. |
IndirectPermissionInfoInterface | Interface methods for obtaining indirect permission info |
JavaBatchServerInterface | |
KeyAssociationInterface | Each Key association represents a pair of column from the foreign key defining table and the unique Key from the referring table |
LocationInterface | |
LogicalConnectServerInterface | |
LogicalDataStepBatchServerInteface | |
LogicalGridServerInterface | |
LogicalJavaBatchServerInterface | |
LogicalOSServerInterface | |
LogicalServerInterface | This interface is kind of a place holder. |
LoginInterface | This is a generic interface for interacting with a repository entry that represents a login object. |
MessageQueueInterface | Message queue interface. |
MetadataInterface | This is a generic interface for "smart" classes that bridge the gap between disparate repositories. |
MetadataNameConstraint | Allows object types to insert an additional name constraint on objects during upgrade. |
MSMQQueueManagerInterface | |
MultiHostDeployment | Some server public types like stored process server object spawner and workspace servers currently support multiple host deployment. |
MyDocumentsInterface | |
MyInboxInterface | |
MyResultsInterface | |
NoteInterface | |
OperatingSystemServerInterface | |
OracleServerInterface | |
PermissionExplainedInfoInterface | Interface methods for explaining permission source info An PermissionExplainedInfo instance represents ... |
PermissionInfoInterface | Interface methods for setting or obtaining info for a specific Permission. |
PersonalRepositoryInterface | |
PersonInterface | This is a generic interface for interacting with a repository entry that represents a person. |
PhoneNumberInterface | |
PhysicalTableInterface | |
PropertyGroupInterface | |
PropertyInterface | This is a simple interface for representing properties that are coming from a metadata repository. |
PropertySetInterface | |
PrototypeInterface | |
PrototypePropertyInterface | |
QueryClauseInterface | |
QueueManagerInterface | |
RelationalKeyInterface | Represents Unique Key associated with the Relational Table. |
RelationalSchemaInterface | |
RelationalTableInterface | This interface is just a place holder for the table class hierarchy in the meta model. |
RemarksInterface | Remarks are a list of comments, which forms a way of grouping comments on a related topic together. |
RoleInterface | |
RootFolderInterface | |
SASClientConnectionInterface | |
SasInProcessServerInterface | |
SASLibraryInterface | |
ServerComponentInterface | |
ServerContextInterface | |
ServerInterface | This is a generic interface for interacting with a repository entry that represents a server of some sort. |
ServiceTypeInterface | |
ShareServerInterface | |
SoftwareComponentInterface | |
SPDSServerInterface | |
SubscriberInterface | Subscriber interface. |
TableServerInterface | |
TCPIPConnectionInterface | |
TextStoreInterface | A simple interface representing TextStore objects from the metadata store. |
VirtualFolderInterface | Interface used to model a virtual folder contained within the SAS Folders tree. |
WebsphereQueueManagerInterface |
Class Summary | |
AllUsersIdentity | |
AnalyticTableAttributes | |
Application | |
Attachment | Represents an attachment for a comment. |
AuthenticatedIdentity | |
AuthorFilter | |
AuthorizationExplainedInfo | |
AuthorizationInfo | |
AuthorizationInheritanceInfo | Implementation Methods for obtaining inheritance info for an object |
AuthorizationUtil | Methods for managing authorizations on a protected object |
ChannelFilter | Publishing Channel Filter. |
ChannelPathFilter | |
ColumnAttributes | |
Comment | Represents a comment in a discussion thread |
CommentFilter | Provides a mechanism to filter comments. |
Content | Content is an example of a smartobject that surfaces content from the underlying repository entity (DAV is an example a repository where entities have content). |
ContentDestination | The ContentDestination class is a container class that contains the content destination information for a subscriber or channel. |
ContentFilter | |
ContentSubscriberFilter | Filter used to query publishing framework package subscribers. |
DAVAccessControlEntry | Represents a WebDAV Access Control Entry |
DavEvent | A smart object that represents event data stored in a DAV repository. |
DavPerson | DAV Smart object implementation for PersonInterface. |
EventSubscriberFilter | Filter used to query publishing framework event subscribers. |
FilteredFolder | This is a generic interface for interacting with a Folder object. |
FilteredRepository | This class represents basically the same thing as a FilteredFolder, except that it's the repository level. |
Folder | This class implements the FolderInterface. |
FolderUtil | |
GuidFilter | |
HttpServerFilter | |
IdFilter | This is a very specific class used to retrieve an object which the repository identifier is already known. |
IndirectPermissionInfo | |
KeywordFilter | This class extends the Filter class by adding the ability to search by keyword. |
LogicalServerFilter | |
MessageQueueFilter | Filter that may be used to query message queues. |
Metadata | An abstract class to represent objects that can exist in multiple types of repositories. |
MyDocuments | Represents the Documents folder for a person. |
MyInbox | Represents the Inbox folder for a person. |
MyResults | Represents the Inbox folder for a person. |
OMRHost | |
OMRMultiHostDeployedObject | |
OMRSPDSServer | |
PathFilter | |
PathUrl | This class encapsulates the SBIP formatted URL. |
PermissionInfo | |
PersonalRepository | Implements the personal repository. |
PersonFilter | This is a filter class to facilitate searching for Person objects in data stores. |
PhysicalTableAttributes | |
PhysicalTableFilter | |
PropertyIdentity | |
ReferenceIdentity | |
Remarks | Represents a set of comments or discussion thread on a particular topic. |
RemarksFilter | |
RepositoryMetadata | |
SelfIdentity | |
ServerFilter | |
SoftwareComponentAttributes | |
StoredProcessReportFilter | |
SubscriberDeliveryTransports | |
SubscriberFilter | |
UnauthenticatedIdentity | |
VirtualFolder | An implementation of a virtual folder. |
VirtualFolderManager | Manages and creates virtual folders within a repository's System folder. |
VirtualMetadata |
Enum Summary | |
IndirectPermissionInfoInterface.IndirectPermissionSource | indirect Permission source ACTSPECIFICATION : identifies the ACT that supplies the indirect permission GRPMBRSHIP : identifies the UserGroup or Role that supplies the indirect permission INHERITED : the permission comes from an inheritance parent, or Repository ACT Inheritance-specific sources: EXPLICT_ON_PARENT : permission explicitly set on inheritance parent GROUP_ON_PARENT : permission set from IdentityGroup or Role on inheritance parent ACT_ON_PARENT : permission set in ACT on inheritance parent REPOSITORY_DEFAULT_ACT : permission setting comes from Repository Default ACT |
IndirectPermissionInfoInterface.IndirectPermissionType | indirect authorization type |
PropertyValueType | |
UniqueNameValidator.ValidatorContext | Type of name spaces for name validation |
Information Service metadata.
Foundation |
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