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The NLPC Nonlinear Optimization Solver

Example 12.1 Least Squares Problem

Although the current release of the NLPC solver does not implement techniques specialized for least squares problems, this example illustrates how the NLPC solver can solve least squares problems by using general nonlinear optimization techniques. The following Bard function (see Moré, Garbow, and Hillstrom; 1981) is a least squares problem with parameters and residual functions :




with , , , and


The minimum function value E–3 is at the point . The starting point is used.

You can use the following SAS code to formulate and solve this least squares problem:

proc optmodel;
   set S = 1..15;
   number u{k in S} = k;
   number v{k in S} = 16 - k;
   number w{k in S} = min(u[k], v[k]);
   number y{S} = [ .14 .18 .22 .25 .29 .32 .35 .39 .37 .58
                   .73 .96 1.34 2.10 4.39 ];
   var x{1..3} init 1;
   min f = 0.5*sum{k in S} ( y[k] -
             ( x[1] + u[k]/(v[k]*x[2] + w[k]*x[3]) )
   solve with nlpc / printfreq=1;
   print x;

A problem summary is displayed in Output 12.1.1. Since there is no explicit optimization technique specified (using the TECH= option), the default algorithm of the trust region method is used. Output 12.1.2 displays the iteration log. The solution summary and the solution are shown in Output 12.1.3.

Output 12.1.1 Least Squares Problem Solved with TRUREG: Problem Summary
Problem Summary
Objective Sense Minimization
Objective Function f
Objective Type Nonlinear
Number of Variables 3
Bounded Above 0
Bounded Below 0
Bounded Below and Above 0
Free 3
Fixed 0
Number of Constraints 0

Output 12.1.2 Least Squares Problem Solved with TRUREG: Iteration Log
Iteration Log: Trust Region Method
Iter Function
0 0 20.8408 1.2445 .
1 1 2.8333 2.7031 1.000
2 2 0.6302 2.3180 0.989
3 3 0.1077 0.7732 0.998
4 4 0.009011 0.1396 1.007
5 5 0.004134 0.0125 1.042
6 6 0.004107 0.0000805 0.199
7 7 0.004107 4.3523E-8 0.0207

Note: Optimality criteria (ABSOPTTOL=0.001, OPTTOL=1E-6) are satisfied.

Output 12.1.3 Least Squares Problem Solved with TRUREG: Solution
Solution Summary
Solver NLPC/Trust Region
Objective Function f
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 0.0041074387
Iterations 7
Absolute Optimality Error 4.3523352E-8
Relative Optimality Error 4.3523352E-8
Absolute Infeasibility 0
Relative Infeasibility 0

[1] x
1 0.082411
2 1.133036
3 2.343696

Alternatively, you can specify the Newton-type method with line search by using the following statement:

solve with nlpc / tech=newtyp printfreq=1;

You get the output for the NEWTYP method as shown in Output 12.1.4 and Output 12.1.5.

Output 12.1.4 Least Squares Problem Solved with NEWTYP: Iteration Log
Iteration Log: Newton-Type Method with Line Search
Iter Function
Slope of
0 0 20.8408 1.2445 . .
1 1 2.2590 2.6880 1.000 -35.485
2 2 0.6235 2.3158 1.000 -2.577
3 3 0.1116 0.7488 1.000 -0.831
4 4 0.0115 0.1703 1.000 -0.172
5 5 0.004188 0.0167 1.000 -0.0136
6 6 0.004109 0.000427 1.000 -0.0002
7 7 0.004109 0.0000637 1.000 -578E-9
8 8 0.004108 0.0000352 1.000 -95E-8
9 9 0.004107 8.7568E-6 1.000 -52E-8
10 10 0.004107 1.1411E-6 1.000 -33E-9
11 11 0.004107 8.2006E-8 1.000 -63E-11

Note: Optimality criteria (ABSOPTTOL=0.001, OPTTOL=1E-6) are satisfied.

Output 12.1.5 Least Squares Problem Solved with NEWTYP: Solution
Solution Summary
Solver NLPC/Newton-Type
Objective Function f
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 0.0041074387
Iterations 11
Absolute Optimality Error 8.2005646E-8
Relative Optimality Error 8.2005646E-8
Absolute Infeasibility 0
Relative Infeasibility 0

[1] x
1 0.082411
2 1.133059
3 2.343674

You can also select the conjugate gradient method as follows:

solve with nlpc / tech=congra printfreq=2;

Note that the PRINTFREQ= option was used to reduce the number of rows in the iteration log. As Output 12.1.6 shows, only every other iteration is displayed. Output 12.1.7 gives a summary of the solution and prints the solution.

Output 12.1.6 Least Squares Problem Solved with CONGRA: Iteration Log
Iteration Log: Conjugate Gradient Method
Iter Function
Slope of
0 0 20.8408 1.2445 . . 0
2 4 0.7199 1.1503 0.108 -11.045 1
4 10 0.0119 0.4362 0.150 -0.0010 2
6 14 0.004903 0.008169 35.849 -0.0001 3
8 19 0.004788 0.0819 22.628 -0.0001 4
10 24 0.004233 0.0436 0.679 -0.0034 6
12 28 0.004201 0.0191 0.345 -0.0001 7
14 32 0.004166 0.0161 20.000 -129E-7 8
16 36 0.004160 0.003508 0.112 -205E-8 9
18 40 0.004108 0.001920 9.125 -108E-7 10
20 44 0.004108 0.000637 2.000 -178E-9 12
22 48 0.004107 0.000581 0.291 -245E-9 13
24 52 0.004107 2.5337E-6 2.000 -62E-13 14
25 54 0.004107 7.4262E-8 0.142 -15E-12 14

Note: Optimality criteria (ABSOPTTOL=0.001, OPTTOL=1E-6) are satisfied.

Output 12.1.7 Least Squares Problem Solved with CONGRA: Solution
Solution Summary
Solver NLPC/Conjugate Gradient
Objective Function f
Solution Status Optimal
Objective Value 0.0041074387
Iterations 25
Absolute Optimality Error 7.4261565E-8
Relative Optimality Error 7.4261565E-8
Absolute Infeasibility 0
Relative Infeasibility 0

[1] x
1 0.082411
2 1.133038
3 2.343693

Although the number of iterations required for each optimization technique to converge varies, all three techniques produce the identical solution, given the same starting point.

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