Functional List of SPD Server Macro Variables

The following table lists the macro variables by their purpose.
Macro Variables by Purpose
Macro Variable
Affect disk space
Specifies the amount of growth space, sized in bytes, to be added to a compressed data block.
Compresses SPD Server tables that are stored on disk.
Specifies whether to create indexes in parallel when creating multiple indexes on an SPD Server table.
Specifies the size of an SPD Server table partition.
Affect sorts
Specifies the output order of table rows that have identical values in the BY column.
Configures SPD Server's sorting behavior when it encounters a BY-clause and there is no index available.
Suppresses index use for BY sorts.
Specifies whether to use non-tagged or tagged sorting for PROC SORT or BY processing.
Affect WHERE clause evaluations
Specifies the number of threads that you want to use during WHERE clause evaluations.
Specifies whether data returned from SPD Server WHERE clause evaluations should be in strict row order.
Specifies whether the data returned from WHERE clause evaluations should be in strict row order.
Specifies whether the WHERE clause planner WHINIT, when evaluating a WHERE expression, should display a summary of the execution plan.
Specifies whether to perform segment candidate pre-evaluation when performing WHERE clause processing with indexes.
Specifies whether to use the table's indexes when processing WHERE clauses.
Specifies whether to use dynamic WHERE clause costing.
Overrides WHERE clause costing and forces a global EVAL3 or EVAL4 strategy.
Client and server on same UNIX machine
Specifies to compress the data when sending a data packet through the network.
Enhance performance
Affects the SAS SQL planner when joining a SAS table with an indexed SPD Server table.
Sizes buffers in server memory for the network data packet.
Handle duplicates
Specifies whether to cancel an append or insert to a table. Use this macro variable if the table has a unique index and the new rows would violate the index uniqueness.
Specifies whether SPD Server appends tables by transferring a single row at a time synchronously, or by transferring multiple rows asynchronously (block row appends).
Specifies whether to save rows with nonunique (rejected) keys to a separate SAS table.
Specifies whether to include SQL implicit pass-through code or error messages in the SPD Server log.
Specifies to make a secure sockets connection to SPD Server.
Miscellaneous function
Specifies how SPD Server responds to network disconnects during SQL explicit pass-through EXECUTE() statements.
Specifies the number of the last row for a user-defined range that you want to process in a table.
Specifies whether you want to retain table data if the SPD Server table creation process terminates abnormally.
Assigns an SPD Server host name.
Specifies an SQL reset option in implicit pass-through.
Specifies the number of the starting row in a user-defined range of a table
Specifies that PROC CONTENTS output include details about compressed blocks, data partition size, and indexes.
Last updated: February 8, 2017