***  This interface provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Interface HttpServerInterface

All Superinterfaces:
MetadataInterface, PublicObjectInterface, java.rmi.Remote, ServerInterface, SoftwareComponentInterface

public interface HttpServerInterface
extends ServerInterface

This is a generic interface for interacting with a repository entry that represents an HTTP server of some sort.


Field Summary
          Constant used for the value of the AuthenticationType attribute of a TCPIPConnection to denote the type of authentication for this server.
static java.lang.String NONE_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE
          Constant used for the value of the AuthenticationType attribute of a TCPIPConnection to denote the type of authentication for this server.
          Constant used for the value of the AuthenticationType attribute of a TCPIPConnection to denote the type of authentication for this server.
Fields inherited from interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.MetadataInterface
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAuthenticationType()
          Get the authentication type string for the connection.
 java.util.List getDomains()
          Get a list of the authentication domains that the server is running in.
 java.lang.String getProxyUrl()
          Get the proxy url.
 java.lang.String getUrl()
          Get the url for this HTTP server.
 void setAuthenticationType(java.lang.String authType)
          Set the authentication type string.
 void setProxyUrl(java.lang.String proxyUrl)
          Set the proxy url for this HTTP server.
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.ServerInterface
addComputeTask, addDataPackage, addProperty, addServed, addServer, addServiceType, addSourceConnection, getApplicationProtocol, getClassIdentifier, getComputeTasks, getConnectionProperties, getDataPackages, getDescriptiveComponent, getHost, getInstallationLocation, getIsLicensed, getMachine, getPlatform, getProperties, getProperties, getProperty, getServed, getServers, getServiceTypeObjects, getServiceTypes, getSourceConnections, getTcpPort, removeComputeTask, removeDataPackage, removeProperty, removeServed, removeServer, removeServiceType, removeSourceConnection, setApplicationProtocol, setClassIdentifier, setHost, setInstallationLocation, setIsLicensed, setMachine, setPlatform, setTcpPort
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.SoftwareComponentInterface
addDeployedComponent, addPropertyGroup, addSoftwareGroup, addSoftwareTree, getDependentComponents, getDependsOnComponents, getDeployedComponents, getMajor, getMinor, getPrivateConfigurableProperties, getProductIdentifier, getProductName, getPropertyGroups, getPublicConfigurableProperties, getSoftwareComponentAttributes, getSoftwareGroups, getSoftwareTrees, getSoftwareVersion, getSpecVendor, getSpecVersion, getVendor, getVendorIdentifier, removeDeployedComponent, removePropertyGroup, removeSoftwareGroup, removeSoftwareTree, setDeployedComponents, setMajor, setMinor, setProductIdentifier, setProductName, setPropertyGroups, setSoftwareComponentAttributes, setSoftwareGroups, setSoftwareTrees, setSoftwareVersion, setSpecVendor, setSpecVersion, setVendor, setVendorIdentifier
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.MetadataInterface
add, addAccessControl, addAttribute, addAttributes, addDocument, addExtension, addGroup, addImplementor, addKeyword, addObjectProperty, addObjectProperty, addPermissions, addPrompt, addPropertySet, addRemark, addResponsibleParty, addTransactionListener, addUsedByPrototype, checkin, checkout, commit, copyTo, countAssociatedObjects, delete, deleteAttribute, deleteAttributes, destroy, getAccessControls, getAttribute, getAttributes, getAuthorizationUtil, getCreateDate, getDescription, getDocuments, getEntityKey, getEntityURL, getExtensions, getGroups, getGUID, getIdentities, getImplementors, getKeywords, getLockedBy, getModifyDate, getObjectProperties, getParent, getParentPath, getParents, getPath, getPaths, getPermission, getPermissions, getPermissions, getPreviousVersionNames, getPrimaryPropertyGroup, getPrompt, getPrompts, getPropertyBag, getPropertySets, getRemarksList, getReposId, getRepository, getRepositoryEntity, getRepositoryName, getReposKey, getResponsibleParties, getState, getTrackingId, getType, getUsageVersion, getUsedByPrototypes, getUsingPrototype, getVersion, isAuthorized, isCompatible, isDeleted, isDestroyed, isLoggingEnabled, isObjectAlive, isReadCompatible, logMessage, mapNameToFilesystem, mapUrlToFilesystem, moveTo, newServiceObject, refresh, removeAccessControl, removeDocument, removeExtension, removeGroup, removeImplementor, removeKeyword, removeObjectProperty, removePermissions, removePrompt, removePropertySet, removeResponsibleParty, removeUsedByPrototype, rollback, setAttribute, setAttributes, setDeleted, setDescription, setDocuments, setExtensions, setGroups, setGUID, setKeywords, setName, setObjectProperties, setPermission, setPrimaryPropertyGroup, setPrompt, setPrompts, setRemarksList, setRepository, setUsingPrototype, startTransaction, toByteArray, transactionEvent, uncheckout, update, updateFromBag, version
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.services.information.publicobject.PublicObjectInterface
addProcessorInterface, getContainer, getIdentifier, getName, getObjectURI, getPathUrl, getProcessorInterface, getTypeDescriptor

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String METADATA_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE
Constant used for the value of the AuthenticationType attribute of a TCPIPConnection to denote the type of authentication for this server. This authentication type indicates that the HTTP server is configured to authenticate against the Metadata server. A one time use password should be generated when authenticating to the HTTP server.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String USERPASS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE
Constant used for the value of the AuthenticationType attribute of a TCPIPConnection to denote the type of authentication for this server. This is the default authentication type for any HTTP server. If the authentication type does not match METADATA_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE or NONE_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE, then the default should be USERPASS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE.

The normal usage scenario for this authentication type, is that the username and password used to bind to the HTTP server are obtained from the user context based on the authentication domain of the HTTP server.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String NONE_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE
Constant used for the value of the AuthenticationType attribute of a TCPIPConnection to denote the type of authentication for this server. This authentication types indicates that the HTTP server does not require any authentication so no credentials are needed when binding to the server.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.lang.String getUrl()
                        throws ServiceException,
Get the url for this HTTP server.

The url.
ServiceException - if a service level error occurs.
java.rmi.RemoteException - in the event of remote object failure.


void setProxyUrl(java.lang.String proxyUrl)
                 throws ServiceException,
Set the proxy url for this HTTP server.

proxyUrl - The proxy url.
ServiceException - if a service level error occurs.
java.rmi.RemoteException - in the event of remote object failure.


java.lang.String getProxyUrl()
                             throws ServiceException,
Get the proxy url.

TThe proxy url.
ServiceException - if a service level error occurs.
java.rmi.RemoteException - in the event of remote object failure.


java.util.List getDomains()
                          throws ServiceException,
Get a list of the authentication domains that the server is running in.

Specified by:
getDomains in interface ServerInterface
a List of Strings with the names of the authentication domains the server is running in.
ServiceException - if a service level error occurs.
java.rmi.RemoteException - in the event of remote object failure.


java.lang.String getAuthenticationType()
                                       throws ServiceException,
Get the authentication type string for the connection.

The authentication type string.
ServiceException - If a server error occurs.
java.rmi.RemoteException - In the event of remote object failure.


void setAuthenticationType(java.lang.String authType)
                           throws ServiceException,
Set the authentication type string.

authType - The authentication type string.
ServiceException - If a server error occurs.
java.rmi.RemoteException - In the event of remote object failure.

***  This interface provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

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