The LOGISTIC Procedure

FREQ Statement
FREQ variable ;

The FREQ statement identifies a variable that contains the frequency of occurrence of each observation. PROC LOGISTIC treats each observation as if it appears times, where is the value of the FREQ variable for the observation. If it is not an integer, the frequency value is truncated to an integer. If the frequency value is less than 1 or missing, the observation is not used in the model fitting. When the FREQ statement is not specified, each observation is assigned a frequency of 1. If you specify more than one FREQ statement, then the first statement is used.

If a SCORE statement is specified, then the FREQ variable is used for computing fit statistics and the ROC curve, but they are not required for scoring. If the DATA= data set in the SCORE statement does not contain the FREQ variable, the frequency values are assumed to be 1 and a warning message is issued in the LOG. If you fit a model and perform the scoring in the same run, the same FREQ variable is used for fitting and scoring. If you fit a model in a previous run and input it with the INMODEL= option in the current run, then the FREQ variable can be different from the one used in the previous run. However, if a FREQ variable was not specified in the previous run, you can still specify a FREQ variable in the current run.