SAS® Real-Time Watchlist Screening

SAS Real-Time Watchlist Screening for Entities and SAS Real-Time Watchlist Screening for Payments provide real-time and batch processing capabilities to perform watchlist screening. They seamlessly integrate with an industry-leading, third-party screening engine to ensure a highly efficient and robust watchlist screening experience.

The name screening capabilities in SAS Real-Time Watchlist Screening for Entities and the payment screening capabilities in SAS Real-Time Watchlist Screening for Payments are complimented with the ability to tune screening parameters and integrate customer-specific allow lists and deny lists. Screening is processed using REST API or Kafka integration and is fully audited to meet your regulatory needs.

The most recent releases are SAS Real-Time Watchlist Screening for Entities and SAS Real-Time Watchlist Screening for Payments on the SAS Viya platform.


Find user's guides and other technical documentation for SAS Real-Time Watchlist Screening.

SAS Real-Time Watchlist Screening

Both SAS Real-Time Watchlist Screening for Entities and SAS Real-Time Watchlist Screening for Payments are built on the SAS Detection Architecture and SAS Business Orchestration Services.