A staging transformation
generates a SAS program that loads raw data into staged tables. Before
loading raw performance data into staged tables, the staging transformation
performs the processing that is necessary to create a SAS program
that converts the raw data into standardized, normalized values. For
example, the staging transformation might perform the following functions:
provide code that supports the
input of single files, directories, or databases
detect and handle duplicate data
normalize measurement units
generate computed columns from
the input data
When a staging transformation
is executed by a job in SAS IT Resource Management, the SAS program
accesses the parameters that are specified in the staging transformation
and the metadata for the staged table that it is to populate. The
SAS program uses this information to populate the staged table that
can be used as input to an Aggregation transformation or other transformations.
Every time a staging transformation is executed, any existing data
in the staged table is removed, and the new data is loaded.
You can also modify
a staging transformation to include additional staged tables that
are supported by a given adapter. This feature is accessed from the
Properties dialog
box of the staging transformation. The feature enables the system
to process data from various staged tables for a given data source
via the same staging transformations and aggregations.
For more information
about aggregations, see Working with Aggregation Transformations.
SAS IT Resource Management
provides a unique staging transformation for each adapter that it
supports. The staging transformations that are supplied for each adapter
are available in the SAS IT Resource Management
of the Transformations tree view of SAS IT
Resource Management, as shown in the following display. (Other SAS
IT Resource Management transformations are also in this list, such
as Aggregation, Exception, Information Map, and Performance Report.)