
SAS Technical Papers » SAS Web Analytics Software

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Date Title
March 2011 Session Attribution in SAS Web Analytics (PDF)
In SAS Web Analytics 5.4, the data model is extended to include tables for session attribution and origination information. This paper describes session origination types and how you can customize origination classification rules.
March 2011 Creating Custom Profiles in SAS Web Analytics (PDF)
Profiles are business rules that are used to group visits to a Web site for reporting purposes. These business rules can include pages viewed, the type of site the visitor came from, or whether a user completed a form. This paper shows you how to create a custom set of profiles by using the Origination_Dim table.
June 2010 Creating Reports Using SAS Web Analytics Aggregates and SAS Information Maps (PDF)
SAS Web Analytics provides out of the box reports that use SAS Web Report Studio. These reports use a set of information maps, which can also be used to create other reports and SAS BI Dashboards. This paper outlines the process for creating a report that showcases visitors’ searches and corresponding traffic for a Web site.