SAS Sample Code
title "Stability of Alienation";
title2 "Data Matrix of WHEATON, MUTHEN, ALWIN & SUMMERS (1977)";
data Wheaton(TYPE=COV);
_type_ = 'cov';
input _name_ $ 1-11 Anomie67 Powerless67 Anomie71 Powerless71
Education SEI;
label Anomie67='Anomie (1967)' Powerless67='Powerlessness (1967)'
Anomie71='Anomie (1971)' Powerless71='Powerlessness (1971)'
Education='Education' SEI='Occupational Status Index';
Anomie67 11.834 . . . . .
Powerless67 6.947 9.364 . . . .
Anomie71 6.819 5.091 12.532 . . .
Powerless71 4.783 5.028 7.495 9.986 . .
Education -3.839 -3.889 -3.841 -3.625 9.610 .
SEI -21.899 -18.831 -21.748 -18.775 35.522 450.288
ods html;
ods graphics on;
proc calis nobs=932 data=Wheaton plots=residuals;
Anomie67 Powerless67 <--- Alien67 = 1.0 0.833,
Anomie71 Powerless71 <--- Alien71 = 1.0 0.833,
Education SEI <--- SES = 1.0 lambda,
Alien67 Alien71 <--- SES = gamma1 gamma2,
Alien71 <--- Alien67 = beta;
Anomie67 = theta1,
Powerless67 = theta2,
Anomie71 = theta1,
Powerless71 = theta2,
Education = theta3,
SEI = theta4,
Alien67 = psi1,
Alien71 = psi2,
SES = phi;
Anomie67 Anomie71 = theta5,
Powerless67 Powerless71 = theta5;
ods html close;
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