PRINT Procedure

Example 9: Printing All the Data Sets in a SAS Library


Macro facility

DATASETS procedure

PRINT procedure

Data sets: PROCLIB.DELAY and

PROCLIB.INTERNAT from the Raw Data and DATA Steps appendix


This example prints all the data sets in a SAS library. You can use the same programming logic with any procedure. Just replace the PROC PRINT step near the end of the example with whatever procedure step you want to execute. The example uses the macro language. For details about the macro language, see SAS Macro Language: Reference.

Program: Printing All of the Data Sets in a Library

libname printlib 'SAS-data-library';
libname proclib 'SAS-data-library';
options nodate pageno=1;
proc datasets library=proclib memtype=data nolist;
   copy out=printlib;
      select delay internat;
%macro printall(libname,worklib=work);
   %local num i;
   proc datasets library=&libname memtype=data nodetails;
      contents out=&worklib..temp1(keep=memname) data=_all_ noprint;
   data _null_;
      set &worklib..temp1 end=final;
      by memname notsorted;
      if last.memname;
      call symput('ds'||left(put(n,8.)),trim(memname));
      if final then call symput('num',put(n,8.));
   %do i=1 %to #
      proc print data=&libname..&&ds&i noobs;
         title "Data Set &libname..&&ds&i";
%mend printall;
options nodate pageno=1 linesize=70 pagesize=60;

Program Description

libname printlib 'SAS-data-library';
libname proclib 'SAS-data-library';
options nodate pageno=1;
Copy the desired data sets from the WORK library to a permanent library. PROC DATASETS copies two data sets from the WORK library to the PRINTLIB library in order to limit the number of data sets available to the example.
proc datasets library=proclib memtype=data nolist;
   copy out=printlib;
      select delay internat;
Create a macro and specify the parameters. The %MACRO statement creates the macro PRINTALL. When you call the macro, you can pass one or two parameters to it. The first parameter is the name of the library whose data set you want to print. The second parameter is a library used by the macro. If you do not specify this parameter, the WORK library is the default.
%macro printall(libname,worklib=work);
Create the local macro variables. The %LOCAL statement creates two local macro variables, NUM and I, to use in a loop.
   %local num i;
Produce an output data set. This PROC DATASETS step reads the library that you specify as a parameter when you invoke the macro. The CONTENTS statement produces an output data set called TEMP1 in WORKLIB. This data set contains an observation for each variable in each data set in the library LIBNAME. By default, each observation includes the name of the data set that the variable is included in as well as other information about the variable. However, the KEEP= data set option writes only the name of the data set to TEMP1.
   proc datasets library=&libname memtype=data nodetails;
      contents out=&worklib..temp1(keep=memname) data=_all_ noprint;
Specify the unique values in the data set, assign a macro variable to each one, and assign DATA step information to a macro variable. This DATA step increments the value of N each time it reads the last occurrence of a data set name (when IF LAST.MEMNAME is true). The CALL SYMPUT statement uses the current value of N to create a macro variable for each unique value of MEMNAME in the data set TEMP1. The TRIM function removes extra blanks in the TITLE statement in the PROC PRINT step that follows.
   data _null_;
      set &worklib..temp1 end=final;
      by memname notsorted;
      if last.memname;
      call symput('ds'||left(put(n,8.)),trim(memname));
When it reads the last observation in the data set (when FINAL is true), the DATA step assigns the value of N to the macro variable NUM. At this point in the program, the value of N is the number of observations in the data set.
      if final then call symput('num',put(n,8.));
Run the DATA step. The RUN statement is crucial. It forces the DATA step to run, thus creating the macro variables that are used in the CALL SYMPUT statements before the %DO loop, which uses them, executes.
Print the data sets and end the macro. The %DO loop issues a PROC PRINT step for each data set. The %MEND statement ends the macro.
   %do i=1 %to #
      proc print data=&libname..&&ds&i noobs;
         title "Data Set &libname..&&ds&i";
%mend printall;
Print all the data sets in the PRINTLIB library. This invocation of the PRINTALL macro prints all the data sets in the library PRINTLIB.
options nodate pageno=1 linesize=70 pagesize=60;

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