SPDSEINT Macro Variable

Specifies how SPD Server responds to network disconnects during SQL explicit pass-through EXECUTE() statements.

Valid in: SPD Server
Default: YES
Restriction: Assignments for macro variables with character input (for example, YES | NO | BINARY arguments) must be entered in uppercase (capitalized).



Required Arguments


interrupts SQL processing by default when a network failure occurs.


configures the server's SQL processor to continue processing until completion regardless of network disconnects.


The server’s SQL processor interrupts SQL processing by default when a network failure occurs. The interruption prematurely terminates the EXECUTE() statement. Setting SPDSEINT=NO configures the server's SQL processor to continue processing until completion regardless of network disconnects.
Use the macro variable setting SPDSEINT=NO carefully!
A runaway EXECUTE() statement requires a privileged system user on the server machine to kill the server SQL proxy process. This is the only way to stop the processing.
Last updated: February 8, 2017