TEMPLATE Procedure: Creating Markup Language Tagsets

NEXT Statement

Specifies to increase a dictionary or list variable incrementally to the next value and to repopulate the event variables _VALUE_ and _NAME_ as appropriate.
Requirement: Use the NEXT statement with the ITERATE statement.
See: _VALUE_ and _NAME_ in Data Variables.


Required Arguments

specifies a dictionary variable that is designated as an iterator by the ITERATE statement.
Requirement:dictionary-variable must be preceded by the “$” symbol.
Tip:User-defined variables are not case sensitive.

The EVAL Statement or the SET Statement for information about dictionary variables

specifies a list variable that is designated as an iterator by the ITERATE statement.
Requirement:list-variable must be preceded by the “$” symbol.
Tip:User-defined variables are not case sensitive.

The EVAL Statement or the SET Statement for information about list variables

Optional Argument

specifies one or more conditions that must be true for the event statement to execute.
Requirement:event-statement-condition(s) must be preceded by a slash (/).
See:For information about these conditions, see Event Statement Conditions.