SAS/ETS® Examples of ODS Graphics

Diagnostic Plots with PROC AUTOREG [View Code]

Figure 1: Panel of Fit Diagnostics Plots

Fit Diagnostics for lnGNP

Figure 2: Plot of Standardized Residuals

Plot of standardized residuals for lnGNP

Figure 3: Plot of Actual and Predicted Values with 95% Lower and Upper Confidence Limits

Plot of actual and predicted values with 95% lower and upper confidence limits

Figure 4: Histogram of Residuals with Normal and Kernel Densities Overlaid

Histogram of residuals for lnGNP with normal and kernel densities overlaid

Figure 5: Plot of Residual White Noise Test Probabilities

Plot of residual white noise test probabilities for lnGNP

Figure 6: Plot of Autocorrelation of Residuals with Two Standard Error Bands

Plot of autocorrelation of residuals for lnGNP with two standard error bands

Figure 7: Plot of Partial Autocorrelation of Residuals with Two Standard Error Bands

Plot of partial autocorrelation of residuals for lnGNP with two standard error bands

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