SGPANEL Procedure

Example 4: Creating a Panel of Line Charts


VLINE statement

Sample library member: SGPNLIN
This example shows a panel of line plots with grouped data.


Panel of Line Plots


proc sgpanel data=sashelp.prdsale;
  where product in ("CHAIR" "SOFA");
  title "Yearly Sales by Product";
  panelby year / spacing=5 novarname;
  vline month / response=actual group=product;

Program Description

Create the panel and specify a title.
proc sgpanel data=sashelp.prdsale;
  where product in ("CHAIR" "SOFA");
  title "Yearly Sales by Product";
Specify the classification variable for the panel. The SPACING= option specifies the number of pixels between the panels in the plot. The NOVARNAME option specifies that the classification variable name is not shown in the headings for each cell.
  panelby year / spacing=5 novarname;
Create the vertical line plot. The RESPONSE= option specifies the response variable. The GROUP= option specifies the group variable.
  vline month / response=actual group=product;
Cancel the title.