Saurabh Gupta
Director, Analytics Products, SAS

During his tenure with SAS, Saurabh has overseen and driven product strategy for the Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Retail solutions portfolios. Saurabh graduated with a PhD in Operations Management from The University of Texas at Austin. He has since devoted more than 19 years to specializing in large-scale systems analysis, design, and implementation in areas such as price optimization, supply chain management, and demand management. As a true advocate for leveraging his knowledge and skills to solve customer pain points, his work has received recognition from the journals of: Management Science and Production and Operations Management.

By This Author

Artificial Intelligence with SAS®: Special Collection 

Foreword by Saurabh Gupta

Today, powerful AI is augmenting analytics in every area, and helping to maximize the value of the analytic tools and solutions that SAS has been championing for the last 42 years.

We have carefully selected a handful of groundbreaking papers from recent SAS Global Forum papers which illustrate how SAS is adding capabilities to our tools and solutions that help customers build their own AI solutions; and examples of AI solutions using our tools.