
Problem Note 60124: SAS® Visual Analytics autoload fails with the error "No matching SASLibrary objects found"

DetailsAboutRate It

SAS Visual Analytics provides the autoload feature to load a desired set of tables to a SAS® LASR™ Analytic Server on a regular basis. The logs for the autoload process are written to the Logs directory inside the autoload scripts directory (for example, /opt/sas/config/Lev1/Applications/SASVisualAnalytics/VisualAnalyticsAdministrator/VALIBLA/Logs).  

One of the most common autoload failures presents the following errors in the autoload logs:

No matching SASLibrary objects found. (RC=-4 )
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory MISSING does not exist.
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory MISSING/Logs does not exist.
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory MISSING/Append does not exist.
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory MISSING/Unload does not exist.
ERROR: LASR Auto Load directory validation failed.
ERROR: Ensure that connection to metadata server is configured properly
ERROR: and that the proper autoload folder structure exists.

Resolving the Problem 

The most common cause for this problem is that the OS user running the autoload job is not associated with a SAS metadata user. Ensure that a SAS metadata user is associated with the autoload OS user and that the metadata user has the correct metadata permissions to perform tasks such as loading tables to LASR.

For more information about autoload, see "Autoload" in Chapter 2 of the SAS Visual Analytics: Administration Guide.  For more information about required metadata permissions, see "Permissions by Task" in Chapter 3 of the SAS Visual Analytics: Administration Guide.  Here are links to four versions of the guide:

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Visual AnalyticsLinux for x64
Microsoft® Windows® for x64
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.