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Can I use my existing parms files when running Version 1?

Probably not, unless you take the default POOLn parameter by not specifying any POOLn parameters. See the Product Support Manual, "Chapter 5: Buffers and CISIZES," for the default values.

Version 1 uses VSAM data sets for database and S2KPADnn files. Several significant changes were made, so any current POOLn parameters must change.

In addition to the POOLn changes, parameters for any S2KPADnn files changed slightly.

PADnn=x/y and PADnn=YES both mean the same thing. The values for x and y are ignored. The values only had meaning when the S2KPADnn was a multi-volume file. For Version 1, all S2KPADnn files are VSAM. All 123 extents of multiple volumes that can be used will be used (as long as the volume has enough space available). Internally, SYSTEM 2000 dynamically expands control blocks as more extents are acquired.

If you allow SYSTEM 2000 to dynamically allocate S2KPADnn files, two additional changes are required: PADVOL is required to specify a specific volume, and the PADUNIT parameter is no longer needed or accepted. For non-TSO sessions, the PREFIX parameter is required to create a valid DSN that can be cataloged. SYSTEM 2000 ensures the DSN is unique by adding a suffix of .TEMP1, .TEMP2, etc., and deletes and uncatalogs the DSN at termination time.

If you have an invalid parm in your S2KPARMS file SYSTEM 2000 terminates with a user abend 101.