SPDSCMPF Macro Variable

Specifies the amount of growth space, sized in bytes, to be added to a compressed data block.

Valid in: SPD Server
Default: 0 bytes



Required Argument


the number of bytes to add.


Updating rows in compressed tables can increase the size of a given table block. Additional space is required in order for the block to be written back to disk. When contiguous space is not available on the hard drive, a new block fragment stores the excess, updated quantity. Over time, the table will experience block fragmentation.
When opening compressed tables for OUTPUT or UPDATE, you can use the SPDSCMPF macro variable to anticipate growth space for the table blocks. If you estimate correctly, you can greatly reduce block fragmentation in the table.
Note: SPD Server table metadata does not retain compression buffer or growth space settings.
Last updated: February 8, 2017