***  This class provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

Class DAVPerson

All Implemented Interfaces:
AttributesInterface, DAVEntityInterface, DAVFolderInterface, java.io.Serializable

public class DAVPerson

This class represents a user/person and reflects a collection in the DAV store which acts as an anchor for all the personal folders and personal repository information. For example, a user with userid Joe might have a personal anchor something like http://host:port/Users/Joe. The DAV resource has the SAS resourcetype set to "person"

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.sas.services.information.metadata.dav.DAVEntity
_acl, _descAttribute, _fullUrl, _name, _nameAttribute, _objectClass, _properties, _repos, _reposId, _resource, _schemaProperties, aclList, content, hasBeenFetched, LOCAL, UNSET
Constructor Summary
DAVPerson(com.sas.services.information.RepositoryData entity)
          Creates a new DAVPerson from the information in the entity
DAVPerson(RepositoryInterface repos, java.lang.String reposId)
          Creates a new DAVPerson for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class com.sas.services.information.metadata.dav.DAVFolder
addEntity, createFolder, createFolder, createItem, createItem, getEntities, getItem, getItems, refresh, refresh, setItems
Methods inherited from class com.sas.services.information.metadata.dav.DAVEntity
addAccessControlEntry, addAttribute, addAttributes, addUpdateMultiple, addUpdateSingle, clearLocalLists, commitUpdates, copy, delete, deleteAttribute, deleteAttributes, fetchEntity, getAccessControlList, getACL, getAttribute, getAttributes, getCreateDate, getDAVResource, getDescription, getFolder, getGUID, getModifyDate, getName, getObjectClass, getProperties, getRemarksKeys, getRemoveUpdates, getReposId, getRepository, getSetUpdates, getType, getUpdateableACL, getUrl, getURL, isCollection, isDeleted, isUpdatePending, move, refresh, removeAccessControlEntry, setAccessControls, setACL, setAttribute, setAttributes, setContentClass, setDeleted, setDescription, setGUID, setName, setRemarksKeys, setReposId, setRepository, toString, update
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.dav.DAVEntityInterface
addAccessControlEntry, copy, delete, getAccessControlList, getACL, getCreateDate, getDAVResource, getDescription, getFolder, getGUID, getModifyDate, getName, getProperties, getRemarksKeys, getRemoveUpdates, getReposId, getRepository, getSetUpdates, getType, getUpdateableACL, getUrl, getURL, isCollection, isDeleted, isUpdatePending, move, refresh, removeAccessControlEntry, setACL, setContentClass, setDeleted, setDescription, setGUID, setName, setRemarksKeys, setReposId, update
Methods inherited from interface com.sas.services.information.metadata.dav.AttributesInterface
addAttribute, addAttributes, deleteAttribute, deleteAttributes, getAttribute, getAttributes, setAttribute, setAttributes

Constructor Detail


public DAVPerson(RepositoryInterface repos,
                 java.lang.String reposId)
Creates a new DAVPerson for the entity with a repository id reposId in the repository repos


public DAVPerson(com.sas.services.information.RepositoryData entity)
Creates a new DAVPerson from the information in the entity

***  This class provides Binary Compatibility only, not Source Compatibility  ***

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