SPDSIRAT Macro Variable

Specifies whether to perform segment candidate pre-evaluation when performing WHERE clause processing with indexes.

Valid in: SPD Server
Interaction: Corresponding server parameter option is MAXSEGRATIO=.




When using indexes, WHERE-based queries pre-evaluate segments. The segments are scanned for candidates that match one or more predicates in the WHERE clause. The candidate segments that are identified during the pre-evaluation are queried in subsequent logic to evaluate the WHERE clause. Eliminating the non-candidate segments from the WHERE clause evaluation generally results in substantial performance gains.
Some queries can benefit by limiting the pre-evaluation phase. SPD Server imposes the limit based on a ratio: the number of segments that contain candidates compared to the total number of segments in the table. The reason for this is simple. If the predicate has candidates in a high percentage of the segments, the pre-evaluation work is largely wasted.
The ratio formed by dividing the number of segments that contain candidates by the number of total segments is compared to a cutoff point. The segment ratio is greater than the value assigned to the cutoff point. The extra processing required to perform pre-evaluation outweighs any potential process savings that might be gained through the predicate pre-evaluation. The server calculates the ratio for a given predicate and compares the ratio to the SPDSIRAT value, which acts as the cutoff point. If the calculated ratio is less than or equal to the SPDSIRAT value, pre-evaluation is performed. If the calculated ratio is greater than the SPDSIRAT value, pre-evaluation is skipped, and every segment is a candidate for the WHERE clause.
Use the global server parameter MAXSEGRATIO to set the default cutoff value. The default MAXSEGRATIO should provide good performance. Certain specific query situations might justify modifying your SPDSIRAT value. When you modify your SPDSIRAT value, the new value overrides the default value established by MAXSEGRATIO.


Configure SPD Server to perform a pre-evaluation phase for WHERE clause processing with hybrid indexes if the candidates are in 65% or less of the segments.
%let SPDSIRAT=65; 

See Also

Last updated: February 8, 2017