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The LOGISTIC Procedure


EFFECTPLOT <plot-type <(plot-definition-options)>> </ options> ;

The EFFECTPLOT statement produces a display of the fitted model and provides options for changing and enhancing the displays. Table 51.3 describes the available plot-types and their plot-definition-options.

Table 51.3 Plot-Types and Plot-Definition-Options



BOX plot-type

Displays a box plot of continuous response data at each level of a CLASS effect, with predicted values superimposed and connected by a line. This is an alternative to the INTERACTION plot-type.

PLOTBY= variable or CLASS effect
X= CLASS variable or effect

CONTOUR plot-type

Displays a contour plot of predicted values against two continuous covariates.

PLOTBY= variable or CLASS effect
X= continuous variable
Y= continuous variable

FIT plot-type

Displays a curve of predicted values versus a continuous variable.

PLOTBY= variable or CLASS effect
X= continuous variable


Displays a plot of predicted values (possibly with error bars) versus the levels of a CLASS effect. The predicted values are connected with lines and can be grouped by the levels of another CLASS effect.

PLOTBY= variable or CLASS effect
SLICEBY= variable or CLASS effect
X= CLASS variable or effect

SLICEFIT plot-type

Displays a curve of predicted values versus a continuous variable grouped by the levels of a CLASS effect.

PLOTBY= variable or CLASS effect
SLICEBY= variable or CLASS effect
X= continuous variable

For full details about the syntax and options of the EFFECTPLOT statement, see the section EFFECTPLOT Statement of Chapter 19, Shared Concepts and Topics.

See Outputs 51.2.11, 51.2.12, 51.3.5, 51.4.8, 51.7.4, and 51.15.4 for examples of plots produced by this statement.

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